The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.

OK so your view is the overweight Zimmerman ran after and caught up to the high school football star Martin and the confrontation proceeded from there, right?

What are you smoking to believe such crap??
The problem is we have no evidence that GZ struck him whatsoever. we do have overwhelming evidence that Trayvon was hitting GZ.

Could Zimmerman have started the incident? yes. but we have no evidence that that is the case.

I've never said otherwise. I'm just pointing out that many here state TM struck GZ first as fact when that will never be proven true. The only person that knows is GZ and he is a known liar. Again, not saying who struck first as I have no idea who did so, unlike many here who were apparently witnesses to the fight.

actually the autopsy showed Martin to only have abrasions on his knuckles and the gun shot wound which would concur, due to Zimmermans injuries, with Martin's hitting Zimmerman.

A person doesn't necessarily have to have bruised knuckles in a fight.
Also, depending on a timeline between the hitting and the gun shot and dying, there may not have been enough time to have the bruising develop....just saying
During closing arguments of Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial in the February, 26, 2012, shooting death of the 17-year-old Florida teen, prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda repeatedly played -- and picked apart -- what the defendant had said in interviews with police and media about that night.

Prosecution uses Zimmerman's own words against him -

WTF? They chose a jury that was supposedly untainted by the media, then allowed the prosecution to read media accounts to them.

De la Rionda played in court excerpts of interviews Zimmerman had given to police and in the media, then picked them apart.

How do you get "the prosecution read media accounts to the jurors" out of that.

The jury got to hear Zimmerman's OWN WORDS. WTF is wrong with that? Seems relevant to me.

It is testimony.
There is zero evidence to suggest Zimmerman was hit first. NONE.

Were you hit with the stupid stick as a child?

If you didn't see his injuries (significant or not) you are blind.

I never said he wasn't hit, dumdum. He certainly had injuries. It is possible for him to start the altercation and to get hit after doing so. Critical thinking is a skill.

You know, if he had hit had tried Martin first, he would have missed. His trainer told the court he didn't know how to punch!

Well, I guess you're still being hit by the stupid stick as we speak. Right square in the face.
TM did not have the right to throw the first punch. No one ever does have a right to throw the first punch. There is only one person alive who can say how it got physical and his version of events is supported by physical and forensic evidence. Once hit, Zimmerman has the right to defend himself. It all supports reasonable doubt and therefore acquittal.

There is zero evidence to suggest Zimmerman was hit first. NONE.
Problem with your post is that the prosecution has to have evidence that Zimmerman hit first, and they have no evidence of that.
Yea, this case will not be decided on speculation, and emotion; it will be decided on the facts, and the law.
I didn't move the goalposts, I answered your question. There is no evidence Zimmerman was walking away from Martin.

If you are claiming that Martin was standing his ground you have to start by proving that Zimmerman attacked Martin. Can you do that?
He followed him with a gun. That is all that matters.

You told me earlier that if not for SYG laws, you'd vote not guilty.

You change your mind?
Mostly too busy doing other things like defending this sorry country (nothing will turn you off to the notion of marriage faster than a tour in the military and watching a brick solid old Sergeant go nuts over a Dear John Letter. And then finding out he has to give the bitch half his pension!)

1. Following this kid. Especially after being told not to.

2. Going out at night with a gun.

3. Not identifying himself as community watch.

4. Getting out of his truck

5. NOt waiting five minutes for the cops to show up. (Fucking assholes, they always get away!)

6. Generally being a wannabe thug.

Now tell me which one is a crime?

The part where all those things led to him putting a bullet into an unarmed child...

Everything you listed led to Trayvan committing a felony by attacking him. Trayvan had an attitude. He was looking for a fight. He got one.
Here's another good one...

Q: Mr. Zimmerman, you've been claiming that it was, in fact, your voice that was heard screaming for help. Why, then, are you on record as saying "That doesn't even sound like me" screaming for help?

A: Errr, aahhh, ummmm, a humina, humina, humina!!!

George Zimmerman After Killing Trayvon Martin: ?That Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? Screaming For Help | World News Views

LMAO--seriously ?? nobody thinks it's them when they hear their own voice on tape. What a travesty.
Then it's good we have eye witness testimony and forensic evidence, not to mention pictures of his injuries to confirm his statements

We also have pictures of Martin's injuries.

Yeah. Which is again consistant with Zimmerman's statements...
You would be correct. Zimmerman was attacked by a feral assailant who ended up on the losing side. Zimmerman's statements are spot on backed by the evidence.
Just heard something interesting. Rumor: O'Mara going to get on top of the dummy tomorrow and beat the shit out of it for 40 seconds to show the jury just how long that is.

Will that dummy be MMA trained and armed?

He will have about as much MMA ability as GZ so I would say he was as safe as TM was. Don't think that dummy has CCW like GZ so he can't legally carry.
Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.
Jungle? Hah!

To Quick:

Those aren't tiny mistakes. Constitutional infringements are a very big deal! You miss the forest for the trees, and curse the light despite the darkness.

Even though it looks big to you, it's still tiny in that Cro-Magnon hulking brain of yours.
If this your answer to his post, then it looks like you conceded, and just went directly to the flame. Masterfully done by the way. :clap2:

At least he spelled Cro-Magnon right. As for his arguments, a dog would whip him in a debate.
Were you hit with the stupid stick as a child?

If you didn't see his injuries (significant or not) you are blind.

I never said he wasn't hit, dumdum. He certainly had injuries. It is possible for him to start the altercation and to get hit after doing so. Critical thinking is a skill.

You know, if he had hit had tried Martin first, he would have missed. His trainer told the court he didn't know how to punch!

Well, I guess you're still being hit by the stupid stick as we speak. Right square in the face.

I think you're hitting yourself with the stupid stick. You don't have the ability to think critically. Keep on keeping on, ding dong.
Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

For the benefit of the doubt, let's say that Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

That doesn't mean he is guilty of anything.
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