The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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No one knows how a jury will rule. The facts suggest to me that GZ acted foolishly and has some culpability. I'd like to know when he added the 8th round to his weapon. Did he always carry it in that manner, or did he add one to the mag. and chamber a round before he began to stalk TM?
. If you are not a police officer, you don't follow people, period.

Link ?

Are you serious? This doesn't need a link to be understood: to understand this point you need common sense. Civilians should not be following each other around spying on each other or looking for trouble or stalking women they find attractive. It is only common sense. Look what happens when someone, a civilian, doesn't use common sense and goes out following someone he thinks is suspicious: tragedy.
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Well that certainly got you all riled up of all the things I just said.

Daughter is on summer break so I'm on vacation.

I rarely if ever bother to read your posts as they are essentially full of inanities. And your observation ("all riled up") is pure hyperbole; you'd realize that if you could recognize the difference between hyperbole and minutia, which you probably can't: most nimnos can't. Bottom line: to me you are a tiresome, self obsessed fool who is extremely limited intellectually and not worth more than scorn. I don't bother with you except to smirk at you.

Blah blah blah. I know. Run along now.
Guy, this is not about Trayvon committing a crime.

It's about Zimmerman killing him.

I'm really sorry you don't get this. Stop masturbating with the gun long enough to realize, anyway you slice it, Zimmerman TRULY fucked this up.

Some folks deserve to die Joe.
Tragedy but shit happens.
Don't attack a creepy cracker with a gun.
Crime has already gone down 30% there!

That's what it's all about, right, Keeping "Those People" in their place.

Reconstruction obviously didn't last long enough.

Oh, if there's a riot, won't that 30% reduction be wiped out pretty quickly?

You might want to educate yourself
Dispatchers have the authority to tell people to "stand down", or whatever they need to until the cops get there.

It's obvious you trolls in here never heard a Dispatcher calm down a Domestic dispute or tell somebody not to do something becasue it could endanger them.

Just request a 911 file case on any crime, you will hear the Dispatcher trying to help the situation until the Cops get there.

Most of you are just race-baiters in here. :eusa_hand:

You stupid ass-hat, the dispatcher has no authority, meaning that if a person simply ignores, them, NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT.

There is no crime of 'failing to obey the dispatch/911 operator/ etc'.

You truly are a fucking retard.

he is #2 here who wants to obey the telephone pole :D
Look at Joe change his story as the facts prove him wrong.

Didn't change the story at all.

The CDC was banned in 1996 from conducting studies on guns.

Obama has called for ending the ban, but the funds still aren't there.

Because if they DID study it, they'd find out what Kellerman found out. That you Cleetuses are more in danger from your own guns than any gun a bad guy has.

Yeah you say this after you were proved wrong.

Before that it was: "Horseshit the CDC is prohibited from doing gun studies"

You may be able to lie to yourself but others....not so much
Heard somebody give a very good opinion on this. Do you think your mother could put her head on her pillow at night if she sent an innocent man to jail to appease protestors outside? Thought that was a good analogy. I know my mother wouldn't even consider it.

If I was innocent, I would want to be tried by a judge.
If I was guilty, I would want to be tried by a jury.

Right on.

Oh sheesh I can't beleive I just typed that :lol:

I am sorry, but that is total BS.

As we see here judges are extremely prejudiced so no, even if you are innocent, it is better to be tried by a jury
. If you are not a police officer, you don't follow people, period.

Link ?

Are you serious? This doesn't need a link to be understood: to understand this point you need common sense. Civilians should not be following each other around spying on each other or looking for trouble or stalking women they find attractive. It is only common sense. Look what happens when someone, a civilian, doesn't use common sense and goes out following someone he thinks is suspicious: tragedy.

He is serious. It is total BS what you are assuming.
It is totally legal to follow people
That's right! Zimmerman is a registered DEMOCRAT!


Doubt he even voted, too busy with his vigilante work.

Riots are not the mark of a civilized culture. That should tell you what you need to know about liberalism.

Peaceful demonstrations. You get so stupid, I swear, Rs are too lazy for peaceful demonstrations or working things out, they just go out and murder people.

Sarah, it doesn't matter if he voted or not.
To you, Zimmerman, a registered 'D', is a murderer and in the same breath you claim that 'R's are murderers also.

WTF Sarah?? Seriously????

Rs are the ones most interested in guns and vigilantism so actions speak louder than words.
Yes, lets. Lets make law based on emotions instead of facts. It seems as if we already do, whaddya say folks?

Fact, we have plenty more gun deaths than other advanced societies...we should make laws to prevent those gun deaths.

Frankly when more idiots like you reduce your hysterical, hyperbolic over emotional attitudes,
maybe fewer emotionally retarded people like you would respond by killing people regardless with a gun or an knife!

ALL the gun deaths you described are done by emotionally bereft people like you did you know that???

People like you that respond first emotionally i.e. picking up a gun and shooting rather then THINKING!

People like you that respond out of ignorance rather then logic!

Yea... "advanced societies" with "gun controls" still have violent deaths regardless of gun controls!

Why not have emotional, hysterical people like you fitted with dog collars that when you respond totally with NO logic,
no thinking you are zapped? Every baby born at birth attached with such a collar that prevents totally ignorant emotional,
illogical actions such as hysterical people like you are so quick to resort to.

Are you serious? This doesn't need a link to be understood: to understand this point you need common sense. Civilians should not be following each other around spying on each other or looking for trouble or stalking women they find attractive. It is only common sense. Look what happens when someone, a civilian, doesn't use common sense and goes out following someone he thinks is suspicious: tragedy.

He is serious. It is total BS what you are assuming.
It is totally legal to follow people

Totally legal? Not necessarily so. It is not legal to stalk and spy on people, to create fear, to invade privacy. Sorry to disillusion, but it is not legal to do that.
. If you are not a police officer, you don't follow people, period.

Link ?

Are you serious? This doesn't need a link to be understood: to understand this point you need common sense. Civilians should not be following each other around spying on each other or looking for trouble or stalking women they find attractive. It is only common sense. Look what happens when someone, a civilian, doesn't use common sense and goes out following someone he thinks is suspicious: tragedy.

Zim saw suspected criminal in neighborhood, called Police and tried to direct Police to said criminal.
It looks like there is a late night ruling. Zimmerman is guilty. He is getting 15 years. Go martin family. You have justice! Your unarmed son has been revenged. :). Hey. I can dream.

:eek: So you believe the justice system is to get revenge! :cuckoo:

He believes the justice system is to be manipulated to inflict pain on the white people. That's all he and many like him want, to tear down this country. They are not about contributing or making this country better. They just want to do damage.
:eek: So you believe the justice system is to get revenge! :cuckoo:

Nope but I do believe the Martin family will feel like justice is served if Zimmerman goes to jail for killing their child. If he is guilty, it will be revenge if he gets at least 15 years for shooting an unarmed child.

Do you or the Martin family deserve to feel like revenge is served?

He is hoping they will share the money.
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Between 4109 and 8219 lives saved every day by people using their guns to stop a crime. The higher of those numbers is the number of murders in a year and there are that many lives saved every day by GUNS in hands of law abiding citizens. Does that scare you? It makes me feel much safer.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.

Please provide a link to the CDC study you are quoting.
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