The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Here's another good one...

Q: Mr. Zimmerman, you've been claiming that it was, in fact, your voice that was heard screaming for help. Why, then, are you on record as saying "That doesn't even sound like me" screaming for help?

A: Errr, aahhh, ummmm, a humina, humina, humina!!!

George Zimmerman After Killing Trayvon Martin: ?That Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? Screaming For Help | World News Views

LMAO--seriously ?? nobody thinks it's them when they hear their own voice on tape. What a travesty.
The fact of the matter is, that Serino coerced him into believing that it was his voice. He can be heard on tape telling Zimmerman..."that's your voice...ISN'T IT?!?!?"
Zimmerman's proven lies to a judge make all his other statements very questionable.

Then it's good we have eye witness testimony and forensic evidence, not to mention pictures of his injuries to confirm his statements

So many made up their minds before the evidence was laid out. When I first heard about this, I had the impression that some big bully white guy cornered some child and murdered him in cold blood. Then I read about the facts and was on the fence. Now that the trial has laid out all evidence, I think the prosecution just bowed to public pressure from black leaders, the Obama administration and their supporters. It just isn't that cut and dried.

It's all about the evidence and nothing more. If the facts support Zimmerman's statement, that amounts to reasonable doubt and they have to let him go. The prosecution did not meet the standard of proof required for murder. It's clear why they want to suddenly reduce the charges, but Zimmerman's lawyers didn't address manslaughter or defend against that. I think they are hellbent to send him to jail on something. If they now reduce charges, that is an admission that they deliberately overcharged in this first place and the proof of that is in the gross lack of evidence to support their claim. They didn't follow the evidence to come to a conclusion, they acted under pressure and tried to get by with a flimsy case.

There have been plenty of liars in this case. The story put out initially was a lie.

Now we have a judge speaking out at this point in an attempt to sway public opinion. That will help ensure riots if Zimmerman walks due to lack of evidence for the crime of murder. The judge's poor judgment isn't helping an already explosive situation.
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?
If somehow the killer, George Zimmerman, gets off Scot free, he's going to immediately start on the NRA circuit. He'll be a RW hero inviting to speak at all their events. He may even get hired by FOXNEWS.

He'll be rich.

That's how they treat their criminals that get away...they prop them up. Google Darryl Issa. He's nothing but a small-time crook that got away.
Mostly too busy doing other things like defending this sorry country (nothing will turn you off to the notion of marriage faster than a tour in the military and watching a brick solid old Sergeant go nuts over a Dear John Letter. And then finding out he has to give the bitch half his pension!)

1. Following this kid. Especially after being told not to.

2. Going out at night with a gun.

3. Not identifying himself as community watch.

4. Getting out of his truck

5. NOt waiting five minutes for the cops to show up. (Fucking assholes, they always get away!)

6. Generally being a wannabe thug.

Now tell me which one is a crime?

The part where all those things led to him putting a bullet into an unarmed child...

That's not an answer. Prove that any of the things you listed break any part of Florida law. Let's go Joe, you're on the clock!
I never said he wasn't hit, dumdum. He certainly had injuries. It is possible for him to start the altercation and to get hit after doing so. Critical thinking is a skill.

You know, if he had hit had tried Martin first, he would have missed. His trainer told the court he didn't know how to punch!

Well, I guess you're still being hit by the stupid stick as we speak. Right square in the face.

I think you're hitting yourself with the stupid stick. You don't have the ability to think critically. Keep on keeping on, ding dong.

I wouldn't lecture anyone on critical thinking after the posts you've made here.

While it is possible Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, there is no evidence of it. All the circumstantial and forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's side. Thus it is doubtful that Zimmerman was at fault. Which equals acquittal, as the state must overcome the self defense plea.
Here's another good one...

Q: Mr. Zimmerman, you've been claiming that it was, in fact, your voice that was heard screaming for help. Why, then, are you on record as saying "That doesn't even sound like me" screaming for help?

A: Errr, aahhh, ummmm, a humina, humina, humina!!!

George Zimmerman After Killing Trayvon Martin: ?That Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? Screaming For Help | World News Views

LMAO--seriously ?? nobody thinks it's them when they hear their own voice on tape. What a travesty.
The fact of the matter is, that Serino coerced him into believing that it was his voice. He can be heard on tape telling Zimmerman..."that's your voice...ISN'T IT?!?!?"

please---we've already heard Trayvon's daddy change his story on this one. Maybe you had better deal with just one "liar".
You know, if he had hit had tried Martin first, he would have missed. His trainer told the court he didn't know how to punch!

Well, I guess you're still being hit by the stupid stick as we speak. Right square in the face.

I think you're hitting yourself with the stupid stick. You don't have the ability to think critically. Keep on keeping on, ding dong.

I wouldn't lecture anyone on critical thinking after the posts you've made here.

While it is possible Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, there is no evidence of it. All the circumstantial and forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's side. Thus it is doubtful that Zimmerman was at fault. Which equals acquittal, as the state must overcome the self defense plea.

Sigh, I've never said otherwise. I was just pointing out something to all of those speaking as fact that TM initiated the confrontation.
I think you're hitting yourself with the stupid stick. You don't have the ability to think critically. Keep on keeping on, ding dong.

I wouldn't lecture anyone on critical thinking after the posts you've made here.

While it is possible Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, there is no evidence of it. All the circumstantial and forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's side. Thus it is doubtful that Zimmerman was at fault. Which equals acquittal, as the state must overcome the self defense plea.

Sigh, I've never said otherwise. I was just pointing out something to all of those speaking as fact that TM initiated the confrontation.

Given there is no evidence to the contrary it is reasonable to accept it as fact.
I wouldn't lecture anyone on critical thinking after the posts you've made here.

While it is possible Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, there is no evidence of it. All the circumstantial and forensic evidence supports Zimmerman's side. Thus it is doubtful that Zimmerman was at fault. Which equals acquittal, as the state must overcome the self defense plea.

Sigh, I've never said otherwise. I was just pointing out something to all of those speaking as fact that TM initiated the confrontation.

Given there is no evidence to the contrary it is reasonable to accept it as fact.

There is no evidence to suggest that either initiated the confrontation. All we know is that at some point TM was on top of GZ bashing his head into the ground and the GZ shot TM. None of that suggests either initiated things. Nobody will ever know besides GZ what happened.
If this is the way it is

*I have a right to beat you up if you walk up to me. As it is now illegal to ask a question of anyone.
*I have a right to scream that I'm going to kill you

-If you're the person that did walk up to me you can go to prison for defending your own life.

See what this does!

Who screamed...I'm going to kill you? Name the witness who heard this???... Was it zimmerman?

Are you insane?
I never said he wasn't hit, dumdum. He certainly had injuries. It is possible for him to start the altercation and to get hit after doing so. Critical thinking is a skill.

You know, if he had hit had tried Martin first, he would have missed. His trainer told the court he didn't know how to punch!

Well, I guess you're still being hit by the stupid stick as we speak. Right square in the face.

I think you're hitting yourself with the stupid stick. You don't have the ability to think critically. Keep on keeping on, ding dong.

I have spent the better part of three weeks watching this trial and keeping this forum posted on the proceedings. Coupled with my studies on the law, I believe my critical thinking skills are fine. In order to think critically, you need to be informed, to be informed you need to inform yourself. I doubt you have done any of these things.

Now, if you have a real argument, I invite you to try it. If not, I think the guy with the stupid stick is waiting behind you to hit you some more.

Later, hotshot!
Sigh, I've never said otherwise. I was just pointing out something to all of those speaking as fact that TM initiated the confrontation.

Given there is no evidence to the contrary it is reasonable to accept it as fact.

There is no evidence to suggest that either initiated the confrontation. All we know is that at some point TM was on top of GZ bashing his head into the ground and the GZ shot TM. None of that suggests either initiated things. Nobody will ever know besides GZ what happened.
There is evidence. Zimmernan's own statement. If you want to say it isn't reliable you will need to provide counter evidence. And tehre is none.
Tracy Martin was put on the stand as Trayvon's father. Everyone assumes he is Trayvon's father. But no one has produced a DNA test that proves that. Capiche?
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