The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If the black guy was on trial for killing the latino/white guy, these guys would cheering the law and order judge. It's hilarious.

That said, imo, letting the prosecution choose a lesser included offense at the very end is not fair. But, Fla applies the law to all.

Which means it’s perfectly fair.

Again, the manslaughter charge automatically connects to the murder charge, absent the prosecution’s request.

Maybe the walked in immediately came to a decision but asked for the evidence list and are stalling so it LOOKS like they worked really hard at it and no one gets mad at them and at five they went for steaks and pedicures to prep for their trip to disney after they tell everyone tomorrow.

How was that?

ty so much for humoring me.

Maybe there isn't really a jury at all and they just made them up when really theyve all been talking to a blank wall this whole time.


I'm trying ;)

oh much--I do think you may be closing in on the truth in a passive aggressive sort of way.
he also has a medical report stating it was broken, along with 2 black eyes the next day.

So what? It wouldn't be the first time that someone who started an altercation got their ass beat. In short, zimmerman initiated the contact by leaving his vehicle to continue his pursuit of Martin. If zimmerman kept his distance and waited for the police, this most likely would not have happened. zimmerman knew that he had a firearm, with that ownership comes responsibility to avoid situations where you may need to use that weapon. There was no threat from a guy who is trying to avoid you. There was no crime in progress that deemed it necessary for zimmerman to intervene.

Zimmerman didn't intervene.

Zimmerman wasn't committing a crime.

The evidence suggests that Trayvon was not trying to avoid Zimmerman. Well, he approached Zimmerman, and then made one attempt to avoid Zimmerman and it apparently succeeded, but then he appears to have returned.

Trayvon's attack was a crime.

This whole thing was a tragedy, but Zimmerman's actions were legal.

LOL, thanks for the laugh! zimmerman intervened when he started following Martin, zimmerman intervened when he left his truck to continue the pursuit. I guess that we can agree on one thing; and that is agree to highly disagree with one another. :)
this entire trial is a farce about race and punishing white people for what happened 200 years ago.

when will we ever get over slavery in this country?

When the murder of a black child by a white person is treated just as seriously as a murder of a white child by a black person.

That's when we get over it.

Why is it that so many blacks murder other blacks..

Why the deflection? This has nothing to do with the thread topic.
Yes, lets. Lets make law based on emotions instead of facts. It seems as if we already do, whaddya say folks?

Fact, we have plenty more gun deaths than other advanced societies...we should make laws to prevent those gun deaths.

Fact, people lawfully use guns as many times as people use them unlawfully to commit crimes.

Not getting mine.
Why do you think he should have gone home? The kid was seventeen;why not put more responsibility on the adult who was ARMED? The ADULT should have stayed in his vehicle and waited for the police to arrive.

Adult should have responsibility, but should a 17 year old have some responsibility as well. If you fast forward one year would he have any more or less responsibility?

adult was not doing anything irresponsible. he was going back to his truck when a bad-ass hero wannabe attacked

I think that is what the evidence infers, but nobody is ever going to know. No amount of emotion or screaming is going to make anyone's argument change somebody's mind. If everyone would just look at the evidence you could see where it takes you to nobody can prove who started it. If you can't prove that, in the spirit of the law, you have to acquit.
urban dictionary is the ultimate authority :lol:

you really are retarded

The police are the ONLY authorities in the U.S. How old are you, 12? LMAO

go away, stupid troll

Isn't that a zone 2 violation btw

Any other idiot want to state 911 are not the authorities?

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

authorities - the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the matter was referred to higher authorities"
government, regime

governing, government activity, government, governance, administration - the act of governing; exercising authority; "regulations for the governing of state prisons"; "he had considerable experience of government"

polity - a politically organized unit

authoritarian regime, authoritarian state - a government that concentrates political power in an authority not responsible to the people

bureaucracy - a government that is administered primarily by bureaus that are staffed with nonelective officials

ancien regime - a political and social system that no longer governs (especially the system that existed in France before the French Revolution)

royal court, court - the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state

Downing Street - the British government

empire - a group of countries under a single authority; "the British created a great empire"

federal government - a government with strong central powers

government-in-exile - a temporary government moved to or formed in a foreign land by exiles who hope to rule when their country is liberated

local government - the government of a local area

military government, stratocracy - government by the military and an army

palace - the governing group of a kingdom; "the palace issued an order binding on all subjects"

papacy, pontificate - the government of the Roman Catholic Church

government department - a department of government

law-makers, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislature, general assembly - persons who make or amend or repeal laws

governance, governing body, organisation, administration, brass, establishment, organization - the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment"

executive - persons who administer the law

judiciary, bench - persons who administer justice

judicatory, judicial system, judiciary, judicature - the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government

pupet regime, puppet government, puppet state - a government that is appointed by and whose affairs are directed by an outside authority that may impose hardships on those governed

state - the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state; "the state has lowered its income tax"

division - an administrative unit in government or business

state government - the government of a state in the United States

totalitarian state, totalitation regime - a government that subordinates the individual to the state and strictly controls all aspects of life by coercive measures

government officials, officialdom - people elected or appointed to administer a government

911 are part of the organization.
LOL, thanks for the laugh! zimmerman intervened when he started following Martin, zimmerman intervened when he left his truck to continue the pursuit. I guess that we can agree on one thing; and that is agree to highly disagree with one another. :)

Was leaving the truck and following legal ?
So what? It wouldn't be the first time that someone who started an altercation got their ass beat. In short, zimmerman initiated the contact by leaving his vehicle to continue his pursuit of Martin. If zimmerman kept his distance and waited for the police, this most likely would not have happened. zimmerman knew that he had a firearm, with that ownership comes responsibility to avoid situations where you may need to use that weapon. There was no threat from a guy who is trying to avoid you. There was no crime in progress that deemed it necessary for zimmerman to intervene.

If Trayvon would just ran home and not tried to be bad ass hero - nothing would happen

Why should he have to run home? If the ADULT in the situation who was armed just kept his distance and "observed" instead of getting out of his vehicle and pursuing Martin, chances are there wouldn't have been any violent outcome.

because he was in unknown neighborhood and felt threatened, remember?

a normal reasonable 17 yo would simply run home.

a bad-ass hero wannabe would attack his follower and take his chances with what would happen next.
When the tables are turned and then the person is being beaten and there's a chance for grave bodily harm or worse.

What should that person do? not defend themselves and just stop fighting back and get killed.
It all changed in the Zimmerman case when Trevon decided not to walk away and call 911 but
decided to attack...Then Trevon was the aggressor.
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Well he certainly should pay A price. In my humble opinion.

He not only had a chance to walk that went un-taken, he was told to walk by the 911 operator.

No, he wasn't told that at all. The dispatcher NEVER said "don't follow him". He said "we don't need you to follow him". There's a big difference. One is an order, while the other is merely a statement. The fact is, the dispatcher said that for ZIMMERMANS safety, not Trayvons. When are you fuck tards going to understand that?
Why are police urging calm after the verdict is read?

I don't understand this.

Are police anticipating a Not Guilty verdict or are they suggesting Hispanics and Whites will riot if Zimmerman is found Guilty?

I actually think the jury has reached a verdict and told the judge that they have, but the judge told them to wait until morning to read it since people started to gather at the courthouse.

Prep for this.


OMG...that was AWFUL!

That was so so wrong - and will NEVER happen again. People now have carry permits.

Not so much in Los Angeles.
I know how to surf and water ski, I know how to type 130 wpm, I know how to write marketing campaigns, I know how to blow really big bubbles, I know how to tie shoes, I know lots of things.

Do you know how fun it is to speculate about stuff ?


Maybe the walked in immediately came to a decision but asked for the evidence list and are stalling so it LOOKS like they worked really hard at it and no one gets mad at them and at five they went for steaks and pedicures to prep for their trip to disney after they tell everyone tomorrow.

How was that?

Oh crap I'm still the old rock and roller at heart...

my piggies are getting polished and I'm thinking " the moment I believed in O'Mara and he made me care"

Yeah that would work.....:eusa_angel:
HAHAHA her campaign manager is one of the heads of the Republican Party in Florida.
Try again with some facts.

Another miserable Bush failure. Ala John Roberts. Still can't figure out why the rabid Socialists/Progressives hate the Bush's so much. The Bush's aren't Conservatives. They never were. All the hysterical hate from the Left towards them, really is perplexing. They should be amongst the Bush Family's biggest supporters. This Judge should be removed. Her behavior has been unjust. Zimmerman has not received a fair trial. And this dunce is a big reason.

They hate the bush's because they have an R by their name. That's the ONLY reason. If they all changed it to a D, the libs would absolutely love them!!! Lol!

No one ‘hates’ the Bushes.

But given the fact that GWB squandered a budget surplus, started two failed, illegal wars, and expanded the size and power of the government, it’s perfectly reasonable to not vote republican again.
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