The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So....only a niggah can say niggah to a niggah.

Got it. 10-4. Check. New world order.

nope---Nigga's can say ****** to a ******. Everyone else has to say Nigga. But don't say it to a woman or you will laughed at cuz it means "male"

Ahhhh...Got it! Nigga is female. If said to a male, as TM said referring to GZ, then it's even more racially derogatory because it's only used with females. So, I will refrain from referring to any nigga males as nigga and only use it with female niggas.

Thank you for the ethnic clarification. :shock:

Good Lord
She's saying 'nigga' isn't racist - it can be any man regardless of race. BUT '******' is racist.

So who came up with this shit? They both sound racist to me.

She claims in happened in 2000

Someone needs to put out a memo to the HR dept.s that nigga is not a racial remark. Some may need to go back to their old HR dept. to get their jobs back because they were fired for saying that word. I know of one young man that lost his job because he said that word.

I know one young man who was fired for accusing me of saying that word. Seems there were 3 witnesses.
It is reasonable to conclude that TM thought an attack was imminent.

Toddsterpatriot said:
No it isn't.

Believe what you will. I think reasonable people will agree with me.
*** ***
There was no legitimacy at all. Protecting his neighborhood from a teen waking down the street doing nothing wrong? What gave Z the legitimacy to stalk and harass TM?

Yes, protecting his neighborhood from a suspicious person who appeared to be casing houses.

So, you take the word of a known liar, GZ, at face value that Martin was"casing" houses? What expertise does GZ have to determine that? 7PM is kind of early to be out burglarizing dontcha think?

Well, the GZ case shows that you can follow teenagers, especially if they are black. I doubt if he would have followed a white guy wearing a cowboy hat in the manner he did TM. GZ would likely have considered the dire consequences for doing so! As for calling 911, TM had a cell phone but if you know anything about cell phones you would know that you can't use 911 if you call from a different area from which the phone was originally activated.
BTW, GZ's "Neighborhood Watch" moniker was not even sanctioned by the National Sheriff's Association which the real NW operates under!

Uh... no, following suspects is one of the things the real organization discourages.

you said you were laughing about my "confusion?"
Its probably a nervous laugh... one that emanates for the pit of an upset stomach when you know the truth is being revealed

It's the nervous laugh when you realize you're talking to an idiot.

I knew it was only a matter of time before you brought the conversation down to name calling. I see you have done it quite frequently with others. Typical of right wing white males who feel threatened by progressive thinkers!

I still think that the determination as to when to use force against your stalker is best left to the person being followed.

If you shoot someone just because they're following you, you'll quickly be in jail.

Like I said before, it depends on circumstances like the time of day, the weather, the manner in which they are following me and whether I feel good or not! But thanks for the warning...If you want to adhere to your dumb rule of letting some nutcase get the drop on you after following you aggressively when no one else is around... go ahead!

Believe what you will. I think reasonable people will agree with me.

Reasonable people agree with you that it's okay to shoot someone for following you?
Someone who hasn't touched you?
Wow, it must be scary to live your life.

if you know anything about cell phones you would know that you can't use 911 if you call from a different area from which the phone was originally activated.

You are mistaken.

Uh... no, following suspects is one of the things the real organization discourages.

NW, fake NW, no NW, doesn't matter. It is still legal to follow someone in America.
Even if the person you are following is black.
Dr. Dimayo or however the name is spelled is back tracking he saying it is not consistent with copnnecting with the cement 25 times. I knew that was an exsageration.

He never said that. He said at least two forceful impacts to the sidewalk. Literally all he said on the stand. Don't start making stuff up please.

That I belive. George's head connected with the sidewalk at least twice. The problem I have is how come the witness did not see Trayvon slamming his head into the sidewalk. If someone is slamming someone head int othe cement it wil lbe scene dark ot not. We know Trayvon toward the end was on George. One witness said he was sitting on him and looked like in punching motion,arms going back and fourth, but Trayvon had no scratches on his hands if he punching like that. only from that punch in the nose? The one hand. In the same token if George is making any hand moments that Trayvon thinks he has block or hold his hands down it may look the same.

The prosecution needed to get down on the mat and try diffrent senarios out.

He saw 8-10 seconds of the 45 second+ incident then went to call 911. He couldn't have seen it all. Its all in the testimony.
So....only a niggah can say niggah to a niggah.

Got it. 10-4. Check. New world order.

nope---Nigga's can say ****** to a ******. Everyone else has to say Nigga. But don't say it to a woman or you will laughed at cuz it means "male"

Ahhhh...Got it! Nigga is female. If said to a male, as TM said referring to GZ, then it's even more racially derogatory because it's only used with females. So, I will refrain from referring to any nigga males as nigga and only use it with female niggas.

Thank you for the ethnic clarification. :shock:

Good Lord

NO NO NO--are you pretending to be a liberal now. Nigga is a MALE.
Does anyone remember hearing, during the trial - towards the end I believe - that had TM survived, he would have been charged with battery?

DD says it was jus a whoop azz. TM did not use a battery. :lol: You need to understand thug ebonics. Beating the hell out of people ain't nuthin.

Hell ya---they be throwin the whoop azz on folks all the time. George fucked up the game by not playing fair.
Dr. Dimayo or however the name is spelled is back tracking he saying it is not consistent with copnnecting with the cement 25 times. I knew that was an exsageration.

He never said that. He said at least two forceful impacts to the sidewalk. Literally all he said on the stand. Don't start making stuff up please.

That I belive. George's head connected with the sidewalk at least twice. The problem I have is how come the witness did not see Trayvon slamming his head into the sidewalk. If someone is slamming someone head int othe cement it wil lbe scene dark ot not. We know Trayvon toward the end was on George. One witness said he was sitting on him and looked like in punching motion,arms going back and fourth, but Trayvon had no scratches on his hands if he punching like that. only from that punch in the nose? The one hand. In the same token if George is making any hand moments that Trayvon thinks he has block or hold his hands down it may look the same.

The prosecution needed to get down on the mat and try diffrent senarios out.

And he had none of Trayvon's skin or DNA under his nails.

George Zimmerman trial: Trayvon Martin's DNA not on Zimmerman's gun, DNA analyst testifies - Crimesider - CBS News

Anthony Gorgone also testified that George Zimmerman's DNA wasn't found under the teen's fingernails.
but she doesn't smoke weed and knows that Trayvon smokes weed twice a week.

Anyone could tell she was lying her ass off on that.

Of course she was. And I lost count of the prejudiced statements she made about 'their generation' and 'my generation', 'dumb blondes'. She came off as one of the most prejudiced people I have ever seen in my life.

And they have OH SUCH an issue with the jury. Someone did manage to remind the nation that the DEFENDANT is the one who has the right to a jury of HIS peers.
Does anyone remember hearing, during the trial - towards the end I believe - that had TM survived, he would have been charged with battery?

DD says it was jus a whoop azz. TM did not use a battery. :lol: You need to understand thug ebonics. Beating the hell out of people ain't nuthin.

Hell ya---they be throwin the whoop azz on folks all the time. George fucked up the game by not playing fair.

They idolize gangsta rappers beating people down just for kicks.

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