The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I can't understand why they haven't allowed George to scream for help during the case to match the voice, just like when Johnny Cockroach wanted OJ to try the gloves on to prove they didn't fit.
There is evidence. Zimmernan's own statement. If you want to say it isn't reliable you will need to provide counter evidence. And tehre is none.
Tracy Martin was put on the stand as Trayvon's father. Everyone assumes he is Trayvon's father. But no one has produced a DNA test that proves that. Capiche?

That is the dumbest thing you have ever said. And let's face it, you have said some pretty dumb things. I almost feel sorry for you.

I always feel sorry for idiots who have nothing productive to say. And you, well, if I was paid a thousand bucks for all of unproductive posts you made, I would need a freaking job.

You don't have a job?? Gee, that's so surprising.
Irrelevant to you? And so does following someone in the dark, not identifying yourself and reaching for your that wasnt

GZ was aggressively following and hence got aggressively punched by a Very relevant to self defense...he went looking and he found it.

"Aggressively following"? What crime is that? What part of that justifies getting punched?
You make stuff up and ignore the relevant details.

It's called "menacing".

Menacing Law & Legal Definition

And you'll note he was never charged with that crime. I wonder why?
Injustice: There are biased judges, and then there's Debra Nelson, who's presided over what can only be called a kangaroo court in the George Zimmerman trial.

The bias of Nelson, Florida Circuit Court judge and a lifelong Democrat, in favor of the prosecution and its efforts to railroad Zimmerman as a racist murderer has been palpable throughout the case. Her actions, which have actively aided the state, could poison jurors and factor into future litigation.

Her shameful rulings and behavior, therefore, are worth cataloging, and include:

• Suppressing exculpatory evidence recovered from the (double-password-protected) cell phone of Trayvon Martin that reveal deleted texts of the 17-year-old bragging about street-fighting with friends and relatives and photos showing him brandishing guns, gangsta-style. This evidence supports Zimmerman's claim he feared Martin and shot in self-defense.

• Disallowing Martin's criminal background, including arrests by Miami-Dade school district police for drugs, theft, graffiti and other delinquent behavior. (Martin, in fact, had been suspended from school the week he jumped Zimmerman inside his gated townhouse complex, after police found stolen jewelry and burglary tools inside his backpack.)

• Excluding any testimony from audio experts who could definitively ID Zimmerman's voice screaming for help on 911 calls as Martin bashed his head against a concrete sidewalk.

• Allowing, conversely, the last-minute request of plainly desperate prosecutors to have jurors consider an alternative lesser charge of manslaughter to try to secure some kind of conviction, any kind of punishment, in the complete absence of a sound murder case.

• Never sanctioning the prosecution despite Zimmerman's lawyers justifiably filing no fewer than six formal complaints against the state for withholding exculpatory and other evidence from them in violation of discovery rules.

• Yet repeatedly overruling — at times even reprimanding — Zimmerman's lawyers when they objected to the underhanded tactics of the prosecution.

• And even, in one of the most bizarre interventions by a judge many court watchers have ever observed in a criminal case, directly grilling defendant Zimmerman not once, but three times about his intentions to personally testify — while scolding his lawyers not to counsel him in what seemed to many to be an attempt by the court to bully him into taking the stand.​

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Judge Presiding Over Zimmerman Trial Repeatedly Put Thumb On Scales -
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...Since Police Dispatchers are a part of the Police Department which is an official agency established in every state of the union, and not some 3rd party private vendor doing the dispatching?

simple question. :cool:
I think Zimmerman should go down for murder, but I don't think the judge should be allowed to ask the jury to consider lesser charges.

The prosecution should have made that request earlier, before the trial. If they want new charges, they should be charging him again, which they can't.

Thankfully, our justice system requres actual evidence and not just what you think.

That is what we hope for. Unfortunately, we know that it doesn't always work that way. We have way too many convictions where there just isn't enough evidence to overcome reasonable doubt, yet they seem to happen all the time.
Yep. This is a win win case for Zimmerman. Debra Nelson completely ignored case law regarding the exculpatory evidence. She lied when she said she "reviewed" it.

Lamargue v. State of Florida (2010)

U.S. v Caldwell (1985)
Their edicts have no legal or authoritative bearing. Get that through your thick head.

They don't enforce the law, the police do. It is why we call them "dispatchers."
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This is exactly what Obama wants. a Lawless America so he can inact Martial Law.

get ready. 2014 is when Barry Soetoro aka Slick Barry's true colors come out.
This is a thinly veiled reference to the GZ case.

1. "We don't need you to do that (follow TM)" is not an order. It's a suggestion. The dispatcher does not give orders due to liability issues.
2. There actually is no proof that GZ did follow TM after that suggestion.
This is a thinly veiled reference to the GZ case.

1. "We don't need you to do that (follow TM)" is not an order. It's a suggestion. The dispatcher does not give orders due to liability issues.
2. There actually is no proof that GZ did follow TM after that suggestion.

So it begs the question, why should dispatchers even be called in the first place if all we need to do is take the law into our own hands?
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