The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Legitimate purpose = Following a suspected criminal one has called 911 on.

What was "suspect" about him, walking down the street? What was "legitimate" about pursuing Martin and leaving his vehicle to pursue him? What was the "suspected" crime?

Zimmerman's testimony indicated Tryvon was in someone's side yard next to the window at her hi
ouse in the rain he was doing more than walking down the street

The guy who killed that kid said this?

So what? It wouldn't be the first time that someone who started an altercation got their ass beat. In short, zimmerman initiated the contact by leaving his vehicle to continue his pursuit of Martin. If zimmerman kept his distance and waited for the police, this most likely would not have happened. zimmerman knew that he had a firearm, with that ownership comes responsibility to avoid situations where you may need to use that weapon. There was no threat from a guy who is trying to avoid you. There was no crime in progress that deemed it necessary for zimmerman to intervene.

Don't take this as me giving you hell. I really liked what O'Mara did today by sitting in silence for four minutes today. He didn't say a word and put the same thought in the head of the jurors that why wasn't he home. I'm not saying that's what happened, but they at least put that idea out there. The state didn't put anything out there.

Disagreeing with me and or showing me the other side of the story is not giving me hell. At least we can have a rational discussion/debate sans the other BS that some other people spew here. Kudos to you!

Now, on the flip side; that "four minutes" should have been used by the Prosecution to show that there was no reason for zimmerman to leave his vehicle and pursue Martin.

HaHa. And same to you my friend.

I agree with your point. That was a big hanging curveball out there that the state never swung at. That is the biggest reasonable doubt out there. That is the whole case essentially and the state never addressed it.

Legitimate purpose = Following a suspected criminal one has called 911 on.

What was "suspect" about him, walking down the street? What was "legitimate" about pursuing Martin and leaving his vehicle to pursue him? What was the "suspected" crime?

Zimmerman's testimony indicated Tryvon was in someone's side yard next to the window at her hi
ouse in the rain he was doing more than walking down the street

he said she said. NOBODY knows that for sure. that was just Zimmerman throwing rhetoric into the mix and you believe it. Shame on you.
zimmerman escalated the situation when he left his vehicle so he could continue his puruit of Martin.

Which wasn't illegal.

Martin attacking was.

It's very sad that Martin's inability to control himself got himself killed. Very sad indeed. It is a tragedy.

However, it would be a travesty to put George Zimmerman in jail when he didn't commit a crime, based on an emotional reaction to a combative teenager dying.

GTFOH with that bullshit.

If somebody follows your ass and you did nothing wrong you would be upset too wondering what the fuck is up here.

YOu know how when people pull over or turn their cars when somebody is following them too long in traffic? same shit here.

I driven behind cars where we turn on maybe 2-3 of the same streets and they IMMEDIATELY pull over of turn rapidly because THEY felt I was following them.

Happens all the time in society. people get antsy and curious when people do that. even if they don't mean to.

i dont know about that

someone followed me for about 30 miles today

figured they used me for a speeding ticket block

I hope he gets 15 years for shooting an unarmed kid. He chased him, he profiled him, he needs to go away because he fucking started all this shit. But that is my dream. :)

:eek: Zona dreams of injustice! :cuckoo:

Zona dreams that Travon was killed unjustly so Zimmerman & his family can suffer. :cuckoo:

Any sane person would dream that justice was done when TM was killed & everyone can put this behind them & end the suffering.
Martin attacked.
zimmerman escalated the situation when he left his vehicle so he could continue his puruit of Martin.

Which wasn't illegal.

Martin attacking was.

It's very sad that Martin's inability to control himself got himself killed. Very sad indeed. It is a tragedy.

However, it would be a travesty to put George Zimmerman in jail when he didn't commit a crime, based on an emotional reaction to a combative teenager dying.

PLease PROVE where Martin attacked Zimmerman please.

Following people doing nothing wrong is abnormal behavior to say the least.

Still isn't illegal.

If you're following someone, you've increased your chances a thousand times, ten thousand times of getting into a whole lot of trouble, unless it's like you're following a chick.

EXACTLY. Assholes act like following people and profiling is ok and normal...IT'S NOT unless you are the KKK....LOL
zimmerman escalated the situation when he left his vehicle so he could continue his puruit of Martin.

Which wasn't illegal.

Martin attacking was.

It's very sad that Martin's inability to control himself got himself killed. Very sad indeed. It is a tragedy.

However, it would be a travesty to put George Zimmerman in jail when he didn't commit a crime, based on an emotional reaction to a combative teenager dying.

PLease PROVE where Martin attacked Zimmerman please.


They can't prove it is the problem. So they take sides based on Rhetoric and ignorance.

not even one fact to back it up either.
For the record, I don't see any correlation between Rodney King and Trayvon Martin.


But it's an interesting exercise...remembering the violence perpetrated by irate black people on innocent white people. Just don't get the connection.

This case is so NOT a converse of that. :shock:
Which wasn't illegal.

Martin attacking was.

It's very sad that Martin's inability to control himself got himself killed. Very sad indeed. It is a tragedy.

However, it would be a travesty to put George Zimmerman in jail when he didn't commit a crime, based on an emotional reaction to a combative teenager dying.

PLease PROVE where Martin attacked Zimmerman please.


They can't prove it is the problem. So they take sides based on Rhetoric and ignorance.

not even one fact to back it up either.

This is you, this is Quick, Marc, Sarah and any other liberal here:

Just like Reginald, I say to Zimmerman, DONT GET OUT OF THE FUCKING TRUCK.

So, what you're saying is it was Denny's fault?


Are you saying it was Martins fault?

From what I heard at trial, yes. I do.
Trayvon Martin had every opportunity to return to the house he was staying at. Hell! He had 4 minutes and seeing Dee Dee put him "at his daddy house" , that should have taken 30 seconds max.
Instead, he pursued and attacked George Zimmerman and commenced beating the "creepy azz crackah" (his words, not mine) and got himself shot. Yes. George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, but he didn't "murder" him. Got it?
Which wasn't illegal.

Martin attacking was.

It's very sad that Martin's inability to control himself got himself killed. Very sad indeed. It is a tragedy.

However, it would be a travesty to put George Zimmerman in jail when he didn't commit a crime, based on an emotional reaction to a combative teenager dying.

PLease PROVE where Martin attacked Zimmerman please.


They can't prove it is the problem. So they take sides based on Rhetoric and ignorance.

not even one fact to back it up either.

Eye witness justified Martin was on top injuries only on Zimmerman just a file self defense
yes it is a form of racism

soft racism

Soft??? Tell that to Mr. Denny.


the expectation that certain races can not help themselves from rioting

after hearing outcomes

after natural disasters and such

I think it is racist to say that certain races cannot help themselves from rioting. That gives "certain races" a pass. Of course they can help themselves. And you are correct. The "pass" is soft racism. To be equal, we must all be held to the same standard. No one gets a pass.
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