The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I would have to you because you obviously have no reading comprehension. You are a functional illiterate.

You just proved yourself a retard once again. You just keep on swallowing the bullshit your masters feed you.

Killen wasn't acquitted. It was a hung jury, 11-1 in favor of conviction. Retrial was not double jeopardy.

Zimmerman was acquitted so the government can't touch him.

Feds can. And we all know that 0bama is meeting with Holder this red hot minute to make it happen.

They're either going to make a go of it or they're going flirt and opinionate so as to incite/ appease the angry mob ( same thing) and keep the mob on their political agenda career sheeple clutches.

Oh right. Please see change.stupid.sheeple for the gathering.
I think the items scattered all over the scene tell a story. And it is sad that the pieces were not put together in telling the whole story. The prosecution majorly boo booed.

What's most fucked about it is our government and a entire race of bigots don't care about the evidence. They will just scream that the thug that was beating on this man was BLACK! Like it somehow gives that young man a right to beat on a man without Zimmerman doing anything.

This is sad.
Attorneys are on TV discussing this now. If the Martin family decides to file a civil suit. Zimmerman's defense attorneys will bring in the discarded evidence the prosecution kept from the jurors in the 2nd Degree murder case. That includes his fighting, his drug use, Trayvon's suspension from school several times (that could have sent him to jail) and all the information on his cell phone showing him to be feral in nature. Since George was found not guilty and that the FBI completely ruled out that Trayvon was racially profiled by him, it is most probable that the Martins would lose. They would also be responsible for all of Zimmerman's defense legal fees and he would also have the option of counter suing them. So I think it would be best for the Martins to accept that it would be a lost cause. I believe the DOJ is thinking the same thing since the FBI has made their case.

I heard on the news the FBI is still investigating. And if Trayvon's back round is let in then George's will be too. And Trayvon was suspended three times not several. What evidence do we have that Trayvon was fighting, other than him bragging on a cell phone? There is no police or school record on him fighting. You know how many kids brag about doing things they never do to friends? Honestly. As for George they said on the news he had to go to an anger management class to get a charge cleared from his record on beating a cop. Sounds to me like they both got ghosts in their closets. And how does what they did before have anything to do with that night?
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How would a civil suit get around the Florida immunity statute?

That only comes into play if GZ establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that it was self defense. .. which is exactly why M O'M did not seek a pretrial immunity hearing. The burden of proof would be identical and it would then be possible to use a denial of immunity as "collateral estoppel" against GZ by the Martins.

As it stands now the Martin's are not bound by either "res judicata" (aka "claim preclusion") or "collateral estoppel" (aka "issue preclusion").. as the issue in the criminal matter was whether the state had proved beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not self defense. The issue for GZ in a civil case will be for him to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that it was self defense... A completely different issue.

Flea Bailey could not have said it better.:eusa_angel:
I hate to be mean but I cannot believe people don't see the political agenda show part two.


We live in a political system.

What you expect? A bunch of sharecroppers?

Did you watch Eric Holder's statement?

The only way to buy into that shitload of shit is if you eat shit every night for dinner and can't wait for the next helping.

I don't think like that. I don't get it.

I don't. Speaking a different language.

I need a translator.
In addition to urging African-American youths to just keep their heads down and hope nobody messes with them, the populace noted that it couldn’t hurt if they also avoided making any fast movements, putting their hands in their pockets, or wearing anything that could somehow be construed as intimidating.

“If I were a black teenager, I would wear a white t-shirt and khaki shorts at all times, even if it’s winter,” said 34-year-old claims adjuster Nick Delmar. “Then again, some psycho would probably think white T-shirts and khaki shorts were some sort of gang thing, kill the kid, say he thought the kid appeared to be violent and dangerous, and probably be found not guilty.”

“What can I say other than it’s scary as all hell out there for you,” he added. “Good luck and godspeed.”
Nation Throws Hands Up, Tells Black Teenagers To Do Their Best Out There | The Onion - America's Finest News Source


Attorneys are on TV discussing this now. If the Martin family decides to file a civil suit. Zimmerman's defense attorneys will bring in the discarded evidence the prosecution kept from the jurors in the 2nd Degree murder case. That includes his fighting, his drug use, Trayvon's suspension from school several times (that could have sent him to jail) and all the information on his cell phone showing him to be feral in nature. Since George was found not guilty and that the FBI completely ruled out that Trayvon was racially profiled by him, it is most probable that the Martins would lose. They would also be responsible for all of Zimmerman's defense legal fees and he would also have the option of counter suing them. So I think it would be best for the Martins to accept that it would be a lost cause. I believe the DOJ is thinking the same thing since the FBI has made their case.

I heard on the news the FBI is still investigating. And if Trayvon's back round is let in then George's will be too. And Trayvon was suspended three times not several. What evidence do we have that Trayvon was fighting, other than him bragging on a cell phone? There is no police or school record on him fighting. You know how many kids brag about doing things they never do to friends? Honestly. As for George they said on the news he had to go to an anger management class to get a charge cleared from his record on beating a cop. Sounds to me like they both got ghosts in their closets. And how does what they did before have anything to do with that night?

The human mind is not fully developed at 17.

I cringe at the view of the world I had at 17.
If 30 year-old community college student George Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have had the guts to get out of his car to roly-poly his way through the neighborhood after the "f______ punks" that dare walk by him without him recognizing them. Who do they think they are, these "a__holes", who "get away" from George Zimmerman, self-appointed American hero?
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