The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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My neighbor has had two abortions

She seems alright'd think she would have learned her lesson after the first one.

She's a cereal killer.

A while back I visited the town I went through HS in.
I ran across an old girlfriend and we got talking about what all our classmates are up to.
There was another girl, Angie, that hung around with us....she'd had 5 abortions in the 10 years since HS

Had a real cereal killer graduate with me.

Wayne Nance.
Unidentified Victim Of Serial Killer Wayne Nance | Gather
[ame=]To Kill and Kill Again (Onyx True Crime ; Je 323): John Coston: 9780451403230: Books[/ame]
Can we agree that zimmerman was pursuing Martin?
No, he was observing Martin.

LOL, he was observing him while he was chasing him.
He had to in order to tell the cops where he was since Martin walked towards Zimmerman in an imposing way with his hand in his waist band acting like he had a gun and circled his truck and then took off running and disappearing while Zim was on the phone with dispatch. Martin displayed all signs of criminal mentality at work.
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There is evidence. Zimmernan's own statement. If you want to say it isn't reliable you will need to provide counter evidence. And tehre is none.
Tracy Martin was put on the stand as Trayvon's father. Everyone assumes he is Trayvon's father. But no one has produced a DNA test that proves that. Capiche?

Zimmerman is known liar, he lied at his bond hearing about his finances. He cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

As to your second point, that is a bunch of nonsense. Was a DNA test provided to prove Gladys Zimmerman and Jose Meza are George's mother and uncle?

So what you cock sucker. The evidence supports Zimmermans case at every turn....Who cares if he lied on somethings....It isn't like fat whale bitch didn't.

IT IS THE STATES JOB to put up the case to hang him. FUCK YOU as you're the liar!

Who cares that the defendant lied? I've heard it all now!
Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

There was a reason why no wanted to bring up track records. Possession of stolen property and burglary tools. Drug use. Numerous school suspensions.

True or not, how is that relevant to the night of Martin's murder?
I do not see anything in evidence that Zimmerman is a liar.
Where is that?
OH, wait a minute! Someone in the media said it SO IT MUST BE TRUE.
Sorry about that, my BAD.
Let me get in line with the other sheep.
I do not see anything in evidence that Zimmerman is a liar.
Where is that?
OH, wait a minute! Someone in the media said it SO IT MUST BE TRUE.
Sorry about that, my BAD.
Let me get in line with the other sheep.

He lied in the bond hearing. True story.

It isn't in evidence, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
No, Sunshine...

M O'M will be giving the closing for the defense. It has been determined. Thank goodness!

No lawyering background here. West may have been a brilliant federal atty, but he's scored goose eggs as to his effectiveness so far in this trial. No worries. Mr. Stamina will live up to his reputation and give the defense closing.

I'll be sidling down with yogurt and a muffin, drinking in every word. How could he possibly go wrong after the disaster the prosecution presented via BDLR?
Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

There was a reason why no wanted to bring up track records. Possession of stolen property and burglary tools. Drug use. Numerous school suspensions.

True or not, how is that relevant to the night of Martin's murder?

About as relevant as the stuff your trying to bring up about Zimmerman.

You guys keep trying to claim trayvon is an innoceny "child" despite the fact that he was on top of someone else beating them.
Now tell me which one is a crime?

The part where all those things led to him putting a bullet into an unarmed child...

That's not an answer. Prove that any of the things you listed break any part of Florida law. Let's go Joe, you're on the clock!

Guy, this is not about Trayvon committing a crime.

It's about Zimmerman killing him.

I'm really sorry you don't get this. Stop masturbating with the gun long enough to realize, anyway you slice it, Zimmerman TRULY fucked this up.
Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

There was a reason why no wanted to bring up track records. Possession of stolen property and burglary tools. Drug use. Numerous school suspensions.

True or not, how is that relevant to the night of Martin's murder?

How is Zimmerman's past relevant for that matter?

Well, the prosecution said he was a cop wannabe. So since they brought that up we can bring up the fact that Trayvan had a violent past and a history of illegal drug use. Tit for Tat.
I love this review of legal pundits covering the trial at Variety.

Here's just a taste:

Still, nothing has been more noxious than the wall-to-wall attention from HLN, the network formerly known as Headline News, whose toxic avenger, Grace, and Jane Velez-Mitchell often seem to be impersonating someone trying to project to the back of a high-school gymnasium without a microphone.


With Zimmerman Trial, TV Lawyers Limbo Under the Bar | Variety
The part where all those things led to him putting a bullet into an unarmed child...

That's not an answer. Prove that any of the things you listed break any part of Florida law. Let's go Joe, you're on the clock!

Guy, this is not about Trayvon committing a crime.

It's about Zimmerman killing him.

I'm really sorry you don't get this. Stop masturbating with the gun long enough to realize, anyway you slice it, Zimmerman TRULY fucked this up.

Some folks deserve to die Joe.
Tragedy but shit happens.
Don't attack a creepy cracker with a gun.
Crime has already gone down 30% there!
The part where all those things led to him putting a bullet into an unarmed child...

That's not an answer. Prove that any of the things you listed break any part of Florida law. Let's go Joe, you're on the clock!

Guy, this is not about Trayvon committing a crime.

It's about Zimmerman killing him.

I'm really sorry you don't get this. Stop masturbating with the gun long enough to realize, anyway you slice it, Zimmerman TRULY fucked this up.

This is about a felony which led to a homicide. The person committing the felony was Trayvan. If Zimmerman committed a felony that is up the the jury. According to the law he didn't.
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?

Deany, you need help.
But then we get John Guy. He's better than O'Mara. O'Mara rambles.

Yes I do like Bernie, he was compelling, he certainly had their attention. Wish I could have watched the whole thing but had to go out. Did he finish tonight?
Had the cops arrived a few minutes earlier, little baby Trayvon would've been tried for assault & battery.

As an ADULT.
George Zimmerman claimed Trayvon Martin attacked first in account to cops -

Zimmerman claimed Martin asked if he had a problem, according to the Sentinel and ABC News. He told cops he said no and reached for his cellphone to make another call.

“Well, you do now,” Martin said before slugging Zimmerman, the watchman told police, according to the Sentinel.


The account differs from that of Martin’s girlfriend, who was chatting with him on his cellphone before the encounter.

“Why are you following me?” Martin was heard asking, according to the 16-year-old girl.

She said she heard a man ask, “What are you doing around here?”

Then, she said, she heard a scuffle and the line went dead.

Zimmerman claimed Martin asked if he had a problem .... “Why are you following me?” - “What are you doing around here?”

Zimmerman reversed the order of the conversation in his testimony ... Martin asked the first question - “Why are you following me?”.

not if Zimmerman had a problem but (do you have a problem with my being here) ...
Quoting another poster from a different board:

Dear Jurors, according to the State’s closing argument, not a single one of you will ever be allowed to defend yourself if you get attacked.
If you have ever cussed in frustration under your breath, you will be guilty of murder.
If you have ever watched someone you did not know in your crime riddled neighborhood, you will be guilty of murder.
If you have ever wanted to serve your community, and sought education to help you do that, you will be guilty of murder.
If you have ever done something in succession that could not also be done simultaneously, you will be guilty of murder.
If you are ever attacked, and do not state your name clearly and concisely while you are screaming for help and afraid for your life, you will be guilty of murder.
That is all the prosecution has for you to consider after their 44 witnesses and numerous exhibits.
I ask you to examine the evidence.
I ask you to listen to the witnesses.
I ask you to read the charges and realize that Prosecutors in this case have shown you more spite, hate, and ill will in his closing argument, never mind his case, than he has proven against Mr. Zimmerman in this entire trial.
Mr. Zimmerman acted in self defence, The State has proven that for us. He can not be found guilty of ANY charges.
Thank you.
Don't know if MW is profiling but I sure the hell am when it comes to punks who are racist and wear their pants down to their knees.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a's a fuckin thug duck. Period. So sue me.

HEY---easy with the duck comments, woman ! :eusa_whistle:

Are you going to be in the trial thread at the quack of dawn tomorrow?

oh shit--another one:cuckoo:
I don't know what Poutine is, so I looked it up and have to say, I vomited in my mouth a little. I think it was the "Cheese Curd" thing.

Anyway, there's a resturant in the Cincinnati area if you have a hankering.

Pleasant Ridge Chili - Pleasant Ridge - Cincinnati, OH

What the hell is wrong with people. Cincinnati is known for its chili, but not Fries, cheese and gravy. This is just wrong.

Skyline is not chili

Skyline and Goldstar is watered down grainuals of meat with some spices and a touch of chocolate. They are not chili! Camp Washington Chili is and it is the best in the world. Oh, and my moms too. Oh man, it's good stuff.

EDIT: Mr. Jim's Steakhouse has some damn good chili as well.

Hop on a plane to Albuquerque if you want chili or Omaha if you want a steak. Cincinnati does have decent corn dogs, as I remember.
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