The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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911 are part of the organization.

911 dispatchers are just that - dispatchers and nothing more, you idiot.
"part of the organization" LOL

it is not a mafia :D

You really are stubborn dude. It's common knowledge who the authorities are. Anyone with the least bit of sense would know much of our government is the authorities.

it is. that is why hearing it from the dude who is "from the 60s" that "911 are authorities" is laughable to the highest degree.

Or is it early Alzheimer on your part?
Are you retarded? 911 are the authorities and work with the police. Does anyone else here believe 911 are not the authorities?

Do you realize they can instruct the police to arrest you just by what you say to them if it's suspicious?

911 operators are not sworn LE. They are civilians.

A 911 operator will tell a woman do not attack or shoot her "man" who is beating her.

Really? Do you have an example of that?
If i tried to avoid him and he kept on pursuing me, that "threat level" would definitely escalate. If the son of a bitch then got out of his vehicle to pursue me and we came into close quarters, I would DEFINITELY feel the need to be pro-active and defend myself.

If you had over 4 minutes to avoid him how would he gain close quarters ?

Would you call 911 or a friend in Miami ?

Why should I HAVE to avoid him? I'm not a slave, I am an American citizen who has a right to travel unmolested.

Wasn't Martin already on the phone with his friend? Where you always that "rational" when you were seventeen?

C'mon. Didn't you hear the evidence presented at trial? Be honest now.

There is no injustice here. Trayvon had his balls in his hand and thought he would teach this "creepy ass cracker" a lesson. That's been established by his phone friend Rachel Jeantel.

You know the evidence. Just give it up. We won't think any less of you. We will think better of you for your intellectual assessment of the evidentiary truth.

Some things are worth fighting for. This is not.
911 dispatchers are just that - dispatchers and nothing more, you idiot.
"part of the organization" LOL

it is not a mafia :D

You really are stubborn dude. It's common knowledge who the authorities are. Anyone with the least bit of sense would know much of our government is the authorities.

it is. that is why hearing it from the dude who is "from the 60s" that "911 are authorities" is laughable to the highest degree.

Or is it early Alzheimer on your part?

Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself. :dig:
It was dark, raining and Martin was walking near the homes looking in - that is in evidence - this area was a high risk area for burglary - that is in evidence - Zimmerman saw this man (Martin) lazily walking through the community looking into the homes, stopping and then continuing on. If he was going home why would he be checking out the homes? Martin's behavior was suspicious.
The behavior before the confrontation is all irrelevant. That all stopped when Zimmerman lost Martin and started walking back to his vehicle. At one point Martin's girlfriend said he was "at home" but the confrontation happened back within 30 feet of Zimmerman's vehicle. Who was stalking whom? Martin was never hit by Zimmerman - there was no indication that Martin had any injuries other than his bruised knuckles (from hitting Zimmerman) and the gunshot that could have saved Zimmerman's life.

Zimmerman had a broken nose, impact cuts on the back of his head, and bruising to both sides of his head. Zimmerman was pinned to the ground, unable to effect a withdrawal and was unable to fight back (as evidenced by no damage to Martin). Zimmerman would be a total idiot to think he was not in grave danger but he wasn't an idiot and recognized that this was a grievous situation and when his attacker noticed the gun and Zimmerman was told that he was going to die he did the only thing he could have done. He defended his life with the only effective means at his disposal. He fired his gun in self defense.
No sane person under those conditions would have done anything differently and survived. The gun was fired while Martin was bent over Zimmerman at a distance of four inches (all in evidence) and there is no way you could get the same powder residue or combination of angles in any other position.
There simply is no evidence that shows any other course of events is probable.
If i tried to avoid him and he kept on pursuing me, that "threat level" would definitely escalate. If the son of a bitch then got out of his vehicle to pursue me and we came into close quarters, I would DEFINITELY feel the need to be pro-active and defend myself.

If you had over 4 minutes to avoid him how would he gain close quarters ?

Would you call 911 or a friend in Miami ?

Why should I HAVE to avoid him? I'm not a slave, I am an American citizen who has a right to travel unmolested.

Wasn't Martin already on the phone with his friend? Where you always that "rational" when you were seventeen?

If you were on the jury what is your impression of this girl friend of Trayvon Martin? This uneducated girl that admits she can neither read or write and comes across as ghetto as there ever could be.
Honestly, isn't Rachel Jeantel Exhibit A of the street thug Martin was as we now know but was kept away from the jury?
Can you at least admit the obvious?
That was what the jury got. An uneducated girl that can not read or write, speaks like a gangster and this is Martin's girl friend.
Not trying to offend, just posting the obvious.
You really are stubborn dude. It's common knowledge who the authorities are. Anyone with the least bit of sense would know much of our government is the authorities.

it is. that is why hearing it from the dude who is "from the 60s" that "911 are authorities" is laughable to the highest degree.

Or is it early Alzheimer on your part?

Son, just admit you didn't know 911 were the authorities, Ok? You're embarrassing yourself.

dude, 911 dispatchers ARE NOT the authorities.

did you take your evening pills yet?
Another miserable Bush failure. Ala John Roberts. Still can't figure out why the rabid Socialists/Progressives hate the Bush's so much. The Bush's aren't Conservatives. They never were. All the hysterical hate from the Left towards them, really is perplexing. They should be amongst the Bush Family's biggest supporters. This Judge should be removed. Her behavior has been unjust. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. And this dunce is a big reason.

They hate the bush's because they have an R by their name. That's the ONLY reason. If they all changed it to a D, the libs would absolutely love them!!! Lol!

No one ‘hates’ the Bushes.

But given the fact that GWB squandered a budget surplus, started two failed, illegal wars, and expanded the size and power of the government, it’s perfectly reasonable to not vote republican again.

There was no dollars available surplus.
They shifted payments for programs at a later date. IOW "they kicked the can down the road".
And they narrowed the gap because of a Republican Congress.
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