The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Dr. Dimayo or however the name is spelled is back tracking he saying it is not consistent with copnnecting with the cement 25 times. I knew that was an exsageration.

He never said that. He said at least two forceful impacts to the sidewalk. Literally all he said on the stand. Don't start making stuff up please.
She said she isn't making any money from this, that her parents paid for her way there.
Rat...I promised to watch something else with my DD. Depended on your commentary. It's over???? That was all you gleaned? Let us know after you assess your notepads and highlighted phrases, will you? :shock:

I'll have more tomorrow after I review the recording. I'm hitting the highlights now.
She's saying 'nigga' isn't racist - it can be any man regardless of race. BUT '******' is racist.

So who came up with this shit? They both sound racist to me.

It's my version of "Different strokes for different folks." Psychobabble bullshit. Hate the way everything is up to independent interpretation. Nonsense.

****** is not a nice term. Any way you look at it. Guess it's "different" if a black says it. Yeahhhhh. OK.

People do not just punch out of nowhere. I guess I will say it. Trayvon walks up says Why you falling me for. George says What are you doing here grabs on too Trayvon's arm possibly to hold himtill the cops gets there, and Trayvon is pulling back all this causing the noise on the phone and saying get off, get off. Causing the ear piece to disconnect from his phone and drop in the grass and then the phone falls out of Trayvons hand and hits the grass and cuts off. Then Trayvon take the oposite fist and pops George in the nose to get him to let go of him.

That's how it starts. It fits together. Trayvon would only had the mark on his fist and George a bloody nose. And i'm only talking about how is started.

So you admit that GZ made the first physical move. When he had no good reason to stop Trayvon, that IS starting a fight. Go try grabbing someone's arm of someone you don't know on the street and see what happens. :badgrin:

Looks like you found a like mind, Quick.

I was referring to you. You got to give me at least a minute to edit. Nobody can type exactly what they mean that quickly.
This one was new to me.

Zimmerman's holster was "really" a concealed carry type. Meaning it was worn on the inside of his pants. And according to the video, he wore it in back above his buttocks on his left side.

Which almost completely destroys another part of Zimmerman's story. That Martin saw the gun.

It would mean that either Martin had xray night vision..or that's another inconsistency.

The other half of your brain. Use it.
The juror implied that showed her that TM swung first.

People do not just punch out of nowhere. I guess I will say it. Trayvon walks up says Why you falling me for. George says What are you doing here grabs on too Trayvon's arm possibly to hold himtill the cops gets there, and Trayvon is pulling back all this causing the noise on the phone and saying get off, get off. Causing the ear piece to disconnect from his phone and drop in the grass and then the phone falls out of Trayvons hand and hits the grass and cuts off. Then Trayvon take the oposite fist and pops George in the nose to get him to let go of him.

That's how it starts. It fits together. Trayvon would only had the mark on his fist and George a bloody nose. And i'm only talking about how is started.

So he admits that GZ made the first physical move. When he had no good reason to stop Trayvon, that IS starting a fight. Go try grabbing someone's arm of someone you don't know on the street and see what happens. That's what Pete means. :badgrin:

Wether the pop in the noise made him stumble or fall. George i mean i'm not sure. I never tried not to admitt it. That is what I see and wish the prosecutors had got down on the mat and tried the senario out instead of just trying to get George because of lieing. It makes perfect sense.
Does anyone remember hearing, during the trial - towards the end I believe - that had TM survived, he would have been charged with battery?
She's saying 'nigga' isn't racist - it can be any man regardless of race. BUT '******' is racist.

So who came up with this shit? They both sound racist to me.

It's my version of "Different strokes for different folks." Psychobabble bullshit. Hate the way everything is up to independent interpretation. Nonsense.

****** is not a nice term. Any way you look at it. Guess it's "different" if a black says it. Yeahhhhh. OK.


They say it to each other all the time, and nothing is made out of it being racist until someone of a different ethnicity says it.
She's saying 'nigga' isn't racist - it can be any man regardless of race. BUT '******' is racist.

So who came up with this shit? They both sound racist to me.

It's my version of "Different strokes for different folks." Psychobabble bullshit. Hate the way everything is up to independent interpretation. Nonsense.

****** is not a nice term. Any way you look at it. Guess it's "different" if a black says it. Yeahhhhh. OK.


Good summary but NiggA is ok--it means a "male". She said even Chinese people can say it. I bet they are happy.
She's saying 'nigga' isn't racist - it can be any man regardless of race. BUT '******' is racist.

So who came up with this shit? They both sound racist to me.

She claims in happened in 2000

Someone needs to put out a memo to the HR dept.s that nigga is not a racial remark. Some may need to go back to their old HR dept. to get their jobs back because they were fired for saying that word. I know of one young man that lost his job because he said that word.
So you admit that GZ made the first physical move. When he had no good reason to stop Trayvon, that IS starting a fight. Go try grabbing someone's arm of someone you don't know on the street and see what happens. :badgrin:

Looks like you found a like mind, Quick.

I was referring to you. You got to give me at least a minute to edit. Nobody can type exactly what they mean that quickly.

Not following you grandpa
It is reasonable to conclude that TM thought an attack was imminent.

Toddsterpatriot said:
No it isn't.

Believe what you will. I think reasonable people will agree with me.
*** ***
There was no legitimacy at all. Protecting his neighborhood from a teen waking down the street doing nothing wrong? What gave Z the legitimacy to stalk and harass TM?

Yes, protecting his neighborhood from a suspicious person who appeared to be casing houses.

So, you take the word of a known liar, GZ, at face value that Martin was"casing" houses? What expertise does GZ have to determine that? 7PM is kind of early to be out burglarizing dontcha think?

In America, you can follow people, even if they're black.
If Trayvon felt he was being stalked or harassed, he should have called 911.

Well, the GZ case shows that you can follow teenagers, especially if they are black. I doubt if he would have followed a white guy wearing a cowboy hat in the manner he did TM. GZ would likely have considered the dire consequences for doing so! As for calling 911, TM had a cell phone but if you know anything about cell phones you would know that you can't use 911 if you call from a different area from which the phone was originally activated.
BTW, GZ's "Neighborhood Watch" moniker was not even sanctioned by the National Sheriff's Association which the real NW operates under!

So what? You can follow people, even if you're not in a real NW.
Uh... no, following suspects is one of the things the real organization discourages.

you said you were laughing about my "confusion?"
Its probably a nervous laugh... one that emanates for the pit of an upset stomach when you know the truth is being revealed

It's the nervous laugh when you realize you're talking to an idiot.

I knew it was only a matter of time before you brought the conversation down to name calling. I see you have done it quite frequently with others. Typical of right wing white males who feel threatened by progressive thinkers!

I still think that the determination as to when to use force against your stalker is best left to the person being followed.

If you shoot someone just because they're following you, you'll quickly be in jail.

Like I said before, it depends on circumstances like the time of day, the weather, the manner in which they are following me and whether I feel good or not! But thanks for the warning...If you want to adhere to your dumb rule of letting some nutcase get the drop on you after following you aggressively when no one else is around... go ahead!
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