The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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You know what I find appalling? That so many people are so callous about a kid getting shot to death because he didn't know exactly the right way to handle a situation. He was a kid, barely turned 17.

But he was a black kid, wasn't he? And I know without a doubt that's why so many of you just don't give a fuck about what happened to him.

You've profiled him in your minds just as Zimmerman profiled him on the streets that night. It MUST have been his fault. Those kind, they always cause trouble.
Basically. That's the long and short of it.

Now we get to experience the further demonization of the victim Trayvon Martin, by the killer's supporters. They took all his inconsistent lies and garbage as gospel truth.

shut up with your started the stupid thread which is APPALLING enough and everyone has an opinion on it...this was a tragedy all the way around but you all want to make martin some martyr...this case would of never been in the news if it wasn't for Sharpton, Obama with the disgusting help from the media turning it into the circus it became...
If they ever give you advice that puts you in harm's way, the government body they work for can be sued for libel. Therefore, it is standard policy to advise you of the safest thing possible in all scenarios.

Thank you. You listening to this, QW?

I am not going to be able to get anything out of our local police department. They aren't going to tell me bo-diddily, afraid that whatever they say (to a lawyer) will probably be used against them.

But think about it, QW - and Boss, I realize what I am about to say is not the Zimmerman case, but bear with me for a second anyway - if a dispatcher is being told by someone in a car that he is being chased by another car and that he is going to go home and get his shotgun, which scenario is probably going to result in the safest result: (1) advising the gun-threatening driver not to go home and get his gun but, instead, simply to drive to the police station or (2) saying nothing, followed by the gun-threatening driver doing exactly what he threatened he was going to do? Hint: No. 1.

It defies common sense to think that liability-fearing police departments have policies which would require a dispatcher to say nothing when confronted with the type of situation outlined, above.
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They should talk to them or run from them.
Attacking them is not legal.

Yes, a very interesting response. Would you turn around and start a conversation with some creep who was following you? I wouldn't. In any case, it was, according to Zimmerman, what Trayvon did, he asked "why are you following me?" Why then, didn't Zimmmerman explain at that time he was neighborhood watch instead of saying, "what are you doing here?" It was Zimmerman's responsibility to identify himself and he didn't . That is one of the things that led to tragedy: Zimmerman did not do the right thing, not from the moment he got out of his vehicle.

I proudly signed the petition to have the feds bring a civil rights case against him.

Bring on the insults, my scholars.:eusa_angel:

Are you going to kick in when Zimmerman is awarded court costs and legal fees? I'd be scrubbing my name from THAT list post haste.

Maybe Zim will just go after each signer individually! Hell I would. If they had so much as a bicycle, I'd be after it.
I just realized tonight will be a double header of laughs.

Grapes vs. Taffe

Followed by

Piers vs. DeeDee

I better warn the much better half that I'll be in hysterics when it's over. :lol:

Only ECW could have a better match than Piers vs Dee Dee.

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I proudly signed the petition to have the feds bring a civil rights case against him.

Bring on the insults, my scholars.:eusa_angel:

Are you going to kick in when Zimmerman is awarded court costs and legal fees? I'd be scrubbing my name from THAT list post haste.

Maybe Zim will just go after each signer individually! Hell I would. If they had so much as a bicycle, I'd be after it.

Do you feel ok?:cuckoo:
I proudly signed the petition to have the feds bring a civil rights case against him.

Bring on the insults, my scholars.:eusa_angel:

Are you going to kick in when Zimmerman is awarded court costs and legal fees? I'd be scrubbing my name from THAT list post haste.


Where did you sign the petition?

Petitions don't mean squat - just saying.

I could go start a petition tomorrow that cats should use the toilet instead of the litterbox and all the sheeple that don't like cats would line up to sign it.

And cats would still use the litterbox.
I note you answered my post without addressing my comment. Had Martin killed Zimmerman, would you be lamenting his demise? Would you even know about it? We both know the answer.

Mostly likely the story would not have raise much coverage. The police would have booked him and the DA prosecuted him. I don't want anyone to lose their life, even stupid people.

Why not? Why all the pearl clutching over Trayvon and not Zimmerman if the event had ended reversed? Could it be because race pimps and the media beat the race drum?

Because as a black person he would have been railroaded into the penal system. A timely arrest having been made and the victim receiving justice, no need for national coverage.
Are you going to kick in when Zimmerman is awarded court costs and legal fees? I'd be scrubbing my name from THAT list post haste.


Where did you sign the petition?

Petitions don't mean squat - just saying.

I could go start a petition tomorrow that cats should use the toilet instead of the litterbox and all the sheeple that don't like cats would line up to sign it.

And cats would still use the litterbox.

mob rules laws have always worked out well in the past
Are you going to kick in when Zimmerman is awarded court costs and legal fees? I'd be scrubbing my name from THAT list post haste.


Where did you sign the petition?

Petitions don't mean squat - just saying.

I could go start a petition tomorrow that cats should use the toilet instead of the litterbox and all the sheeple that don't like cats would line up to sign it.

And cats would still use the litterbox.

I hope so, I don't want them shitting all over my toilet.:eek:
Testarosa, it is 'old' if there are no new posts until it reaches 15 posts. Then it becomes 'hot'. I'm sure there is a logical rationale in there somewhere. :)

I proudly signed the petition to have the feds bring a civil rights case against him.

Bring on the insults, my scholars.:eusa_angel:

Former New York State Attorney General, New York Gov. Democratic Party politician & American lawyer Eliot Spitzer threw cold water on the likelihood that Zimmerman would be tried by the feds, saying the legal system was in his favor. “The Justice Department will step in, but it’s in a very dicey position because there has been a criminal case. Double jeopardy is a fundamental principle in our American judicial system, as it should be. And so it’s going to be hard for them to come back at the defendant,” Spitzer said.

Trying GZ again violates double jeopardy & the 5th amendment.

- Double jeopardy: A procedural defence that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges following a legitimate acquittal.

- 5th Amendment: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
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