The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I hate to be mean but I cannot believe people don't see the political agenda show part two.


We live in a political system.

What you expect? A bunch of sharecroppers?

Did you watch Eric Holder's statement?

The only way to buy into that shitload of shit is if you eat shit every night for dinner and can't wait for the next helping.

I don't think like that. I don't get it.

I don't. Speaking a different language.

I need a translator.

TriuthMatters never made much sense either :smoke:
Mark Furman has ZERO to do with either this case or your statement that you think George Zimmerman is a racist. You made the charge, justify it by explaining why someone who WAS a racist would do the things that George Zimmerman did! Why the petition drive to demand justice for a black man against the white son of a Policeman? Why the mentoring of two black children? You just slandered someone with the charge of racism...and it's rather apparent that you have nothing to back that charge up with.

I've justified it many times here and to myself, everytime I here the tape of him saying "coons." There has been no other reason ever that I can remember I feel that way, and I made that clear yesterday:

Only one problem with that theory, Quick and it's that when the FBI did voice analysis of that tape they said that it was clear that Zimmerman DIDN'T say "coons". So what you're saying is that you've based your charge of racism against George Zimmerman on something that was shown to be incorrect. Why would you do that? That accusation against Zimmerman was debunked over a year ago and yet you're STILL trying to use it? That would be as ridiculous as someone still using alleged photos of Trayvon Martin flashing gang signs and looking like he's 30 years old that were debunked long ago as well. If you're going to come here and attempt to argue a viewpoint...don't destroy your credibility by trotting out nonsense like the whole "coons" thing. Just saying...

Do you have a link for that?? I'd really like to see it. Thanks.
Martin attacking him and beating the shit out of him?

That an altercation took place was proven. How it started was not.

And how or who started it is irrelevant under the law.

Who tried to kill or inflict great bodily injury to the other and was the lethal response to that attack justified as self-defense ?

Answer = Yes it was justified.

Who starts a fight always matters.

All the fights I ever got into started when the son of a bitch hit back.

P.S. I am sorry if this is too subtle for liberal lame brains.
More so than Chris Farley...


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Possibly the biggest lesson learned here...Don't bring a fist to a gun fight.

How about don't go following someone with a loaded gun. And what the heck was he doing with a gun that had no safety anyway? And I never heard of a store let alone a Target who would let you in with a gun. All my stores have a security and would boot you out if you came in with a gun, And I have never heard of a person going to the store with a loaded gun , nore scene a person with a loaded gun. That's just crazy. Makes me afraid to go to the store, becasue some one might blow me away for getting the last item of a sertain food on the shelf. Scary!
Hi i'm a newbie here too. I'm trying to decide if I should add an opinion in or not. All this swearing is terrible. Why can't we talk with out it? I feel like I got to get a tennis raquet so I can swat the four letter words way from me.

Welcome! I hope you enjoy.

I used to be bigger on it, but I try to swear as little as possible and think that's the correct attitude to have. Swearing just covers up the issue and makes it harder to think. That's just what we need with such a large event as Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman. Jump right in with anything, I'd say, how can you lose? Valuable comments often come from those that haven't joined in much.

I actually have been reading on here during the trial and just recently decided to join so I can post. Nice to know some of you are nice.

There really are a lot of nice people on this site. Hope you stick around. :)
Some people just can't handle the truth in Z's verdict. An investigation needs to be brought about into the Z's rights being infringed upon. Sharpton, Obama, Jackson, etc need to be fully investigated on this. They look like racists more than Z does.
Zimmerman Found Not Guilty, Technically, But C’mon

SANFORD, FL—More than 16 months after he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in an altercation at a Florida condominium development, neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman was found, technically speaking, not guilty of murder Saturday, but c’mon.

Following two days of intense deliberations, a six-member jury determined that Zimmerman had, from a purely legal standpoint, not murdered Martin, a black teenager, in February 2012. According to jurors, Zimmerman lawfully acted in self-defense—but let’s be serious here, shall we?—when he shot Martin at point-blank range in the chest, leaving him dead within minutes.

Zimmerman Found Not Guilty, Technically, But C?mon | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
In addition to urging African-American youths to just keep their heads down and hope nobody messes with them, the populace noted that it couldn’t hurt if they also avoided making any fast movements, putting their hands in their pockets, or wearing anything that could somehow be construed as intimidating.

“If I were a black teenager, I would wear a white t-shirt and khaki shorts at all times, even if it’s winter,” said 34-year-old claims adjuster Nick Delmar. “Then again, some psycho would probably think white T-shirts and khaki shorts were some sort of gang thing, kill the kid, say he thought the kid appeared to be violent and dangerous, and probably be found not guilty.”

“What can I say other than it’s scary as all hell out there for you,” he added. “Good luck and godspeed.”
Nation Throws Hands Up, Tells Black Teenagers To Do Their Best Out There | The Onion - America's Finest News Source



Careful, these right wingers are so stupid, I linked to an Onion Article because it was very clever the way they described most on the right and to this day, they insist I was dumb enough to believe it was a "real" article.

This was the article:

Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Now what's odd is they didn't make the same claim when I linked to this one:

Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Why one and not the other is a "mystery".
Except that's not a fact.
Sure he did. When asked if he was following Martin he said yes.

And then GZ STOPPED following TM, and the roles reversed.

We don't know if that is true or not. I was disappointed when reading the instructions to the jury that they were never told about this Florida statute:

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

which clearly states
and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant;

and in my view, Zimmerman had not exhausted his means to escape rather as the initial aggressor put himself in harms way if his account is even true by getting out of his vehicle and following Martin.

I will never get past the fact that some immature teenager acting like an immature teenager was deemed a danger and ended up dead because of what someone (Zimmerman) thought.
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