The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This is what I meant a day or so ago...this twerp sure seems like he doesn't want to be here and hopes he's not chosen so WHY is he going to such stupid lengths to pretend he has no opinion and doesn't know anything about the case???

I think it's the politically correct thing to do, to say how unbiased you are and how open-minded you are. I hate that. I hate political correctness in any form as it is but this is so odd to me...the way the aura of this case has enveloped everyone not directly involved in it. It's like some sort of massive fog is over everyone and no one can express themselves because it's just not proper or something. LOL

Am I crazy?
Nope, that's exactly what they're doing, hence I want to yell FOUL! at this whole exercise in "unfairness". This is just all bull. It's an impossible situation.
I listened to the Anthony case jury selection and people had no problem coming forward and saying, Yup, I think she's guilty. What gives with this case?
Clearly NOT a defense juror.

He's snippy and snide. Kudos to West for keeping his cool. I couldn't do that. I just want to tell this kid, "Hey, just answer the questions you little twerp. Leave the attitude outside cuz you sound like a fool."

Yep...he would not get along with other male jurors. Hes an alpha male wanna be. He runs a restaurant, has lots of family and friends...yet everyone either knows "not much" about the case or they all withhold judgment until all of the evidence is

That must make for some very boring dinner conversations, buddy!
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I listened to the Anthony case jury selection and people had no problem coming forward and saying, Yup, I think she's guilty. What gives with this case?

Biggest most covered trial - ever
President saying TM could be his son
Federal investigation on hate crime
Spike Lee

Should I go on? :)
I wonder if another venue in FL would be any better? Guess better than this, but the hoodie rallies were held all over the US.

This guy is a snot. Let. Him. Go. ugh

Is hoodie rallies code for ****** rallies?

Don't be a dick. During many of the rallies people wore hoodies ALL the people in the rallies and marches. They were called "hoodie rallies".

That wasn't code for anything- that's all on you.

I understand. You were talking about those people.
This is what I meant a day or so ago...this twerp sure seems like he doesn't want to be here and hopes he's not chosen so WHY is he going to such stupid lengths to pretend he has no opinion and doesn't know anything about the case???

I think it's the politically correct thing to do, to say how unbiased you are and how open-minded you are. I hate that. I hate political correctness in any form as it is but this is so odd to me...the way the aura of this case has enveloped everyone not directly involved in it. It's like some sort of massive fog is over everyone and no one can express themselves because it's just not proper or something. LOL

Am I crazy?

Nail on the head! I disagree on his want to be on the jury...I think he wants it bad...he is very proud of himself.
I listened to the Anthony case jury selection and people had no problem coming forward and saying, Yup, I think she's guilty. What gives with this case?

Biggest most covered trial - ever
President saying TM could be his son
Federal investigation on hate crime
Spike Lee

Should I go on? :)

Yep...there is only one side bringing race into it...Martins side. They dont need to, but they are. Funny how hoodies are suggested to be racist and apply to blacks...yet Ive only heard the defense accuse of to them hoodies means
25 - how could he have that attitude and think he would be chosen? I think he just wanted to have his customers all hear him on TV. Stupid ignorant fellow, he.

Tess - This is unbelievable! There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, the question is whether than can set is aside and base their verdict solely on the evidence presented in court. People know this. They're in a politically correct fog in a place called Bizarroland.
In this day and age of e communications it is riddiculious to assume that there are people who have not heard about this case.

Actually, if they do happen to pick a jury of people who know nothing about it, then they would have to be the dumbest morons on the planet.

Oh, I don't know. During the whole OJ debacle, I made a concerted effort to avoid all coverage and discussion of the damned thing, and to know nothing about it, because I didn't WANT to know.

So it's possible to do, if you work at it.
[MENTION=43922]millyvanilly[/MENTION] - are you here?

Perry Mason moment? Jump in anytime.

Yes, I am here but at the moment I am still trying to catch up after being out all day.

Hey too...catching up....this is gonna be a fun one...we will enjoy it...and we will solve this case too you just wait and see and help too....right testy?

Hey 25! I refuse to get invested into any other trial as much as I was into the 3 hole wonder's trial. That happened when it was too freaking cold and storming out to do anything else! lol
Plus, it seems when I am sitting at the computer, there is some kind of food sitting by the desk; I don't know how that happens... but I put on 5 pounds during that trial.

Not happening again!
"People who are protesting that the government is doing something wrong are usually being annoying"

Well that puts me squarely in the annoying corner. lol
25 - how could he have that attitude and think he would be chosen? I think he just wanted to have his customers all hear him on TV. Stupid ignorant fellow, he.

Tess - This is unbelievable! There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, the question is whether than can set is aside and base their verdict solely on the evidence presented in court. People know this. They're in a politically correct fog in a place called Bizarroland.

Just speculation on my sounds like he was being hyped up by friends and family that he could be on the jury....then his politically correct answers. Yeah, he has an attitude, but he doesnt know how he comes off...he thinks he aced the test.

If I got called for jury duty for this case and the lawyer asked me:

Lawyer: Have you heard anything about this case?

Me: Yes

Lawyer: Could you tell us what you know about it?

Me: Do you have about 20 minutes for an answer?​

Now see this guy is totally different...I could have a beer with this guy. No ego and kind of with answers and seems honest to me. I bet hes a funny dude, too.

If I got called for jury duty for this case and the lawyer asked me:

Lawyer: Have you heard anything about this case?

Me: Yes

Lawyer: Could you tell us what you know about it?

Me: Do you have about 20 minutes for an answer?​


Id want you on the jury. You would be a good one, imo. I would just hope that you were on my
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