The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Let us not forget that Zimmerman passed 2 lie detector tests, so most likely his account of the incident is true. Zimm says Martin started taking off quickly before he had even gotten out of his vehicle, got out of the car, not to apprehend Martin but in order to be able to tell the cops where he was. Zimm says he thought he lost him and Martin pops up as he is heading back towards where he was to meet the officers. This is not a manslaughter or murder case if this is all true.

Lie detector tests are very easy to pass.

Really? Why do people fail them so often on the talk shows all the time?

Reality TV. You figure it out.
Noomi, could you explain how to pass one easily?

I have never passed one, but there is a reason they are often inadmissible in court - you can't rely on them. With a bit of practice, apparently people can control their heart rate etc and pass it.
Noomi, could you explain how to pass one easily?

I have never passed one, but there is a reason they are often inadmissible in court - you can't rely on them. With a bit of practice, apparently people can control their heart rate etc and pass it.

Sure with practice, and probably not just a little bit. And what makes you think that Zimmerman knew how to beat a polygraph? Where is the evidence?
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Between 4109 and 8219 lives saved every day by people using their guns to stop a crime. The higher of those numbers is the number of murders in a year and there are that many lives saved every day by GUNS in hands of law abiding citizens. Does that scare you? It makes me feel much safer.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.

The fact is that guns, gun violence, gun deaths, and successfully defending oneself with a gun are merely symptoms of a far more complex and deep-rooted problem where in America violence is perceived as a legitimate form of conflict resolution, and where in essence America is a considerably more violent society than any other society in the West.

Guns, consequently, have little to do with the issue, just as comparing the United States to other Western countries is utterly futile and pointless.
Florida Involuntary Manslaughter Laws - FindLaw

"Overview of Florida Involuntary Manslaughter Laws

When a homicide, the killing of a human being, does not meet the legal definition of murder, Florida state laws allow a prosecutor to consider a manslaughter charge. The state establishes two types of manslaughter: voluntary and involuntary. While voluntary manslaughter describes an intentional act performed during a provocation or heat of passion, involuntary manslaughter does not require an intent to kill or even an intent to perform that act resulting in the victim's death.

To establish involuntary manslaughter, the prosecutor must show that the defendant acted with "culpable negligence." Florida statutes define culpable negligence as a disregard for human life while engaging in wanton or reckless behavior. The state may be able to prove involuntary manslaughter by showing the defendant's recklessness or lack of care when handling a dangerous instrument or weapon, or while engaging in a range of other activities that could lead to death if performed recklessly.

Example: If the defendant handles a loaded gun without any knowledge of whether the gun is loaded, and he later discharges the gun into a group of people, the defendant's actions likely meet the recklessness requirement for a charge of involuntary manslaughter.

Florida state laws also establish involuntary manslaughter if the prosecutor shows that the defendant used excessive force during self-defense or the defense of another person. The prosecution and defense can look at the facts and circumstances of the killing to determine whether the defendant reasonably believed that self-defense was necessary; if not necessary, the state might proceed with an involuntary manslaughter charge.
Defenses to Involuntary Manslaughter Charges

* Justifiable use of deadly force to defend against a felony committed against a person or property
* Excusable homicide committed by accident -- for this defense in an involuntary manslaughter case, the defendant must show that she acted without recklessness qualifying as culpable negligence"

I think he can beat both a voluntary and involuntary case with theevidence available.
The state's case is going down in flames!

Today can only be characterized as an utter debacle for the prosecution in Florida v. Zimmerman. Besides the testimony of a couple of highly professional law enforcement witnesses, the testimony of the the other State witnesses ranged from signing George Zimmerman’s praises, to acknowledging the utility of following a suspicious person from a distance, to being utterly discredited by razor sharp cross-examination of the defense.

. . . . . . . . .

Wendy Dorival, Sanford Police Department, Neighborhood Watch Program

Ms. Dorival works for the Sanford Police Department and played a major role in coordinating with George Zimmerman to establish the Neighborhood Watch Program at the Retreat at Twin Lakes community. Her role is to instruct the residents on how the NWP works, and provide guide lines on its operation.
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State witness, Ms. Dorival, NWP coordinator

Recall that one of the key elements of the State’s theory of the case is that Zimmerman is a “wannabe cop” who “took the law into his own hands.” The expectation was that this witness would define the limited scope of the NWP, and the State could then illustrate how Zimmerman had aggressively over-stepped these limitations in “profiling” and “following” Martin.

Accordingly, the State started asking Dorival about whether NWP participants are advised to “follow” and “confront” suspicious persons, and she affirmed that the participants were merely supposed to be the “eyes and ears” of the community and that actual enforcement should be left to the police. If they saw a crime they should call 911, if they saw merely suspicious behavior they should call the provided non-emergency number.

Defense Attorney West

He asked if she had any personal knowledge of the drivers behind Twin Lakes starting a NWP,. Dorival confirmed that she had checked with the Sanford Police Department’s crime statistics and confirmed that there had been a spike in robberies and that the neighborhood’s concerns about crime were genuine. She was also aware of the recent home invasion.

He then explored her experience interacting with George Zimmerman. Was he polite, courteous, respectful, he asked?

Oh, yes, Dorival answered. Every time.

That was the first indication that this witness might spin against the State’s interests–and an eruption of confirmatory testimony was about to emerge.

Dorival naturally thought it was great that Zimmerman wanted to start a NWP. Indeed, so committed was she herself to the NWP initiative that she took the lead at the Sanford PD even though it wasn’t really her “day job” there.

Further, she thought it was great that Zimmerman was pursuing a degree in criminal justice. In fact, she had been so impressed with him that she had tried to recruit him for the Sanford PD’s “Citizen on Patrol” program.

“Citizens on Patrol?” asked West. “What’s that?”

It turns out that it’s a program in which the Sanford Police Department would provide Zimmerman with a civilianized patrol car and a uniform of sorts, and provide additional training that would allow him to effectively conduct patrols of his neighborhood. In contrast, the NWP program was far less pro-active, involving only observation and reporting.

Surely the Zimmerman described by the State as a “wannabe cop” seeking to “take the law into his own hands” and “profile” and “chase” unfamiliar black boys would fairly leap at such an opportunity. It was as close to being a police officer as Zimmerman was ever likely to get, the chance of a life time.

Zimmerman declined the opportunity.

This did not, however, spoil Dorival’s respect for Zimmerman. When asked by West if there was anything about Zimmerman’s demeanor that “raised any red flags” for her, she answered in the negative. George, she said, struck her as very professional, perhaps a little meek, but a man who was really committed to making his community better.​
Ouch! Severe Pownage!
and if it was Trayvon screaming for help, wouldn't you think every other word or so would of started with the Letter F? and we also should of heard the term "F%$#N Cracker Head" during his screams for help? You know, if I am beating the bajezuz out of anyone, kicking his ass, would I be screaming for help? im not exactly a wussy.
It was dark, raining and Martin was walking near the homes looking in - that is in evidence -

If this is true then all Zimmerman had to do was report Trayvon and the Laws pick him up because he's already been fingered and profiled as the "thug" doing all the stealing. But that's not the case now is it? So that "evidence" is just fuckin hearsay.

Dispatchers have the authority to tell people to "stand down", or whatever they need to until the cops get there.

It's obvious you trolls in here never heard a Dispatcher calm down a Domestic dispute or tell somebody not to do something becasue it could endanger them.

Just request a 911 file case on any crime, you will hear the Dispatcher trying to help the situation until the Cops get there.

Most of you are just race-baiters in here. :eusa_hand:
The other side doesn't have any reasoning. These people hate the fact that anyone would defend themselves from one of the chosen ones.

Fuck everyone of these assholes!

Damn!! Take a pill!! You're very annoying.

Your just stupid as you can't even think through the evidence. If you did there's no way in hell you would be charging this man with murder.

Take something to put you a sleep...Like that old man that sleeps for centuries. :eusa_hand:

I thought through the evidence just fine. Unlike you. I'm sure you made up your mind before any facts were even available. So YOU talk to the hand you little twit!!!
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