The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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it is. that is why hearing it from the dude who is "from the 60s" that "911 are authorities" is laughable to the highest degree.

Or is it early Alzheimer on your part?

Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself.

dude, 911 dispatchers ARE NOT the authorities.

did you take your evening pills yet?

I provided a link with the online free dictionary that proved they are. Not that that was necessary since everyone knows 911 is the authorities. You're the only one that still doesn't know that obviously since the other guy conceded. 911 is part of the government organization.

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


governance, governing body, organisation, administration, brass, establishment, organization - the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"
Tweets below can be found here.

I promise you me and my people gon RIOT! No bullshit

If Zimmerman walks... As a people I hope all of us African Americans RIOT! straight up. Lets wild the fuck out. WHO'S WITH ME ?!

For Real if #Zimmerman isn't found guilty we should break into stores and start a riot on some Rodney King shit.

If they don't find Zimmerman GUILTY white America better prepare themselves its real live riot supporters out here ready to get it popping
the notion you can't follow a suspected criminal in your neighborhood your private is horseshit


How is he a "suspected criminal"? Please...Please answer this one. Was Zimmerman in the same mindset as you?

Please tell me you don't carry.

Okay, since my previous response was admittedly over the line, I will rephrase it:

How is Zimmerman a criminal? Have you any proof he did anything wrong under the law? Following isn't a crime, nor is defending yourself in the midst of an assault. Yes, Trayvon died. We all feel for the family, but that doesn't change the fact this wannabe thug decided to lie in wait and ambush the man in the dark of night. It doesn't change the fact that as a result of his brash decision, this young man paid with his life. Had he lived through this altercation, he would most likely have been booked and tried as an adult in the court of law for assault and battery. But alas, he is dead, as a result of his own foolishness, nobody else's.
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You really are stubborn dude. It's common knowledge who the authorities are. Anyone with the least bit of sense would know much of our government is the authorities.

it is. that is why hearing it from the dude who is "from the 60s" that "911 are authorities" is laughable to the highest degree.

Or is it early Alzheimer on your part?

Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself. :dig:

Who the hell made them authorities? They are not authorities, just phone operators.
Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself.

dude, 911 dispatchers ARE NOT the authorities.

did you take your evening pills yet?

I provided a link with the online free dictionary that proved they are. Not that that was necessary since everyone knows 911 is the authorities. You're the only one that still doesn't know that obviously since the other guy conceded. 911 is part of the government organization.

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


governance, governing body, organisation, administration, brass, establishment, organization - the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"

Lol, so the girl that works down at the help desk where I work is an authority?

Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself.

dude, 911 dispatchers ARE NOT the authorities.

did you take your evening pills yet?

I provided a link with the online free dictionary that proved they are. Not that that was necessary since everyone knows 911 is the authorities. You're the only one that still doesn't know that obviously since the other guy conceded. 911 is part of the government organization.

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


governance, governing body, organisation, administration, brass, establishment, organization - the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"


this is all nice and peachy but it still doesn't prove your assertion that "911 dispatchers are "authorities".

They are NOT.
They are neither "governing" nor "administering".

Or are the janitors cleaning the government buildings also "the authorities"? They are also the part of "the organization" :lol:

Go take your pills to improve your cognitive function.
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Not what would YOU do, not what do you think is the RIGHT decision, but what do you think they will do.

I think they are dumb enough to let him walk.

But if the prosecution can't prove their case beyond all reasonable doubt, then that is the only option they have.
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Between 4109 and 8219 lives saved every day by people using their guns to stop a crime. The higher of those numbers is the number of murders in a year and there are that many lives saved every day by GUNS in hands of law abiding citizens. Does that scare you? It makes me feel much safer.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.
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It was dark, raining and Martin was walking near the homes looking in - that is in evidence - this area was a high risk area for burglary - that is in evidence - Zimmerman saw this man (Martin) lazily walking through the community looking into the homes, stopping and then continuing on. If he was going home why would he be checking out the homes? Martin's behavior was suspicious.
The behavior before the confrontation is all irrelevant. That all stopped when Zimmerman lost Martin and started walking back to his vehicle. At one point Martin's girlfriend said he was "at home" but the confrontation happened back within 30 feet of Zimmerman's vehicle. Who was stalking whom? Martin was never hit by Zimmerman - there was no indication that Martin had any injuries other than his bruised knuckles (from hitting Zimmerman) and the gunshot that could have saved Zimmerman's life.

Zimmerman had a broken nose, impact cuts on the back of his head, and bruising to both sides of his head. Zimmerman was pinned to the ground, unable to effect a withdrawal and was unable to fight back (as evidenced by no damage to Martin). Zimmerman would be a total idiot to think he was not in grave danger but he wasn't an idiot and recognized that this was a grievous situation and when his attacker noticed the gun and Zimmerman was told that he was going to die he did the only thing he could have done. He defended his life with the only effective means at his disposal. He fired his gun in self defense.
No sane person under those conditions would have done anything differently and survived. The gun was fired while Martin was bent over Zimmerman at a distance of four inches (all in evidence) and there is no way you could get the same powder residue or combination of angles in any other position.
There simply is no evidence that shows any other course of events is probable.

Kudos, Paul.

Too bad no liberal on this thread will ever read that. It's too factual. Too bad we can't dumb down reality for some of them. They need a dose of it real bad.
Just for the record, I couldn't care LESS about this Zimmerman trial shit. I have QUIT watching the news because that's all that's on. It's absolutely ABSURD the coverage this trial is getting. As if there was NOTHING else going on in the world that wasn't MORE IMPORTANT.

Good God... end the shit and MOVE ON.
it is. that is why hearing it from the dude who is "from the 60s" that "911 are authorities" is laughable to the highest degree.

Or is it early Alzheimer on your part?

Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself. :dig:

Who the hell made them authorities? They are not authorities, just phone operators.

Cops have arrest powers, 911 operators do not. Simple. Cops are the authorities, not the 911 operators. Plain and simple, cut and dry.
dude, 911 dispatchers ARE NOT the authorities.

did you take your evening pills yet?

I provided a link with the online free dictionary that proved they are. Not that that was necessary since everyone knows 911 is the authorities. You're the only one that still doesn't know that obviously since the other guy conceded. 911 is part of the government organization.

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


governance, governing body, organisation, administration, brass, establishment, organization - the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"

Lol, so the girl that works down at the help desk where I work is an authority?


Is that a joke?

Nevertheless, doesn't sound like the authorities to me.
When the tables are turned and then the person is being beaten and there's a chance for grave bodily harm or worse.

What should that person do? not defend themselves and just stop fighting back and get killed.
It all changed in the Zimmerman case when Trevon decided not to walk away and call 911 but
decided to attack...Then Trevon was the aggressor.

Fist fights don't typically end in death.

I know it happens, spare me any anecdote you may be standing by with. :rolleyes:

But I've seen nothing that indicates that he had anything more than an ass-whoopin coming to him.

Had he not been carrying, he'd probably be all healed and well on with his life by now. Of course, had he not been carrying, I doubt he would've had the chutzpah to confront Martin to begin with.

Just IMO.
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