The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I need a laugh, so I turned on Fancy Grapes.

I just watched the replay, and I'm still laughing. 9 guests, and the only 2 who agreed with her were her producer and the Martin family lawyer.

By the end of the show, she all but conceded a not guilty verdict. And is blaming it on Dr Shipping. :lol:

the HLN online polls said 63% not guilty. 'After Hours'--assembled 6 women mock jury in Sanford and one in Atlanta -they both found 'Guilty'--or --Zimmerman Will Walk, as they put it.

they interviewed people who had been in the courtroom and several jurors were crying during rebuttal--and one sobbing.

true/not true--there was high praise for John Guy's rebuttal. ' a child's worst fear is being followed by a strange man', etc.
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That's right! Zimmerman is a registered DEMOCRAT!


Doubt he even voted, too busy with his vigilante work.

Riots are not the mark of a civilized culture. That should tell you what you need to know about liberalism.

Peaceful demonstrations. You get so stupid, I swear, Rs are too lazy for peaceful demonstrations or working things out, they just go out and murder people.

Sarah, it doesn't matter if he voted or not.
To you, Zimmerman, a registered 'D', is a murderer and in the same breath you claim that 'R's are murderers also.

WTF Sarah?? Seriously????
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Between 4109 and 8219 lives saved every day by people using their guns to stop a crime. The higher of those numbers is the number of murders in a year and there are that many lives saved every day by GUNS in hands of law abiding citizens. Does that scare you? It makes me feel much safer.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.


The CDC Is PROHIBITED BY LAW from doing gun studies, after the Kellerman study showed that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Well, the NRA wasn't having that shit.
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Between 4109 and 8219 lives saved every day by people using their guns to stop a crime.
The higher of those numbers is the number of murders in a year and there are that many lives saved every day by GUNS in hands of law abiding citizens. Does that scare you? It makes me feel much safer.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.


How many of those people do YOU know? For some reason I don't know any of them and it seems that with those ought to hear of someone or know someone that saved their ass with a gun. Or at least the news ought to report all this crime prevention.

And if you know thousands of people stopping crime every day with their guns, you might consider moving to a better neighborhood. Just a suggestion.
Grace was hilarious tonight. Only time I ever seen the mrs throw something at the tv. She was talking about respecting the jurors. And whatever the verdict is people need to accept it because the system has done it's job. Then she goes back to the trial and starts screaming how the lazy shits went home.

That was what was on when I turned the TV on this AM.

After a week of drama and complex testimony--it was reasonable to me that they chose to sleep on it.

I would appreciate that myself--but whatever.

The Royal Baby Watch is approaching. Today was the due date.
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Between 4109 and 8219 lives saved every day by people using their guns to stop a crime.
The higher of those numbers is the number of murders in a year and there are that many lives saved every day by GUNS in hands of law abiding citizens. Does that scare you? It makes me feel much safer.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.


How many of those people do YOU know? For some reason I don't know any of them and it seems that with those ought to hear of someone or know someone that saved their ass with a gun. Or at least the news ought to report all this crime prevention.

And if you know thousands of people stopping crime every day with their guns, you might consider moving to a better neighborhood. Just a suggestion.

That is a remarkable stat isn't it? Just remarkable.
Yes, lets. Lets make law based on emotions instead of facts. It seems as if we already do, whaddya say folks?

Fact, we have plenty more gun deaths than other advanced societies...we should make laws to prevent those gun deaths.

Fact, people lawfully use guns as many times as people use them unlawfully to commit crimes.

Not getting mine.

Felons and mentally unstable - including alcoholics and drug abusers - ought not to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun of any type. By suggesting, "Not getting mine" you infer that no one should have their right infringed. That's an insane concept. See my first sentence.
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.


The CDC Is PROHIBITED BY LAW from doing gun studies, after the Kellerman study showed that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Well, the NRA wasn't having that shit.

Horseshit you say?

Presidential Memorandum -- Engaging in Public Health Research on the Causes and Prevention of Gun Violence

January 16, 2013

Section 1. Research. The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary), through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other scientific agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, shall conduct or sponsor research into the causes of gun violence and the ways to prevent it. The Secretary shall begin by identifying the most pressing research questions with the greatest potential public health impact, and by assessing existing public health interventions being implemented across the Nation to prevent gun violence

Presidential Memorandum -- Engaging in Public Health Research on the Causes and Prevention of Gun Violence | The White House
Guy, this is not about Trayvon committing a crime.

It's about Zimmerman killing him.

I'm really sorry you don't get this. Stop masturbating with the gun long enough to realize, anyway you slice it, Zimmerman TRULY fucked this up.

Some folks deserve to die Joe.
Tragedy but shit happens.
Don't attack a creepy cracker with a gun.
Crime has already gone down 30% there!

That's what it's all about, right, Keeping "Those People" in their place.

Reconstruction obviously didn't last long enough.

Oh, if there's a riot, won't that 30% reduction be wiped out pretty quickly?

"These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.” -- LBJ
It is a fact that we have more gun deaths but it is also a fact that they have higher violent crime rates than we do. It is also a fact that between 1.5 and 3 million times a year citizens protect themselves from crime using their guns - most often without firing a shot.

Obama administration told the CDC to study the effects of guns in the USA and they stated that between 1.5 and 3 million people used guns each year to stop or prevent crimes.


The CDC Is PROHIBITED BY LAW from doing gun studies, after the Kellerman study showed that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Well, the NRA wasn't having that shit.

Horseshit you say?

Presidential Memorandum -- Engaging in Public Health Research on the Causes and Prevention of Gun Violence

January 16, 2013

Section 1. Research. The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary), through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other scientific agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, shall conduct or sponsor research into the causes of gun violence and the ways to prevent it. The Secretary shall begin by identifying the most pressing research questions with the greatest potential public health impact, and by assessing existing public health interventions being implemented across the Nation to prevent gun violence


Disingenous much. This is something Obama called for, because we WEREN'T doing it.

Won't happen if Congress doesn't fund it.

President Obama may have ended the 17-year ban on gun violence research at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but even if Congress restores research funds, experts say the damage runs deeper than funding cuts.

Since the 1996 ban, many of the leading researchers of the 1980s and 1990s have moved on to other specialties, and some said they've even discouraged students from specializing in gun violence research because the work doesn't pay. The ban also helped make gun-related questions controversial even for studies not funded by the government, and it will take years to restore available data to what it once was.

"Good research was being done by Art [Kellermann] and by us and by others on what the risk factors were for firearm violence, and how it might be prevented and so forth," said Dr. Garen Wintemute, an emergency room physician and leader on gun violence research at the University of California at Davis. "I won't say it halted, but it decreased substantially in scale."
Like you? You sit around here all day too.


Yep. LOL

Well that certainly got you all riled up of all the things I just said.

Daughter is on summer break so I'm on vacation.

I rarely if ever bother to read your posts as they are essentially full of inanities. And your observation ("all riled up") is pure hyperbole; you'd realize that if you could recognize the difference between hyperbole and minutia, which you probably can't: most nimnos can't. Bottom line: to me you are a tiresome, self obsessed fool who is extremely limited intellectually and not worth more than scorn. I don't bother with you except to smirk at you.
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Let us not forget that Zimmerman passed 2 lie detector tests, so most likely his account of the incident is true. Zimm says Martin started taking off quickly before he had even gotten out of his vehicle, got out of the car, not to apprehend Martin but in order to be able to tell the cops where he was. Zimm says he thought he lost him and Martin pops up as he is heading back towards where he was to meet the officers. This is not a manslaughter or murder case if this is all true.

The crux of the matter is if GZ is telling the truth. Too many facts give lie to what he has said. Perhaps the most crucial of all is the lie about the gun. GZ could not have reached his gun if TM was straddling him as alleged. That means his entire account of the altercation is a fabrication. On that alone he deserves to be convicted of manslaughter. However given the weakness of the prosecutions case I expect him to be acquitted or a hung jury.

take it for what it is worth--HLN interviewed people who sat in court and reported several jurors crying during the rebuttal. One was sobbing.

This is all that I could find.

AP Reporter: Zimmerman Juror ?Appeared To Be Wiping Away A Tear? During Prosecution?s Rebuttal | Mediaite

AP Reporter: Zimmerman Juror ‘Appeared To Be Wiping Away A Tear’ During Prosecution’s Rebuttal

On Friday, the prosecution in the case against George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin rebutted the defense’s closing argument. The prosecution often appealed to emotion and asked the jurors to listen to their “heart” when deliberating. The prosecution’s tactic may have worked. One Associated Press reporter tweeted that he saw one juror “whipping away a tear” during the prosecution’s argument.

“Look into your hearts,” said prosecutor John Guy on multiple occasions during the last words in the argument phase of Zimmerman’s trial.

Associated Press reporter Kyle Hightower was present in the courtroom for the arguments. He observed one juror becoming visibly moved by the prosecution’s argument.

Is it possible they were confusing jurors with members of the public?
Look at Joe change his story as the facts prove him wrong.

Didn't change the story at all.

The CDC was banned in 1996 from conducting studies on guns.

Obama has called for ending the ban, but the funds still aren't there.

Because if they DID study it, they'd find out what Kellerman found out. That you Cleetuses are more in danger from your own guns than any gun a bad guy has.
I provided a link with the online free dictionary that proved they are. Not that that was necessary since everyone knows 911 is the authorities. You're the only one that still doesn't know that obviously since the other guy conceded. 911 is part of the government organization.

authorities - definition of authorities by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


this is all nice and peachy but it still doesn't prove your assertion that "911 dispatchers are "authorities".

They are NOT.
They are neither "governing" nor "administering".

Or are the janitors cleaning the government buildings also "the authorities"? They are also the part of "the organization" :lol:

Go take your pills to improve your cognitive function.

Wait, some people want to go through life deluding themselves that the only authorities in the U.S. are the police? :badgrin:

You have to obey the authorities, and that is why it is important to know who they are and that 911 is definitely so.

And it's important to know that GZ had a legal right to comply with 911 when they told him not to follow.

If you can't distinguish between those with power in an organization and mere administrators, that's not my problem.

dude, you can obey the telephone pole if you wish to - I could not care less.

That still doesn't make 911 phone operators "authorities" and no requirement fr GZ to follow their instructions ( which he did, BTW) :lol:
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