The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Well he certainly should pay A price. In my humble opinion.

He not only had a chance to walk that went un-taken, he was told to walk by the 911 operator.

No, he wasn't told that at all. The dispatcher NEVER said "don't follow him". He said "we don't need you to follow him". There's a big difference. One is an order, while the other is merely a statement. The fact is, the dispatcher said that for ZIMMERMANS safety, not Trayvons. When are you fuck tards going to understand that?

Don't be stupid. It was requested of him, just as politely as possible, that he NOT follow Martin. You're probably correct that it was for his own safety... But it's neither here nor there.
Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself. :dig:

Who the hell made them authorities? They are not authorities, just phone operators.

Cops have arrest powers, 911 operators do not. Simple. Cops are the authorities, not the 911 operators. Plain and simple, cut and dry.

Can you read? Much of our government is the authorities. Whoa, how can some of you not know this.

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Consider it like this.
I see you, walking alone at night, and I follow you, and demand to know what you are doing. You are frightened, and ignore me, trying to get away.
I continue to follow you, and you feel more threatened, like your life might be in danger.
In self defense, you turn around and hit me, and tell me to leave you alone. I pull out my gun and shoot you, and claim that my life was in danger, and therefore I had the right to shoot.

But if I hadn't followed you in the first place, the incidence wouldn't have occurred.

The situation with George and Trayvon could have been prevented - George didn't have to follow, but he chose to.

Being able to have made a better decsion does not make you criminally liable for the results, unless the results are criminal. Also, according to the evidence in the trial so far, zimmerman had given up his pursuit. At that point Martin becomes the pursuer.

An altercation starts when "fighting words" are used, or physical force is initiated. You dont have the right to pop someone following you unless you feel in iminent danger.

Exactly. Martin was home free, but decided he was so angry that he went back and confronted GZ.

Because George was following him. The boy had every right to inquire as to why he was being followed.
Just for the record, I couldn't care LESS about this Zimmerman trial shit. I have QUIT watching the news because that's all that's on. It's absolutely ABSURD the coverage this trial is getting. As if there was NOTHING else going on in the world that wasn't MORE IMPORTANT.

Good God... end the shit and MOVE ON.

Good thing that it will all be over soon. But some of us cannot allow injustice to be perpetrated on someone who has committed no crime. If for some reason Zimmerman is found guilty of what he is accused of doing, it will set a terrible precedent in the law. If you defend yourself with a gun via the caveat of reasonable fear of death and great bodily harm, you can be convicted and sent to jail for any period of time the judge sees fit according to the preceding and applicable case law. Self defense will now have become an automatic prison sentence. Me being a student of the law, this is unacceptable. Precedents like this cannot be allowed to take root in our justice system!

I don't see why we should feel compelled to be dismissive of these things. They have an impact on us all.
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When the tables are turned and then the person is being beaten and there's a chance for grave bodily harm or worse.

What should that person do? not defend themselves and just stop fighting back and get killed.
It all changed in the Zimmerman case when Trevon decided not to walk away and call 911 but
decided to attack...Then Trevon was the aggressor.

If Zimmerman hadn't followed in the first place, Trayvon wouldn't have turned the tables.

No matter what, the death always comes back to the actions of Zimmerman.
Yes, lets. Lets make law based on emotions instead of facts. It seems as if we already do, whaddya say folks?

That is what pro lifers want to do.

Is that not what Obama did with the Affordable Care Act, Noomi? Now he has disregarded the law to delay a law passed by both houses of congress and he himself signed. So, is Obama a pro-lifer?

You tell me.
My concern is that people (jurors) will lean towards a manslaughter verdict because it would be the politically correct thing to do.

Heard somebody give a very good opinion on this. Do you think your mother could put her head on her pillow at night if she sent an innocent man to jail to appease protestors outside? Thought that was a good analogy. I know my mother wouldn't even consider it.
dude, 911 dispatchers ARE NOT the authorities.

did you take your evening pills yet?

I provided a link with the online free dictionary that proved they are. Not that that was necessary since everyone knows 911 is the authorities. You're the only one that still doesn't know that obviously since the other guy conceded. 911 is part of the government organization.

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


governance, governing body, organisation, administration, brass, establishment, organization - the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"


this is all nice and peachy but it still doesn't prove your assertion that "911 dispatchers are "authorities".

They are NOT.
They are neither "governing" nor "administering".

Or are the janitors cleaning the government buildings also "the authorities"? They are also the part of "the organization" :lol:

Go take your pills to improve your cognitive function.

Wait, some people want to go through life deluding themselves that the only authorities in the U.S. are the police? :badgrin:

You have to obey the authorities, and that is why it is important to know who they are and that 911 is definitely so.

And it's important to know that GZ had a legal right to comply with 911 when they told him not to follow.

If you can't distinguish between those with power in an organization and mere administrators, that's not my problem.
Let us not forget that Zimmerman passed 2 lie detector tests, so most likely his account of the incident is true. Zimm says Martin started taking off quickly before he had even gotten out of his vehicle, got out of the car, not to apprehend Martin but in order to be able to tell the cops where he was. Zimm says he thought he lost him and Martin pops up as he is heading back towards where he was to meet the officers. This is not a manslaughter or murder case if this is all true.
I hope the jury takes a few days to deliberate. I'd like to feel like they took this very seriously and spent time going over all evidence, the instructions from the judge and all testimony from both sides.

This whole case is politically motivated, should've never been brought to trial. Atleast on the murder charge.
Tweets below can be found here.

I promise you me and my people gon RIOT! No bullshit

If Zimmerman walks... As a people I hope all of us African Americans RIOT! straight up. Lets wild the fuck out. WHO'S WITH ME ?!

For Real if #Zimmerman isn't found guilty we should break into stores and start a riot on some Rodney King shit.

If they don't find Zimmerman GUILTY white America better prepare themselves its real live riot supporters out here ready to get it popping

I remember the Rodney King Riots and how those rioting robbed, looted, burned and destroyed their own neighborhood. It made no sense to me why they would do that, but whatever.

Then, right around the turn of the century, Cincinnati Police shot and killed a young black kid and the officer who shot and killed the kid was acquitted as well. The Black community erupted into 2 or 3 nights of rioting and again, they robbed, looted, burned and destroyed their own neighborhood.

All you can do is laugh at the studity and ignorance. If people want to destroy their homes, knock yourself out.
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we can only hope that all 6 jurors hate MSNBC/CNN more than they hate Gefelte Fish Sandwitches! What an ideal way to Spite all of those Bigots on those networks!! NOT GUILTY ! F.U. Chrissy Tingles and Sargeant Schutlz !!!
My concern is that people (jurors) will lean towards a manslaughter verdict because it would be the politically correct thing to do.

Heard somebody give a very good opinion on this. Do you think your mother could put her head on her pillow at night if she sent an innocent man to jail to appease protestors outside? Thought that was a good analogy. I know my mother wouldn't even consider it.

If I was innocent, I would want to be tried by a judge.
If I was guilty, I would want to be tried by a jury.
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