The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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People do not just punch out of nowhere. I guess I will say it. Trayvon walks up says Why you falling me for. George says What are you doing here grabs on too Trayvon's arm possibly to hold himtill the cops gets there, and Trayvon is pulling back all this causing the noise on the phone and saying get off, get off. Causing the ear piece to disconnect from his phone and drop in the grass and then the phone falls out of Trayvons hand and hits the grass and cuts off. Then Trayvon take the oposite fist and pops George in the nose to get him to let go of him.

That's how it starts. It fits together. Trayvon would only had the mark on his fist and George a bloody nose. And i'm only talking about how is started.

So he admits that GZ made the first physical move. When he had no good reason to stop Trayvon, that IS starting a fight. Go try grabbing someone's arm of someone you don't know on the street and see what happens. That's what Pete means. :badgrin:

There I s no credible evidence that GZ did anything to detain TM while TM's girlfriend admits that TM was home with his Dad at one point just before the altercation.

People have repeated such suggestions a hundred times at least, doesn't make it so. Did she "admit" it or are people making that conclusion for her because they feel she's retarded? Please post a link to her testimony where she states that plainly.
Did anyone catch DD slip up and statie that Trayvon was looking in homes confirming what George had stated he saw him doing? That right there destroy's the DOJ's case if they decide to bring another case against him.
"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings..."

I proudly signed the petition to have the feds bring a civil rights case against him.

Bring on the insults, my scholars.:eusa_angel:

Are you going to kick in when Zimmerman is awarded court costs and legal fees? I'd be scrubbing my name from THAT list post haste.

Hell ya---they be throwin the whoop azz on folks all the time. George fucked up the game by not playing fair.

They idolize gangsta rappers beating people down just for kicks.


Speaking of beating people, Greta just announced there was a guy out jogging and 3 AA's grabbed ,threw him into their car,beat the crap out of him saying it is for TM. In Senatobia, MS. The guy went to the hospital.
I hope that is the only thing that happens but with the race baiters out there, I doubt it.

Could they be charged with Kidnapping as well as assault and racial profiling Or???

I don't think Greta would put anything out unless it was documented as real.

I think the media whores should be charged with inciting.
HLN is STILL showing the god-damn 12 year old Trayvon in his pretty little football uniform, and now they are interviewing his kiddie football coach on the Fancy Grapes show. :mad:

Think they'll show this....

Before There Was ‘Justice For Trayvon’ In 2010 George Zimmerman Launched ‘Justice For Sherman Ware’ Black Homeless Man Knocked Unconscious By White Man [Video Of The Assault]

(Daily Caller) In a letter obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller on Monday, a family member of George Zimmerman ripped Seminole County, Fla. NAACP president Turner Clayton for a rush to judgment in the Trayvon Martin case.
The letter also described how Zimmerman was one of “very few” in Sanford, Fla., who spoke out publicly to condemn the “beating of the black homeless man Sherman Ware on December 4, 2010 by the son of a Sanford police officer.”

“Do you know the individual that stepped up when no one else in the black community would?” the family member wrote. “Do you know who spent tireless hours putting flyers on the cars of persons parked in the churches of the black community? Do you know who waited for the church‐goers to get out of church so that he could hand them fliers in an attempt to organize the black community against this horrible miscarriage of justice? Do you know who helped organize the City Hall meeting on January 8th, 2011 at Sanford City Hall??”

“That person was GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Ironic isn’t it?”

Before There Was ?Justice For Trayvon? In 2010 George Zimmerman Launched ?Justice For Sherman Ware? Black Homeless Man Knocked Unconscious By White Man [Video Of The Assault]
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Is Zimmerman back "on patrol" tonight? His neighbors must be so grateful to have him back while their kids are out of school during those hot summer nights, going to and fro in the neighborhood. I've just got ONE piece of advice for those kids. Make sure that George never feels threatened. Maybe if everyone ties a little bell to their shoe laces.

Well you go right ahead and let a person you beat you to death... We wont stop you.

Zimmerman wasn't injured badly at all. His head injury was superficial. I've HAD a head injury, and you don't just bounce up like he apparently did.

Retard, he felt his life in danger...
Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...

That's far too rational and would destroy the myth that blacks need to fear the evil whites.
We had to go as far as hearing how Zimmerman's behavior forced Trayvon to beat him up. :cuckoo:

I know... it's amazing. Heard a woman on TV last night saying she feared that her two young sons would be killed by whites now...

According to the statistics I think the real threat comes from her young sons being killed by another African American...
It was very telling when Morgan asked DD have you been bullied for your speech. DD laughing said "look at me - No - no" & then growled. She established she was the top dog bully, people don't dis her.
It was very telling when Morgan asked DD have you been bullied for your speech. DD laughing said "look at me - No - no" & then growled. She established she was the top dog bully, people don't dis her.

I'm really fed up with the media excusing her hostile disrespect for the court because 'she didn't want to be there.' Well here's a flash for Mz, we ALL have to do things we don't want to do. We don't get to hold the authorities of this land in contempt simply because we don't want to be there. She was obviously auditioning for something tonight. Prolly not Playboy though. Ick!
It was very telling when Morgan asked DD have you been bullied for your speech. DD laughing said "look at me - No - no" & then growled. She established she was the top dog bully, people don't dis her.

I'm really fed up with the media excusing her hostile disrespect for the court because 'she didn't want to be there.' Well here's a flash for Mz, we ALL have to do things we don't want to do. We don't get to hold the authorities of this land in contempt simply because we don't want to be there. She was obviously auditioning for something tonight. Prolly not Playboy though. Ick!

This is the best thing that's ever happened to her.
Did anyone catch DD slip up and statie that Trayvon was looking in homes confirming what George had stated he saw him doing? That right there destroy's the DOJ's case if they decide to bring another case against him.

the repeat will be on in awhile

you dont happen to have a taped and much shortened copy

of this do you by chance
Wow. some of the comments here.

I believe the lesson from all of this, if there is any, is that if someone is following you it is wise not to turn around and attack them because they might have a gun... Wouldn't it be so much simpler to call the cops and tell them someone's following you? Had Martin done this the PD would have linked this up and told both men to stand down and wait for their arrival...

Zimmerman called the cops and they told him to stand down. He didn't listen and pursued anyway.

There are a lot of ifs and buts in the case but for you to try to turn it around into "simple police involvement" and pretend no police contact was made, directions given by the police and they were ignored is dealing in fantasy

With all due respect, did you even watch the trial? Or listen to the 911 call?

1. The 911 Dispatcher did not give him an order. He said, "we don't NEED you to do that" and not "Please do NOT follow him." 911 Dispatchers are required to tell people that in EVERY situation. If you ask a 911 dispatcher if it's alright to shoot a home invader they won't tell you yes or no. IF you are asking a dispatcher if it's ok to save someone from a burning building they'll tell you that they don't need to you to that in order to take liability off themselves.

2. According to Zimmerman's statements, corroborated by his own 911 call, he only "chased" Martin for a few seconds before the 911 dispatcher made his comment about not needing him to follow and Zimmerman replied "Ok." What prompted the dispatcher to ask this question was because he heard Zimmerman's heavy breathing in the phone. After Zimmerman said, "ok" his breathing returned to normal indicating that he'd stopped running after Zimmerman.

3. Now here's a physics lesson, or perhaps a mathematical one. According to Zimmerman's statements he was returning to his vehicle when Martin attacked him, implying that Martin must have turned around and returned in order to confront Zimmerman. (I think this is actually what happened seeing has how the only evidence of initial verbal contact was when Martin asked "What are you following me for?" while Jeantel was on the phone with him.

NOW, Let's hypothetically say that Zimmerman continued following Martin at a walking pace. You have a 17 year old black boy running in the other direction being followed by an overweight hispanic guy at a walking pace. How did they end up running back in to one another? Either way Martin would have HAD to have turned around and came back to confront Zimmerman. He was only 300+ feet from his house and had plenty of time to get there...

4. There's no doubt that, in the space time continuum, the actions of Zimmerman ultimately led to Martin's death. But we could say that about ANYTHING! We could say that Martin's poor behavior, leading to him being kicked out of school, put him in that neighborhood that day. The "domino" theory can be used to explain EVERYTHING that happens. If only somone had set their alarm 5 minutes earlier like a responsible working American, they wouldn't have gotten in that car accident that killed someone. The problem is that the domino theory is not "law."

Nothing that Zimmerman did that day, leading up to the shooting ,was illegal. Nothing Martin did, leading up to the confrontation, was illegal. Hell, Martin could have stood there and called Zimmerman a racist profiling spick and nothing illegal would have been done. The first crime that was committed was when Martin decided to punch Zimmerman. That would have ended up being a misdemeanor charge. But when he decided to keep pummeling his head into the concrete, it would have escalated the charge to Assault and Battery; a felony. Then, according to Zimmerman, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun on his hip and said "You're going to die tonight motherfucker." This statement right there ups the charge to Attempted Murder.

It seems that most of the people disagreeing with this verdict simply don't understand self-defense laws and, honestly, haven't watched but a fraction of the trial, if at all. Most of the people rioting and protesting are just sheep being corralled by the race baiting of the media. A media that presented Martin as a 12 year old boy while they flashed Zimmerman's booking photos. A media that deliberately edited Zimmerman's 911 call to make him sound racist even though the ONLY time Zimmerman mentioned Martin's race was when the dispatcher asked for one and gave him options...A media that continuously injects white vs black racism into the issue when Zimmerman is obviously more hispanic than he is white.
I'm not accusing you of this because I don't know how much of the trial you watched. I watched almost every bit of it. I sat here at work with it live streaming on the computer. I watched it at home. I probably missed a few hours of it here and there. Also, being a CHL holder myself I was originally under the impression that Zimmerman was guilty; based on the reports by the media of course. However, after watching the trial, seeing the evidence, listening to witnesses, etc... I changed my mind.
It was very telling when Morgan asked DD have you been bullied for your speech. DD laughing said "look at me - No - no" & then growled. She established she was the top dog bully, people don't dis her.

I'm really fed up with the media excusing her hostile disrespect for the court because 'she didn't want to be there.' Well here's a flash for Mz, we ALL have to do things we don't want to do. We don't get to hold the authorities of this land in contempt simply because we don't want to be there. She was obviously auditioning for something tonight. Prolly not Playboy though. Ick!

This is the best thing that's ever happened to her.

I agree. Seriously I can't see any kind of future for her even now. She is nothing more than a curiosity. All she would have been without this was somebody's baby mamma.
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