The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Prep for this.


OMG...that was AWFUL!

That was so so wrong - and will NEVER happen again. People now have carry permits.

One can only pray. I watched it live. I watched every minute every second of it.

Anyone saying it cant happen again never lived thru it.

And they are assholes. Because it happened and it's going to be a big deal when the verdict rolls in.

I did live through it and it sounds like you're calling me an asshole. You might wanna check yourself. Just because it happened once, does not mean it will happen again. Many more people are armed and will use their weapons. Not so many unwary victims out there anymore. Especially since this and 9/11, to name just 2 events that have changed people's mindsets.

Don't presuppose reactions. Not the villains or the heroes.
There was no threat from a guy who is trying to avoid you.

Martin came back twice.

Once when Zim was in the truck and on w/ 911

and when he died only yards from the initial encounter he had run from.

No avoidance there.

Why was it his obligation to avoid someone who was following him? Why did zimmerman continue the pursuit by leaving his vehicle? zimmerman himself told the operator that Martin had "something in his hands", why did zimmerman go against his Neighborhood Watch guidelines and exit the vehicle?
Oh, by the way is it against the guidelines to totally modify my post? Maybe there's a glitch in the system on this forum, but when I clicked on the arrow to go back to my post, this is what came up:
he also has a medical report stating it was broken, along with 2 black eyes the next day.

So what? It wouldn't be the first time that someone who started an altercation got their ass beat. In short, zimmerman initiated the contact by leaving his vehicle to continue his pursuit of Martin. If zimmerman kept his distance and waited for the police, this most likely would not have happened. zimmerman knew that he had a firearm, with that ownership comes responsibility to avoid situations where you may need to use that weapon. There was no threat from a guy who is trying to avoid you. There was no crime in progress that deemed it necessary for zimmerman to intervene.
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Does the outcome of this trial affect anyone other than George Zimmerman?

Seriously, what or why is there so much invested by anyone other than George Zimmerman?

I can understand what the friends and family of Trayvon Martin has invested, but I don't understand why so many people in the United States have so much riding on this one trial.
OMG...that was AWFUL!

That was so so wrong - and will NEVER happen again. People now have carry permits.

One can only pray. I watched it live. I watched every minute every second of it.

Anyone saying it cant happen again never lived thru it.

And they are assholes. Because it happened and it's going to be a big deal when the verdict rolls in.

I did live through it and it sounds like you're calling me an asshole. You might wanna check yourself. Just because it happened once, does not mean it will happen again. Many more people are armed and will use their weapons. Not so many unwary victims out there anymore. Especially since this and 9/11, to name just 2 events that have changed people's mindsets.

Don't presuppose reactions. Not the villains or the heroes.

Not at all. Read all posts again.
Please keep talking about riots. The NRA loves it. Just like when Obama was elected. They banked big time.

Dumb asses.
Martin did not do what reasonable people would do and run home.

He ran. But he came back.

zimmerman didn't do what reasonable person do to a person walking down the street and minding their own business. zimmerman wasn't reasonable when he followed someone who obviously felt threatened and didn't want to be followed. zimmerman wasn't reasonable when he decided to leave his vehicle AFTER he told the operator that he saw something in Martin's hands.
Martin had NO obligation to run home, he stood his ground and got killed for it by an overzealous police officer "wannabe".

Martin attacked.
zimmerman escalated the situation when he left his vehicle so he could continue his puruit of Martin.
Here's MY official non-biased 3rd party view from the bleecher seats.

Zimmerman is a loser. His past and his past rap sheet proves that. He was a wannabe cop with a trigger itch.

Trayvon was your average everyday kid that gets into simple trouble like any other kid.

The night of the murder, Zimmerman CALLED THE COPS, you still with me?

Cops dispatch said "Ok sir, Cops are on the way, we'll take it from here"


Anybody with COMMON SENSE (Which Zimmerman did not display) would've went back to cruising the campus of the apartments. AT NO POINT was it EVER necessary for Zimmerman to GET OUT OF HIS VEHICLE and PURSUE this kid any further. We all agreee? don't give me that SHIT about it's nothing wrong with following somebody. This guy Zimmerman already REPORTED Trayvon so BY ALL ACCOUNTS his job was done, unless he heard an alarm go off on somebody's car OR a tenant called him to "check out" a suspicious kid wandering around their property. still with me?


Anybody with COMMON SENSE reading this KNOWS damn well Zimmerman's job was done after he reported Trayon.


Here's where it gets shitty.....We can ALL AGREE that Zimmerman probably said "fuck that, I'm gonna follow this guy and help the cops out" or something to that affect.
still with me?


Trayvon, being a young teen felt threatened when Zimmerman continued to follow him. ANY KID would feel that way, regardless of race, but Trayvon having a little bit of heart in him decided to question Zimmerman, "hey man, why you following me?". AT THIS TIME, Zimmerman couldv'e replied with "People said some young black youngster has been breaking into people's stuff and I need to know if that's you? if so, you need to stop." He didn't take that initiative. still with me?

So by now Trayvon is pissed and calls his girl to tell her. Personally I would've called 911 on Zimmerman and say "this guy is following me" just to have it on record that he did, but Trayvon didn't think to do that. not that it matters. but it wouldv'e helped his case. still with me?


At this point, Zimmerman is not satisfied with just confronting Trayvon, he wants a fight, as most jerks who wanna provoke a fight do. still with me?

So, Zimmerman continues to follow Trayvon, but loses him in the night sky, but is intent on finding Trayvon.

Keep in mind Trayvon hasn't done SHIT. Hasn't stolen anything, robbed anybody, NOTHING. But being a teen full of hormones, HE is not satisfied with Zimmerman stalking him. So he surprises Zimmerman with a smooth Mayweather sucker ounch outta nowhere, and turns his nose into a bloody tomato.

This pisses Zimmerman off, and actually gives him a reason to shoot him now, in his mind. So he says to himself, this is what I was waiting for, and returns the scuffle, because you ain't gonna make me believe Zimmerman didn't return any punches because by his testimony, they fought and scuffled. FACT... Still with me?


Both men are in the midst of the scuffle and Trayvon see the gun in Zimmerman's waist or whatever and IN MY OPINION, didn't wanna fight anymore at this point because he realizes that Zimmerman has a gun. So in the middle of the scuffle, Trayvon screams for help to get somebody out there to help break up the fight because he doesn't wanna get shot, but Zimmerman is so pissed that Trayvon got that good solid punch off, HE wants his chance to return the favor because his feelings are crushed now because a young black teen popped him good and that wasn't gonna set right with Zimmerman. So he's still pissed that his nose hurts and will not give up until he can return that favor. But Trayvon is holding his arms to keep him from swinging a punch..


Zimmerman...already past the point of no return has in his mind "fuck that, I'm gonna shoot this motherfucker if I ever get loose because I'm not gonna let him get to my gun and shoot me"...and once he is able to get his hands on the gun, BANG!

Trayvon is dead as a hammer.


AT THIS POINT...on the outside looking in, IN MY OPINION, IF Trayvon got his hands on the gun and shot Zimmerman, the trial wouldn't last 2 days and he would be in prison serving life without parole for 1st degree murder.

BUT since the Media AND Obama got their wicked hands on the story and they skewed the facts ON BOTH SIDES . The Media made it appear like Trayvon was a up and coming drug kingpin while on the other side Obama is saying stupid shit like "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon"..RECKLESS asshole talk that fueled the racial heat already attached to the case.

And at the end of the day, here we are in a standoff of opinions and views on the case, PERFECTLY doing what the Media and Obama wanted us all to do. DIVIDE AND CONQUER THE NATION.

NOw you have YOUR opinions on the case and I have mine. but after all the evidence presently, STILL points to a 1 guy with a gun, and a kid without one. PERIOD.

NOW something should tell you that Zimmerman was not scared of Trayvon ONE BIT or he wouldn't have followed him. He did it because he knew he could possibly get away with it. Because if it was MIKE TYSON walking through that complex, Zimmerman wouldn't have gotten out of his truck, he would've instead locked the doors even tighter and just left the situation for the cops to handle. And we all know it!

But guess what?, there will be no riots for all the wicked assholes that are itching to use their daddy's long rifle or AR15 on the first black person that gets in their face. That's just propaganda boogeyman talk to demonize the black community into a frenzied rage almost like button pushing. this is why the NBP already hyped up. And they are ignorant to even feed into this.

2 things that NEVER should've happend to this case IN MY OPINION:

the Media and Barack Obama.

MY 2 cents on the case.

PS- Google "Larry Pinkney" a REAL ex-Black Panther and hear him denounce the NBP as Cointelpro controlled.

PSS- If any one of you assholes run up on me and I'm putting your brains on the pavement because I'm not tolerating some yahoo asshole mad about the outcome,whichever way it goes.

Good day All. .
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zimmerman didn't do what reasonable person do to a person walking down the street and minding their own business. zimmerman wasn't reasonable when he followed someone who obviously felt threatened and didn't want to be followed. zimmerman wasn't reasonable when he decided to leave his vehicle AFTER he told the operator that he saw something in Martin's hands.

Zimmerman could follow him. The attack on Zimmerman escalated it.

zimmerman's actions were the genesis of this whole event. Had he just kept on driving to Target and had he just not left his vehicle to pursue Martin, this incident most likely would not have happened.

I think that zimmerman should be convicted of Manslaughter and receive 5 to 10..........
zimmerman didn't do what reasonable person do to a person walking down the street and minding their own business. zimmerman wasn't reasonable when he followed someone who obviously felt threatened and didn't want to be followed. zimmerman wasn't reasonable when he decided to leave his vehicle AFTER he told the operator that he saw something in Martin's hands.
Martin had NO obligation to run home, he stood his ground and got killed for it by an overzealous police officer "wannabe".

Martin attacked.
zimmerman escalated the situation when he left his vehicle so he could continue his puruit of Martin.

Which wasn't illegal.

Martin attacking was.

It's very sad that Martin's inability to control himself got himself killed. Very sad indeed. It is a tragedy.

However, it would be a travesty to put George Zimmerman in jail when he didn't commit a crime, based on an emotional reaction to a combative teenager dying.

Yeah thar makes a shit load of sense. They could find Zim guilty of M2 for shooting Martin with a gun he didn't have or fire?

______We, the Jury, find George Zimmerman guilty of Murder in the Second Degree, as charged in the Information.

______We find that George Zimmerman did not actually possess or discharge a firearm during the commission of the offense.
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