The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.

answer me this: Zimmerman had made multiple calls in the past regarding suspicious behavior due to the recent break ins there. Not once did he ever fire his gun before. Why, when he has already called the cops and he knows they are on their way, would he suddenly change his behavior unless he was feeling threatened?

Allen West disagrees with you:
Allen West on George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin | FrontPage Magazine

Why would he leave his truck to pursue Martin if he knew the police were on their way?

And that has what to do with what I asked you? Did he ever shoot anyone else before? And why, knowing the police were on the way - at his beckoning no less, would he shoot Martin, unless he felt threatened?
[MENTION=43884]SantaFeWay[/MENTION] !!

Stamina on the feed.

I wonder why the MSM isn't labeling the skipping as inappropriate as they did the knock knock joke that we heard about ad nauseum?

Granted, the skipping was a joke and looked ridiculous. But other than that, why would it have been inappropriate? Because it hankered back to TM being a juvenile?

Honestly the knock-knock joke was offensive. Whereas Bernie's antics just looked foolish.

Oops...Tess. :lmao:

Got in there by mistake

ooops---let the schlicking begin.
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.

answer me this: Zimmerman had made multiple calls in the past regarding suspicious behavior due to the recent break ins there. Not once did he ever fire his gun before. Why, when he has already called the cops and he knows they are on their way, would he suddenly change his behavior unless he was feeling threatened?

Allen West disagrees with you:
Allen West on George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin | FrontPage Magazine

Why would he leave his truck to pursue Martin if he knew the police were on their way?
It is not illegal to pursue someone; It doesn't matter. Trayvon Martin could have called the police, and told them some "creepy ass cracker" was following him. When he punched George Zimmerman, and got on top of him, GZ was dazed, and assaulted, which continued, and escalated into a potential deadly continuation. GZ had every right to defend himself from potential, total demise.
"Post all the inconsistencies in George Zimmerman's accounts and/or good questions that the prosecution would/could have asked him were he to take the stand."

Hey george: 20/20 hindsight.....WHY............WHY didn't you listen to the 'emergency dispatcher' when he told you "do not follow him." You already called for BACK-UP (obviously)....
WHY then didn't you pull yourself together, and WAIT for the REAL POLICE to show stupid idiot <~~~~ now we're talking about a REAL idiot.

you disgust me, now, get off the stand....

"he was going back to his truck when baby Trayvon slugged him."

Dispatcher: Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy (GUY ? it was 17 yr old KID) does anything else.

Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.

Dispatcher: So it's on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?
Zimmerman: [....]. Shit he's running.

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?
Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
(this is where Zimmerman left the car.)

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards? Zimmerman: The back entrance...fucking [unintelligible]

Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah

Dispatcher: Ok, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Ok

...zimmerman was looking for trouble. he caused the death of this KID........he MOST LIKELY couldn't wait to shoot ...."someone."
Saying that all murder is pre-meditated in not a tiny mistake. It is incompetence. Your entire point of view is incredulous because you continue to make such mistakes, while attacking other posters.

Pointing it out is one thing but blabbering on about it is making it into something petty. You say it's a mistake. I still say it's correct. Legal definitions aside, you can't murder someone without planning it out beforehand if only for a moment.

They have a term for that. It's called heat of passion.

Voluntary manslaughter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Voluntary manslaughter is the killing of a human being in which the offender had no prior intent to kill and acted during "the heat of passion," under circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed. In the Uniform Crime Reports prepared by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it is referred to as non negligent manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter is one of two main types of manslaughter, the other being involuntary manslaughter.

We're discussing murder, and you give me legal definitions of manslaughter.

Also, I already stated my definition wasn't meant to be of a legal nature.
TM did not have the right to throw the first punch. No one ever does have a right to throw the first punch. There is only one person alive who can say how it got physical and his version of events is supported by physical and forensic evidence. Once hit, Zimmerman has the right to defend himself. It all supports reasonable doubt and therefore acquittal.

There is zero evidence to suggest Zimmerman was hit first. NONE.

None to suggest that he wasn't. They call that reasonable doubt.

I'm well aware of that but there are some here who state as fact that TM struck GZ first.
I think Zimmerman is contemptable that he's even trying to get away with it.

He murdered an unarmed child. He needs to be held to account.

Everything else is completely irrelevent.

Well, since you are so hung up on that CHILD...I will light some candles and chant over them that one JUST LIKE MARTIN runs into one of YOUR kids and decides the creepy ass cracker needs to be taught a lesson. Howzat? That be ok wif you?

Don't have kids, but I wouldn't let them go out at midnight and start up fights with total strangers...

Here's the thing. Zimmerman made a half dozen bad decisions that lead to him being in a fight with a Martin who probably felt justifiably threatened.

Gee I wonder why? But where are my manners. Name all of these bad decisions by name:






Martin was a private citizen who had the right to walk down the street without being followed by some asshole in a truck acting like he was a LEO. If he felt that he was being threatened by zimmerman, he had every right to defend himself. If some guy was following me and I tried to avoid him and then he kept on pursuing me, to the point that he got out of his truck to do so, I like any other reasonable person would feel like there's a threat and a possible attack about to happen.

TM did not have the right to throw the first punch. No one ever does have a right to throw the first punch. There is only one person alive who can say how it got physical and his version of events is supported by physical and forensic evidence. Once hit, Zimmerman has the right to defend himself. It all supports reasonable doubt and therefore acquittal.

There is zero evidence to suggest Zimmerman was hit first. NONE.

The defense doesn't have to prove he was. They have to provide reasonable doubt that it happened the way Zimmerman said it did. The defense has used physical and forensic evidence to show the majority of Zimmerman's version of events to be true. The beginning of the physical confrontation, according to Zimmerman's version of events, can be 'reasonably believed'. That's all they need.
All you and Templar do is look for the tiniest of mistakes and pounce on them like a wildcat. Go back to the jungle where you belong.

Saying that all murder is pre-meditated in not a tiny mistake. It is incompetence. Your entire point of view is incredulous because you continue to make such mistakes, while attacking other posters.

Jungle? Hah!

To Quick:

Those aren't tiny mistakes. Constitutional infringements are a very big deal! You miss the forest for the trees, and curse the light despite the darkness.

Even though it looks big to you, it's still tiny in that Cro-Magnon hulking brain of yours.
There is zero evidence to suggest Zimmerman was hit first. NONE.

None to suggest that he wasn't. They call that reasonable doubt.

I'm well aware of that but there are some here who state as fact that TM struck GZ first.

The problem is we have no evidence that GZ struck him whatsoever. we do have overwhelming evidence that Trayvon was hitting GZ.

Could Zimmerman have started the incident? yes. but we have no evidence that that is the case.
George Zimmerman is a proven liar!

Florida Judge: George Zimmerman 'Does Not Properly Respect The Law'

“It is apparent that [Shellie] Zimmerman testified untruthfully at the bond hearing,” the judge writes in his order. “The Defendant also testified, but did not alert the Court to the misinformation.”

“Had the Court been made aware of the true financial circumstances at the bond hearing, the bond decision might have been different,” Lester wrote. After finding out about the discrepancy, the judge said he was left with two options: Increasing Zimmerman’s bond, or revoking it.

The judge writes that his considered several factors, most of which weighed against Zimmerman.

Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

“Most importantly, though, is the fact that he has now demonstrated that he does not properly respect the law or the integrity of the judicial process,” Lester wrote.

Florida Judge: George Zimmerman 'Does Not Properly Respect' The Law | Mediaite

George Zimmerman bond revoked order: Judge's order explains why he sent Zimmerman back to jail - Orlando Sentinel

Prosecutors Say Zimmerman Hid Second Passport, Lied About Money - The Daily Beast

Judge revokes George Zimmerman bond in Trayvon Martin killing | Fox News

George Zimmerman’s Wife Arrested, Charged With Lying To Judge | TPMMuckraker

Judge: Zimmerman was going to jump bail with other people's money |

Lying To a Judge ... What Was George Zimmerman Thinking? - The Daily Beast

George Zimmerman's Lawyer Admits His Client Lied About His Finances

We already know the Zimmermans are not honorable people. Both Zimmerman and wife lied to Judge Lester about money and passports.

George Zimmerman is a proven liar!
Martin was a private citizen who had the right to walk down the street without being followed by some asshole in a truck acting like he was a LEO. If he felt that he was being threatened by zimmerman, he had every right to defend himself. If some guy was following me and I tried to avoid him and then he kept on pursuing me, to the point that he got out of his truck to do so, I like any other reasonable person would feel like there's a threat and a possible attack about to happen.

TM did not have the right to throw the first punch. No one ever does have a right to throw the first punch. There is only one person alive who can say how it got physical and his version of events is supported by physical and forensic evidence. Once hit, Zimmerman has the right to defend himself. It all supports reasonable doubt and therefore acquittal.

There is zero evidence to suggest Zimmerman was hit first. NONE.

Were you hit repeatedly with the stupid stick as a child?

If you didn't see his injuries (significant or not) you are blind.
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Zimmerman made a half dozen bad decisions that lead to him being in a fight with a Martin who probably felt justifiably threatened.

following someone on drugs in your private gated community is not only legal but makes good sense

NO, it doesn't.

Any more than rushing into a burning building makes sense if you aren't a trained fire fighter.

But, yeah, I guess the fact he might have smoked a little pot a few days earlier makes a difference.
TM did not have the right to throw the first punch. No one ever does have a right to throw the first punch. There is only one person alive who can say how it got physical and his version of events is supported by physical and forensic evidence. Once hit, Zimmerman has the right to defend himself. It all supports reasonable doubt and therefore acquittal.

There is zero evidence to suggest Zimmerman was hit first. NONE.

Were you hit with the stupid stick as a child?

If you didn't see his injuries (significant or not) you are blind.

I never said he wasn't hit, dumdum. He certainly had injuries. It is possible for him to start the altercation and to get hit after doing so. Critical thinking is a skill.
Saying that all murder is pre-meditated in not a tiny mistake. It is incompetence. Your entire point of view is incredulous because you continue to make such mistakes, while attacking other posters.

Jungle? Hah!

To Quick:

Those aren't tiny mistakes. Constitutional infringements are a very big deal! You miss the forest for the trees, and curse the light despite the darkness.

Even though it looks big to you, it's still tiny in that Cro-Magnon hulking brain of yours.
If this your answer to his post, then it looks like you conceded, and just went directly to the flame. Masterfully done by the way. :clap2:
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