The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Well you go right ahead and let a person you beat you to death... We wont stop you.

Zimmerman wasn't injured badly at all. His head injury was superficial. I've HAD a head injury, and you don't just bounce up like he apparently did.

Retard, he felt his life in danger...

With those light injuries? :badgrin:

30 times? :badgrin:

In George Zimmerman trial, police investigators take stand - Los Angeles Times

At one point, Serino tells Zimmerman that his statements of being hit 25 to 30 times were "not quite consistent" with the level of his injuries from the confrontation with Martin.
I'm really fed up with the media excusing her hostile disrespect for the court because 'she didn't want to be there.' Well here's a flash for Mz, we ALL have to do things we don't want to do. We don't get to hold the authorities of this land in contempt simply because we don't want to be there. She was obviously auditioning for something tonight. Prolly not Playboy though. Ick!

This is the best thing that's ever happened to her.

I agree. Seriously I can't see any kind of future for her even now. She is nothing more than a curiosity. All she would have been without this was somebody's baby mamma.

She can evoke pity from some. She'll make a few bucks here and there but eventually wind up back in da hood.
I'm really fed up with the media excusing her hostile disrespect for the court because 'she didn't want to be there.' Well here's a flash for Mz, we ALL have to do things we don't want to do. We don't get to hold the authorities of this land in contempt simply because we don't want to be there. She was obviously auditioning for something tonight. Prolly not Playboy though. Ick!

This is the best thing that's ever happened to her.

I agree. Seriously I can't see any kind of future for her even now. She is nothing more than a curiosity. All she would have been without this was somebody's baby mamma.

She's gonna go for a book deal LOL. Not in cursive, though.
Trayvon, who clearly doubled back for GZ once he realized he was being hunted is dead because of racism and lax gun laws.

1. Laxed gun law? Zimmerman took a proficiency course, had his finger prints given to the state, had a local, state, and national backgroung check done on him, and had permite from the state to carry that firearm.

2. Perhaps there's a better lesson here. Once you've escaped, don't turn around and attempt to beat someone up who's following you; they might be armed...
He never said that. He said at least two forceful impacts to the sidewalk. Literally all he said on the stand. Don't start making stuff up please.

That I belive. George's head connected with the sidewalk at least twice. The problem I have is how come the witness did not see Trayvon slamming his head into the sidewalk. If someone is slamming someone head int othe cement it wil lbe scene dark ot not. We know Trayvon toward the end was on George. One witness said he was sitting on him and looked like in punching motion,arms going back and fourth, but Trayvon had no scratches on his hands if he punching like that. only from that punch in the nose? The one hand. In the same token if George is making any hand moments that Trayvon thinks he has block or hold his hands down it may look the same.

The prosecution needed to get down on the mat and try diffrent senarios out.

He saw 8-10 seconds of the 45 second+ incident then went to call 911. He couldn't have seen it all. Its all in the testimony.

That is not very much time. Then there is know witness two Trayvon's bashing George's head into the ground. Means Travon did not do it, George hit his head on ground twice another way. I'm trying to under stand if he gave him anymre pops to the face. The fact that Trayvon had know scratches on his knuckles ofter than after the nose punch. I would exspect if he kept punching he have scatches on both hands. And George had know marks on his face other than the nose , makes you think Trayvon did not punch him anymore. Does not mean Trayvon's hand would not have bruised the next day had he lived.
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He never said that. He said at least two forceful impacts to the sidewalk. Literally all he said on the stand. Don't start making stuff up please.

That I belive. George's head connected with the sidewalk at least twice. The problem I have is how come the witness did not see Trayvon slamming his head into the sidewalk. If someone is slamming someone head int othe cement it wil lbe scene dark ot not. We know Trayvon toward the end was on George. One witness said he was sitting on him and looked like in punching motion,arms going back and fourth, but Trayvon had no scratches on his hands if he punching like that. only from that punch in the nose? The one hand. In the same token if George is making any hand moments that Trayvon thinks he has block or hold his hands down it may look the same.

The prosecution needed to get down on the mat and try diffrent senarios out.

And he had none of Trayvon's skin or DNA under his nails.

George Zimmerman trial: Trayvon Martin's DNA not on Zimmerman's gun, DNA analyst testifies - Crimesider - CBS News

Anthony Gorgone also testified that George Zimmerman's DNA wasn't found under the teen's fingernails.

Trayvon had two layers of clothes on how could George scratch him? You can hold on to some one with out making a mark you know. Unfortunatly Trayvon died before he could bruise.
Marissa was standing her ground, and she was jailed for it. Fact is, the Stand Your Ground laws favor whites over blacks - statistics prove that.

No, Marissa was acting like a crazy psychopath.

Is it possible that less blacks understand the SYG law as opposed to their white counterparts? Perhaps blacks don't understand that SYG doesn't give you carte blanch to kill someone based on revenge. Maybe they don't understand that SYG allows you to SYG when you fear for your life or that you will sustain bodily harm. It does not allow you to retreat, then return with a gun and shoot into a home with people in it. That's called murder, or attempted murder.

After Tryavon attacked him, Zimmerman didn't run home, grab his gun and then shoot Trayvon in revenge.

So Florida's self defense allows an armed citizen to track down a "suspect" in a dark courtyard but it doesn't allow a woman to get her car keys?

Gotta love it.

Some fine gymnastics there.

She had ALREADY LEFT THE CONTRFONTATION. You CANNOT leave a confrontation and then decide to go back in armed. Despite what "item" you want to retrieve. If she lived out in the country, 30 minutes from any help and the ONLY way she was able to save her life was to pull out her gun and stop an advancing attack, then she would be justified. However, she left the house, was not beign pursued, grabbed a gun, and fired a shot through a wall and into a room with her kids in it. I'm not saying I agree with giving her 20 years in prison but this is NOT an equivalent comparison to the Zimmerman case.

Zimmerman discharged his firearm while in the process of getting his ass whopped. He did not know that Martin was going to attack him when he "followed" Martin. Marissa, however, KNEW that when she went back into the house there was going to be a confrontation. She KNOWINGLY put herself back in the house and into a confrontation. Zimmerman, according to the evidence, was reporting Martin's movements to police when Martin attacked him. Apples and Oranges. Until you find evidence that there was a confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin, then Zimmerman went back to his truck and got his gun, then confronted Martin again only to kill him, the case is not the same.
So he admits that GZ made the first physical move. When he had no good reason to stop Trayvon, that IS starting a fight. Go try grabbing someone's arm of someone you don't know on the street and see what happens. That's what Pete means. :badgrin:

There I s no credible evidence that GZ did anything to detain TM while TM's girlfriend admits that TM was home with his Dad at one point just before the altercation.

People have repeated such suggestions a hundred times at least, doesn't make it so. Did she "admit" it or are people making that conclusion for her because they feel she's retarded? Please post a link to her testimony where she states that plainly.

Trayvon's friend never said that. Trayvon's dad was not home he was out with his girlfriend. Trayvon's friend said he told her he was close buy were he staying. According to the map were it was mapped out it Trayvon was a block away.
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There I s no credible evidence that GZ did anything to detain TM while TM's girlfriend admits that TM was home with his Dad at one point just before the altercation.

People have repeated such suggestions a hundred times at least, doesn't make it so. Did she "admit" it or are people making that conclusion for her because they feel she's retarded? Please post a link to her testimony where she states that plainly.

Trayvon's friend never said that. Trayvon's dad was not home he was out with his girlfriend. Trayvon's friend said he told her he was close buy were he staying. According to the map were it was mapped out it Trayvon was a block away.

People have repeated such suggestions a hundred times at least, doesn't make it so. Did she "admit" it or are people making that conclusion for her because they feel she's retarded? Please post a link to her testimony where she states that plainly.

Trayvon's friend never said that. Trayvon's dad was not home he was out with his girlfriend. Trayvon's friend said he told her he was close buy were he staying. According to the map were it was mapped out it Trayvon was a block away.

Welcome I think? LOL :)
Trayvon's friend never said that. Trayvon's dad was not home he was out with his girlfriend. Trayvon's friend said he told her he was close buy were he staying. According to the map were it was mapped out it Trayvon was a block away.

Welcome I think? LOL :)

That's exactly what I needed for help with a question that came up not long ago. You really are quite good with your comments here. Keep it going. :cool:
The prosicution needed to put out how it happend a story. the phone falling and disconnecting to the ear piece and the ear piece falling. Tells a lot. There is reason for it.

The juror implied that showed her that TM swung first.

People do not just punch out of nowhere. I guess I will say it. Trayvon walks up says Why you falling me for. George says What are you doing here grabs on too Trayvon's arm possibly to hold himtill the cops gets there, and Trayvon is pulling back all this causing the noise on the phone and saying get off, get off. Causing the ear piece to disconnect from his phone and drop in the grass and then the phone falls out of Trayvons hand and hits the grass and cuts off. Then Trayvon take the oposite fist and pops George in the nose to get him to let go of him.

That's how it starts. It fits together. Trayvon would only had the mark on his fist and George a bloody nose. And i'm only talking about how is started.

No evidence that GZ did anything to detain Martin. IN fact, while giving his statements to the Sanford detective after the incident, the detective tried to trip GZ up and told him that they caught the entire thing on video; to which GZ responed "Thank God." This implies that that Zimmerman was telling the truth. If the statements GZ made were false he would have fessed up when Serino told him there was a video of it; as I think anyone would have. You don't tell a lie of something that was caught on video...
she didn't because she couldn't. Speculating doesn't count. You don't get to just make up shit in a court of law

She came damn near close.

1. Zimmerman was behind Trayvon
2. Trayvon was trying to avoid GZ
3. Martin asks GZ "Why are you following me"
4. Immediately, phone drops
5. Immediately, Trayvon yells, "Get off! Get off!"

Looks damning to me. It's testimony and needs proper consideration.

Strange,what she actually said is that Zimmerman responded to the question by asking "What are you doing around here."

She also thought that there had been riots in Sandford after Martin was shot, and that Zimmerman was arrested the night of the shooting.
The juror implied that showed her that TM swung first.

People do not just punch out of nowhere. I guess I will say it. Trayvon walks up says Why you falling me for. George says What are you doing here grabs on too Trayvon's arm possibly to hold himtill the cops gets there, and Trayvon is pulling back all this causing the noise on the phone and saying get off, get off. Causing the ear piece to disconnect from his phone and drop in the grass and then the phone falls out of Trayvons hand and hits the grass and cuts off. Then Trayvon take the oposite fist and pops George in the nose to get him to let go of him.

That's how it starts. It fits together. Trayvon would only had the mark on his fist and George a bloody nose. And i'm only talking about how is started.

No evidence that GZ did anything to detain Martin. IN fact, while giving his statements to the Sanford detective after the incident, the detective tried to trip GZ up and told him that they caught the entire thing on video; to which GZ responed "Thank God." This implies that that Zimmerman was telling the truth. If the statements GZ made were false he would have fessed up when Serino told him there was a video of it; as I think anyone would have. You don't tell a lie of something that was caught on video...

Or he knows a good bluff when he hears it, and he's counter-bluffing to cover his lies.
No, forum rules and etiquette are that you don't post a link and nothing else. Besides, I could read it and still not know what the hell you were trying to get at. :badgrin:

No, they didn't hear her correctly at first. The analysis of the testimony I just posted clearly shows what she testified without any contradictions. Her final and definitive testimony ON the stand is what counts, not all the second guessing.

There is no forum rule that requires anyone to post anything other than a link unless it is an OP. As for etiquette, when you stop lying about the rules you can start lecturing people on being nice.

How is explaining etiquette a lie? Do you habitually accuse people of lying always so casually? WTF

At my last forum it was a rule, so I included that possibility also.

This is a perfect example of how desperate GZ lovers are.

How is telling someone that there is a rule about something when there is no rule not a lie?
It was very telling when Morgan asked DD have you been bullied for your speech. DD laughing said "look at me - No - no" & then growled. She established she was the top dog bully, people don't dis her.

I'm really fed up with the media excusing her hostile disrespect for the court because 'she didn't want to be there.' Well here's a flash for Mz, we ALL have to do things we don't want to do. We don't get to hold the authorities of this land in contempt simply because we don't want to be there. She was obviously auditioning for something tonight. Prolly not Playboy though. Ick!

Oh yeah - She was majorly dissing the court. Had it not been televised & had so much attention, a real judge would have jailed her ass.

Her top dog bullying attitude shows how her & Trayvon see no problem with whoopin azz as an ordinary event. She was the same in court. She even said under oath "I thought it was just another fight" but then days later I found out he was killed.

DD the bully does what she wants, when she wants. She say "I didn't put Trayvon at that funeral. I didn't put him in that coffin... I did not plan for that week to be at a funeral." So I lied cuz I had planned better things to do.
She came damn near close.

1. Zimmerman was behind Trayvon
2. Trayvon was trying to avoid GZ
3. Martin asks GZ "Why are you following me"
4. Immediately, phone drops
5. Immediately, Trayvon yells, "Get off! Get off!"

Looks damning to me. It's testimony and needs proper consideration.

The six women in the room thought she was full of shit.

Do you read minds, blowhard?

The verdict was not guilty, and it was unanimous.
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