The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The make-up of the jury begs an appeal for anything but acquittal...

... no men and no Hispanics hardly qualifies in this case...

... as a jury of one's peers.
Tweets below can be found here.

I promise you me and my people gon RIOT! No bullshit

If Zimmerman walks... As a people I hope all of us African Americans RIOT! straight up. Lets wild the fuck out. WHO'S WITH ME ?!

For Real if #Zimmerman isn't found guilty we should break into stores and start a riot on some Rodney King shit.

If they don't find Zimmerman GUILTY white America better prepare themselves its real live riot supporters out here ready to get it popping

I didn't read this whole thing because the coffee isn't ready. Couple quick corrections on it off the top, the judge's campaign mgr is on the RNC, Obama did not pressure her on 3rd degree that was a stooges and Corey game. As much as I don't want it to be this is an R thing state wise that' what it is. It's an R state, has been for a long time. So R the people elected the guy that ripped off medicare for the largest amount in US history and spent 27 mil of his own money to buy the election. Maybe an over PC'ed response to a D national problem, but an R state thing none the less. Summary there - the government sucks in all places.

There's quite a few other things in there that are incorrect.
There is a lot of sh!t and agendas trying hard to be stirred up.

Edit for my John Mica. He's the only one that doesn't suck.
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Riots are not the mark of a civilized culture. That should tell you what you need to know about liberalism.

Peaceful demonstrations. You get so stupid, I swear, Rs are too lazy for peaceful demonstrations or working things out, they just go out and murder people.
The make-up of the jury begs an appeal for anything but acquittal...

... no men and no Hispanics hardly qualifies in this case...

... as a jury of one's peers.

The defense approved the jury selection. Unless they were manipulating things so they could make an appeal, they felt the jury selected was appropriate and qualified as Zimmerman's peers.

The fact the judge did not lean in favor of the defense and did not show an attitude that the trial itself was unnecessary because Zimmerman was obviously not guilty does not make this a kangaroo court. Calling it one only displays the bias of the OP and those who have the OP's perpsective on this issue.
Riots are not the mark of a civilized culture. That should tell you what you need to know about liberalism.

Peaceful demonstrations. You get so stupid, I swear, Rs are too lazy for peaceful demonstrations or working things out, they just go out and murder people.

Correction, R's can't take time off work to go out and demonstrate. Making the bakin.

Zimmerman is a walking dead man. at least we all agree on that. I bet that sad sack of shit didn't think his vigilante actions would lead to a nationwide civilian bounty being put on his head.

Dude might as well move to Cuba or catch up with Snowden and seek asylum in Russia.


Riots are not the mark of a civilized culture. That should tell you what you need to know about liberalism.

Peaceful demonstrations. You get so stupid, I swear, Rs are too lazy for peaceful demonstrations or working things out, they just go out and murder people.

Correction, R's can't take time off work to go out and demonstrate. Making the bakin.


Like you? You sit around here all day too.
Let us not forget that Zimmerman passed 2 lie detector tests, so most likely his account of the incident is true. Zimm says Martin started taking off quickly before he had even gotten out of his vehicle, got out of the car, not to apprehend Martin but in order to be able to tell the cops where he was. Zimm says he thought he lost him and Martin pops up as he is heading back towards where he was to meet the officers. This is not a manslaughter or murder case if this is all true.

The crux of the matter is if GZ is telling the truth. Too many facts give lie to what he has said. Perhaps the most crucial of all is the lie about the gun. GZ could not have reached his gun if TM was straddling him as alleged. That means his entire account of the altercation is a fabrication. On that alone he deserves to be convicted of manslaughter. However given the weakness of the prosecutions case I expect him to be acquitted or a hung jury.

Paula Cooper was 15 when she and three other teenage girls showed up at Ruth Pelke's house on May 14, 1985, with plans of robbing the 78-year-old Bible school teacher. Pelke let Cooper and two of the teen's companions into her Gary home after they told her they were interested in Bible lessons. As the fourth teen waited outside as a lookout, Cooper stabbed Pelke 33 times with a butcher knife. Then she and the other girls ransacked the house. The four girls fled with Pelke's car and US$10. Cooper's three accomplices were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 25 to 60 years. But Cooper, who confessed to Pelke's slaying, was convicted of murder and sentenced to die in the electric chair. At the time - in 1986 - she was the youngest death row inmate in the US.

Ya....and the left and racists call these people "children"........

The point is, these people were held accountable. They were arrested, tried, convicted and one of them was sentenced to death. (Actually, kind of barbaric to sentence a child to death, before the SCOTUS put a stop to it, we were in a club with Iran and Saudi Arabia.)

Zimmerman shot a child and frankly, the right is trying to pin a medal on him.
To try to put it in perspective, she disallowed a lot of things the prosecution wanted, too.

She didn't let the jury have 3rd Degree Murder and Child abuse as options, she didn't allow parts of Zimmerman's past (such as his arrest for fighting a cop and the restraining order his ex-girlfriend go) into evidence, either.
For the record, I don't see any correlation between Rodney King and Trayvon Martin.


But it's an interesting exercise...remembering the violence perpetrated by irate black people on innocent white people. Just don't get the connection.

This case is so NOT a converse of that. :shock:

It is not although many would like it to be for whatever motive.

I've talked about this event being an agenda catalyst several times before and last year was as close to I came to witnessing an escalation like that and it was very scary and quelled by this trial farce and M2 charges. It escalated to the point that the people doing it didn't know one thing about it only that there was an uprising and they wanted to jump on board no matter the reason that is the scary part of it. The chatter after the arrest were along the lines of "yes they convicted that racist of first degree murder that's what he deserves" if that gives you an indictation.

As an aside in the 70's in Miami there were race wars - being 29 I don't remember that - all my peeps that lived through that have been nervous calling daily to make sure everything is ok. They made up the "last one out grab the flag" saying on the Miami "evacuation". Apparently, once you live through something like it leaves an impact forever. Last year was enough for me for one lifetime.

What's unsettling for me is our civilized melting pot is so thinly held together that a spark has the potential of starting that big of a fire.
Let us not forget that Zimmerman passed 2 lie detector tests, so most likely his account of the incident is true. Zimm says Martin started taking off quickly before he had even gotten out of his vehicle, got out of the car, not to apprehend Martin but in order to be able to tell the cops where he was. Zimm says he thought he lost him and Martin pops up as he is heading back towards where he was to meet the officers. This is not a manslaughter or murder case if this is all true.

The crux of the matter is if GZ is telling the truth. Too many facts give lie to what he has said. Perhaps the most crucial of all is the lie about the gun. GZ could not have reached his gun if TM was straddling him as alleged. That means his entire account of the altercation is a fabrication. On that alone he deserves to be convicted of manslaughter. However given the weakness of the prosecutions case I expect him to be acquitted or a hung jury.

take it for what it is worth--HLN interviewed people who sat in court and reported several jurors crying during the rebuttal. One was sobbing.
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