The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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BTW, the NYT says Zimmerman claims to be Hispanic because his mother is Hispanic and his father is white. He's actually a white/Hispanic to the NYT.

Obama's mother is white, so that makes him a white/African-American?
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George Zimmerman is a proven liar!

Florida Judge: George Zimmerman 'Does Not Properly Respect The Law'

“It is apparent that [Shellie] Zimmerman testified untruthfully at the bond hearing,” the judge writes in his order. “The Defendant also testified, but did not alert the Court to the misinformation.”

“Had the Court been made aware of the true financial circumstances at the bond hearing, the bond decision might have been different,” Lester wrote. After finding out about the discrepancy, the judge said he was left with two options: Increasing Zimmerman’s bond, or revoking it.

The judge writes that his considered several factors, most of which weighed against Zimmerman.

Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

“Most importantly, though, is the fact that he has now demonstrated that he does not properly respect the law or the integrity of the judicial process,” Lester wrote.

Florida Judge: George Zimmerman 'Does Not Properly Respect' The Law | Mediaite

George Zimmerman bond revoked order: Judge's order explains why he sent Zimmerman back to jail - Orlando Sentinel

Prosecutors Say Zimmerman Hid Second Passport, Lied About Money - The Daily Beast

Judge revokes George Zimmerman bond in Trayvon Martin killing | Fox News

George Zimmerman’s Wife Arrested, Charged With Lying To Judge | TPMMuckraker

Judge: Zimmerman was going to jump bail with other people's money |

Lying To a Judge ... What Was George Zimmerman Thinking? - The Daily Beast

George Zimmerman's Lawyer Admits His Client Lied About His Finances

We already know the Zimmermans are not honorable people. Both Zimmerman and wife lied to Judge Lester about money and passports.

George Zimmerman is a proven liar!

So is O.J. Simpson...and he got off scott free after murdering TWO people! Thank God he now sits in jail...for trying to steal his own worthless shit back.

Yes, a jury found O.J. not guilty - but he was hammered in a civil trial. The same may happen to Zimmerman.
The hilarious louses network is bullying Frank Taaffe

What a bunch of creeps. I am now blocking that channel for good

Dr. Drew is playing, what a tool
I'm well aware of that but there are some here who state as fact that TM struck GZ first.

The problem is we have no evidence that GZ struck him whatsoever. we do have overwhelming evidence that Trayvon was hitting GZ.

Could Zimmerman have started the incident? yes. but we have no evidence that that is the case.

I've never said otherwise. I'm just pointing out that many here state TM struck GZ first as fact when that will never be proven true. The only person that knows is GZ and he is a known liar. Again, not saying who struck first as I have no idea who did so, unlike many here who were apparently witnesses to the fight.

Show me where the jury heard any evidence that "Zimmerman is a known liar".
Where is that?
That is all that matters. If they jury did not hear it IT DOES NOT EXIST.
You know, if he had hit had tried Martin first, he would have missed. His trainer told the court he didn't know how to punch!

Well, I guess you're still being hit by the stupid stick as we speak. Right square in the face.

I think you're hitting yourself with the stupid stick. You don't have the ability to think critically. Keep on keeping on, ding dong.

I have spent the better part of three weeks watching this trial and keeping this forum posted on the proceedings. Coupled with my studies on the law, I believe my critical thinking skills are fine. In order to think critically, you need to be informed, to be informed you need to inform yourself. I doubt you have done any of these things.

Now, if you have a real argument, I invite you to try it. If not, I think the guy with the stupid stick is waiting behind you to hit you some more.

Later, hotshot!

You are keeping the forum posted on your interpretation of the proceedings. I'm not taking the word of the defendant as fact as you are.

You sure hope so.

GD Beaner needs to pay.
The problem is we have no evidence that GZ struck him whatsoever. we do have overwhelming evidence that Trayvon was hitting GZ.

Could Zimmerman have started the incident? yes. but we have no evidence that that is the case.

I've never said otherwise. I'm just pointing out that many here state TM struck GZ first as fact when that will never be proven true. The only person that knows is GZ and he is a known liar. Again, not saying who struck first as I have no idea who did so, unlike many here who were apparently witnesses to the fight.

Show me where the jury heard any evidence that "Zimmerman is a known liar".
Where is that?
That is all that matters. If they jury did not hear it IT DOES NOT EXIST.

Well that's the prosecution's fault for not bringing that up, not mine.
That didnt answer the question. Do you think Zimmerman outran Martin to catch up with him?
Like I stated in the post you responded to; I think that they somehow ran into each other and the confrontation was on. In short:
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.
Can you be more specific on "somehow they ran into each other"? Because that's kind of the crux here. If Zimmerman ran after him and caught up to him and initiated the fight that looks a whole lot worse for SD than Martin doubling back and confronting him.

Can we agree that zimmerman was pursuing Martin?
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?
My neighbor has had two abortions

She seems alright'd think she would have learned her lesson after the first one.

She's a serial killer.
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Can we agree that zimmerman was pursuing Martin?

I dont know that we can. How do we define pursue? Is getting out of the car and following alittle pursuing? How far did he actually follow him? We just dont have enough evidence.
Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

There was a reason why no wanted to bring up track records. Possession of stolen property and burglary tools. Drug use. Numerous school suspensions.
Just heard something interesting. Rumor: O'Mara going to get on top of the dummy tomorrow and beat the shit out of it for 40 seconds to show the jury just how long that is.

Will that dummy be MMA trained and armed?

LOL, and and the fact that the dummy was lifeless and flexible so it would look like zimmerman was just laying there and not resisting. If zimmerman was struggling with Martin for "survival", he wouldn't be laying there lifeless and limp.
He killed Trayvon Martin. That's all the proof I need.

Everything else is irrelevent.

Yeah, forget about all of the evidence. That shit is overrated.

Now I know why you're a Democrap.

Only evidence that matter.

There's Trayvon's corpse with a bullet hole in it.

There's Zimmerman holding the gun that put it there.

I think we are kind of done here.

So if I am out working and someone jumps me and is on top of me beating me up "MMA position, pound and ground" and I am able to get my weapon and defend myself shooting him I am guilty?
In your fantasy land but not under the law.
Martin is dead because of his violent behavior.
And a man defending himself is still alive and did not murder anyone under the law.

So if a union thug beats someone else up.
And the citizen that wants to work to support their family is on the ground bleeding.
There is the union thug holding the baseball bat.
You are kind of done here and would indict the union thug for agg assault with intent to kill.
Not you Joe. You are a hypocrite.
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?
My neighbor has had two abortions

She seems alright

I eat lunch next to one everyday. Never knew it was there. I just noticed it today.
Like I stated in the post you responded to; I think that they somehow ran into each other and the confrontation was on. In short:
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.
Can you be more specific on "somehow they ran into each other"? Because that's kind of the crux here. If Zimmerman ran after him and caught up to him and initiated the fight that looks a whole lot worse for SD than Martin doubling back and confronting him.

Can we agree that zimmerman was pursuing Martin?
No, he was observing Martin.
Like I stated in the post you responded to; I think that they somehow ran into each other and the confrontation was on. In short:
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.
Can you be more specific on "somehow they ran into each other"? Because that's kind of the crux here. If Zimmerman ran after him and caught up to him and initiated the fight that looks a whole lot worse for SD than Martin doubling back and confronting him.

Can we agree that zimmerman was pursuing Martin?

I will agree that he was following TM up until he ran. At this point there is just speculation on all accounts to what happened. When he ran GZ was in car and Diamond Eugene's testimony confirms. Past that there is no account of anything until John Good steps out his back door.
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Don't have kids, but I wouldn't let them go out at midnight and start up fights with total strangers...

Here's the thing. Zimmerman made a half dozen bad decisions that lead to him being in a fight with a Martin who probably felt justifiably threatened.

Gee I wonder why? But where are my manners. Name all of these bad decisions by name:.

Mostly too busy doing other things like defending this sorry country (nothing will turn you off to the notion of marriage faster than a tour in the military and watching a brick solid old Sergeant go nuts over a Dear John Letter. And then finding out he has to give the bitch half his pension!)

1. Following this kid. Especially after being told not to.

2. Going out at night with a gun.

3. Not identifying himself as community watch.

4. Getting out of his truck

5. NOt waiting five minutes for the cops to show up. (Fucking assholes, they always get away!)

6. Generally being a wannabe thug.

But you keep spreading the media lies as they depend on sheep like you.
I've never said otherwise. I'm just pointing out that many here state TM struck GZ first as fact when that will never be proven true. The only person that knows is GZ and he is a known liar. Again, not saying who struck first as I have no idea who did so, unlike many here who were apparently witnesses to the fight.

actually the autopsy showed Martin to only have abrasions on his knuckles and the gun shot wound which would concur, due to Zimmermans injuries, with Martin's hitting Zimmerman.

A person doesn't necessarily have to have bruised knuckles in a fight.
Also, depending on a timeline between the hitting and the gun shot and dying, there may not have been enough time to have the bruising develop....just saying

sounds to me like that would have shown up in the autopsy -

Marks Of Violence
A murderer will always leave marks of violence on the bodies of their victims, no matter how hard they try to hide it. During an autopsy, these marks may be difficult to find if the murder agent was drugs or poison, but these agents can still be found through blood tests. On the other end of the scale, signs that the victim suffered a violent death are immediately discovered from the external examination.
Choose one of the following topics for more information:

--> Internal/external examinations

--> Bruising

--> Cuts

--> Gunshots

--> Assualt

Internal/External Examinations Top^
During an autopsy, there may be no external signs that the victim suffered from a brain haemorrhage. Brain scans performed during the internal examination are the only way that a coroner can reveal the fatal clots that may have been caused by a blow to the head. Changes in the appearance of skin colour may also lead to solving the crime, as some fatal agents have the ability to change the physical appearance of the body. For example, carbon monoxide poisoning can cause the skin to become pink in colour and smothering and the crushing of the chest can cause can cause pin sized patches of bleeding in the face. When many of these pin sized patches of bleeding occur, it can give the face a blue appearance.

Bruising Top^
Bruising on the skin occurs when the blood vessels are broken by some form of hard and forceful contact with the skin, usually by a blunt object. The shape of the bruise can often reveal which direction the blow was received from and the colour of the bruise can indicate how long ago the injury occurred. As bruising heals, it goes red-purple, to brown, to green and finally to yellow. Bruising is not an accurate way of deciding how the victim met their fate, as interpreting bruising is different in every person, due to the fact that people bruise at different rates and bruising continues for a short while after death. Strangulation around the neck also leaves significant bruising. The hands, cords and ropes usually leave a distinct mark around the neck in the shape of the pattern on the strangling agent. If the strangling agent is very soft material, it may leave little or no marks, but the dissection of the neck area is able to show tissue bruising beneath the skin.

Forensic Science | Marks Of Violence
Again, the only word we have that Trayvon threw the first punch is Zimmerman's word.

And he's proven to be so honest and trustworthy. NOT!

Which is not enough to convict zimmerman in our legal system. If you want to punish him start a lynch mob and handle it yourself. Thats the path you seem to be going down anyway.

Works for me. Lynch mobs happen when the "law" doesn't work.

White guy shoots a black child dead in the middle of the street, and an all white jury tells him to go home?

I'll be happy with a competent federal prosecution, though.

Federal court already ruled there will be no Federal case.
And there will be no lynch mob.
No offense Joe but you leading a lynch mob?
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