The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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And what happens if a cop is in the middle of police business and ignores your call? What happens when the cop is taking a call about a stolen cheese grater while another person is on call waiting to report a murderer in her living room? Dispatch centers prioritize need and keep lines of communication open.

they do that already

No argument from me. I reported my truck being broken into and it seemed like an exercise in futility. When my bike was stolen, I didn't bother with another report. Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, cops are useless or worse.
Why would the defense bring up SYG when their client was the one breaking the law by profiling, stalking and murdering an innocent kid? GZ was the aggressor. The bogus Neighborhood Watch angle was just a ruse so GZ could act like a cop with a big gun.
Are you confused as to who the criminal was here? Just because GZ had duped the SPD and the community with his phony NHW shit, that deception didn't give him any more of a right to do the things he did that night. Thats why cops and security guards wear identifiable uniforms; so people can have some semblance of an assurance that when they are approached, followed, whatever, it is one of the good guys doing it! NHW, according to the National Sheriffs Association that sanctions the REAL organization, does not condone any of the behavior exhibited by GZ on the night he killed Martin!

The prosecution should be using SYG to justify Martin's actions.

They couldn't you simpleton.

TM was the initial aggressor. He provoked the violence, you stupid plodding moron.

How do you know TM was the aggressor you rotting fecal entitiy? YOU DON"T! SO STFU!
Martin had no other signs of injury from the scuffle besides the bullet wound. Zimmerman passed two polygraphs at the police station. So I would say it is a very safe bet that Martin was the aggressor.
You have to put yourself in the heads of the people on the jury. For the most part, they're regular folks with regular jobs, seem like moderate, middle-of-the-road people.

I think they're thinking these two things at the same time: that GZ did not act out of "hatred", but that his actions are clear enough that it is not beyond a reasonable doubt what it is that he did, which is take the life of an innocent man, based on faulty assumptions.

Therefore, I do not feel they will acquit him, but I also do not feel that they are inclined to go with 2nd degree murder.

I think they'll decide on manslaughter. He'll get about 10 years, out in 4-5 from being an exemplary inmate.
There's no question that the judge was an active participant for the prosecution. Reminds me of the Obama/Romney debates, where Romney had to debate not only Obama, but the moderators too.
If Zimmerman was truly "standing his ground" and "feared for his life", then why the fuck did he get out of the vehicle and follow Trayvon around on foot?

Couldn't he have stayed in the vehicle after calling 911? Especially, when, as the defense claimed, he was out of shape and unable to fight?

If he'd stayed in his vehicle and was attacked, that would be "standing your ground". Following someone is not.

If Zimmerman is let go, I hope that someday after he's set free, someone else feels that Zimmerman is a threat and decides to stand their ground as well.
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Child? At 17 you can be tried as an adult. At 17 you can join the US military, why, because you can handle the rigors of war. What male at 17 likes to be called a boy? We all know what the jury did not hear. The kind of life TM was living. You can be as naive as you want, but be real. GZ is not even white, he is half Hispanic. Get real. Be true to yourselves and stop making up crap. Fight club, smoking weed, trying to buy a blunt wrapper the night of his homicide. You still want to call him a child, you are kidding yourself.

Actually, you can only join the military in the DEP (Delayed Entry Program) at 17, and you have to turn 18 in a year or less while you're in DEP.

You still have to wait until you turn 18 to be admitted to boot camp.

Try again...............and don't talk about military things unless you really understand how they work. Why do I say this? I've spend over 20 years in the military, and spent the last 2 1/2 years working at a MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) as the LPO (Leading Petty Officer) as well as Head Classifier.

It really pisses me off when those of you who have never served start spreading bullshit about how the military operates.
Grace was hilarious tonight. Only time I ever seen the mrs throw something at the tv. She was talking about respecting the jurors. And whatever the verdict is people need to accept it because the system has done it's job. Then she goes back to the trial and starts screaming how the lazy shits went home.

It was a long day already yesterday, they deliberated for like 3 1/2 hours after 4 hours of listening to Osteen's grandpa and John Guy. Not sure how long O'Mara spoke really but my guess is about 3.

I saw an interview on HLN of O'Mara. He was saying nice things about the Judge. Said she had a rough job with this one but she was really up on her rulings everytime and very organized. I thought she was a hard worker and tried to keep things on schedule.

This trial was amazing to watch and I won't be surprised at whatever the verdict is, maybe disappointed but you learn something with every trial you watch.
Zimmerman should get an award for saving the taxpayers a shitload of money in welfare payments that Trayvon would most certainly have received. We owe GZ a big thank you.
That is the third person I have seen here draw a comparison between this judge and Candy Crowley.

The depths to which nutters have gone in their self pity and denial over that election should alarm them.
My concern is that people (jurors) will lean towards a manslaughter verdict because it would be the politically correct thing to do.

Heard somebody give a very good opinion on this. Do you think your mother could put her head on her pillow at night if she sent an innocent man to jail to appease protestors outside? Thought that was a good analogy. I know my mother wouldn't even consider it.

If I was innocent, I would want to be tried by a judge.
If I was guilty, I would want to be tried by a jury.

Right on.

Oh sheesh I can't beleive I just typed that :lol:
Whichever way you lean on the matter, guilty or not, does it bother you that almost every attorney you see on MSM (outside of the Hysterical Ladies Network) is saying that the jury could feel bad and give a verdict to appease? Would it not taint the verdict either way? People saying they only gave a verdict out of emotion rather than the facts means we are broken. With the way they are playing this case if he is found not guilty they are implying that these women were heartless for doing so. Just rubs me wrong. If they proved it convict him, and if they didn't let him go.

Nancy Grace seems to be against zimmerman. Whatever way it turns out, at least we have a system that has due process. If there are a minority of lawless idiots who riot because they don't like the outcome of the case, they should be prosecuted and hopefully sent to prison where they belong. Hateful people (like a few on this thread) may use that rioting by a small MINORITY to say, "see I twolwld ywou dose bwacks awre rweally rweally bwaaad!". So they can put forth their racist agenda................

Nancy Grace is one of those "white folks" who struts around like Chris condemning others because she is "high and mighty".
Zimmerman is a walking dead man. at least we all agree on that. I bet that sad sack of shit didn't think his vigilante actions would lead to a nationwide civilian bounty being put on his head.

Dude might as well move to Cuba or catch up with Snowden and seek asylum in Russia.

Apparently you are in favor of vigilante action to counter what you consider to be vigilante action. Okay for some, but not for others. Standard liberal BS.

BTW, self defense is not vigilante action. Trayvon Martin would be alive today, if he had just gone on home instead of deciding to beat up on that creepy assed Cracker that was following him. Bad decision, bad outcome.
If Zimmerman was truly "standing his ground" and "feared for his life", then why the fuck did he get out of the vehicle and follow Trayvon around on foot?

Couldn't he have stayed in the vehicle after calling 911? Especially, when, as the defense claimed, he was out of shape and unable to fight?

If he'd stayed in his vehicle and was attacked, that would be "standing your ground". Following someone is not.

If Zimmerman is let go, I hope that someday after he's set free, someone else feels that Zimmerman is a threat and decides to stand their ground as well.

Zimmerman's actions caused the death of a 17 year old child. That fact cannot be disputed. He should be jailed.
Following people doing nothing wrong is abnormal behavior to say the least.

Still isn't illegal.

If you're following someone, you've increased your chances a thousand times, ten thousand times of getting into a whole lot of trouble, unless it's like you're following a chick.

Following a woman could get you into a lot of trouble too. If you are not a police officer, you don't follow people, period. I suppose a private detective would, but he/she would be trained and knowledgeable in how to do it without getting into a confrontation; otherwise, he/she would be a piss-poor private dick. Real life is not like TV and movies. That's what vigilantees like Zimmerman do not understand.

C'mon. Didn't you hear the evidence presented at trial? Be honest now.

There is no injustice here. Trayvon had his balls in his hand and thought he would teach this "creepy ass cracker" a lesson. That's been established by his phone friend Rachel Jeantel.

You know the evidence. Just give it up. We won't think any less of you. We will think better of you for your intellectual assessment of the evidentiary truth.

Some things are worth fighting for. This is not.

Did reasoning work this time? Last time I tried it my head got sore from the wall, the next time I tried the F word and that didn't work either. If anyone can reach him it's you.

- BH
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