The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This has been fun in a watch you guys having fun way. Refreshing da yootoob.

The yoo-toobies are out!!!!!

[ame=]Rachel Jeantel Piers Morgan Inteview Part 1 Weed Made Trayvon hungry - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rachel Jeantel Piers Morgan Interview Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
This has been fun in a watch you guys having fun way. Refreshing da yootoob.

The yoo-toobies are out!!!!!

[ame=]Rachel Jeantel Piers Morgan Inteview Part 1 Weed Made Trayvon hungry - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rachel Jeantel Piers Morgan Interview Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

but she doesn't smoke weed and knows that Trayvon smokes weed twice a week.

Anyone could tell she was lying her ass off on that.

Of course she was. And I lost count of the prejudiced statements she made about 'their generation' and 'my generation', 'dumb blondes'. She came off as one of the most prejudiced people I have ever seen in my life.

And they have OH SUCH an issue with the jury. Someone did manage to remind the nation that the DEFENDANT is the one who has the right to a jury of HIS peers.

well said. The jury got trashed because they're old white and stupid.
Anyone could tell she was lying her ass off on that.

Of course she was. And I lost count of the prejudiced statements she made about 'their generation' and 'my generation', 'dumb blondes'. She came off as one of the most prejudiced people I have ever seen in my life.

And they have OH SUCH an issue with the jury. Someone did manage to remind the nation that the DEFENDANT is the one who has the right to a jury of HIS peers.

well said. The jury got trashed because they're old white and stupid.

Piers Morgan needs to haul his fat ass back across the pond. Which is what he will do after he has stirred up all this shit and it gets too hot for him to handle.

I was pleased that someone had the balls to put it all back in the laps of the racist media.
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It's over...

The Prosecution fucked up...

The jury had no choice at-law but to deliver a Not Guilty verdict...

The Feds are not likely to pursue for Hate Crimes, either, according to Holder's speech today...

The evidence just isn't there...

It's over...

Innocent until proven guilty...

He was not proven guilty...

So he was declared Not Guilty...

The justice system has functioned exactly as we all expect it to, when our emotions are not in the mix...

The country has already given this disproportionate attention...

It was one of thousands of shootings that occur every year...

Time for the country to move on to bigger and better and far more important things...

Next slide, please...

Not yet. I want to see what happens to him from now on.
You know, all we have to do is boycott the sponsors of CNN. And let them KNOW we are boycotting them. I'm going to pay more attention to the ad.
It's over...

The Prosecution fucked up...

The jury had no choice at-law but to deliver a Not Guilty verdict...

The Feds are not likely to pursue for Hate Crimes, either, according to Holder's speech today...

The evidence just isn't there...

It's over...

Innocent until proven guilty...

He was not proven guilty...

So he was declared Not Guilty...

The justice system has functioned exactly as we all expect it to, when our emotions are not in the mix...

The country has already given this disproportionate attention...

It was one of thousands of shootings that occur every year...

Time for the country to move on to bigger and better and far more important things...

Next slide, please...

Not yet. I want to see what happens to him from now on.

Enjoy that.
nope---Nigga's can say ****** to a ******. Everyone else has to say Nigga. But don't say it to a woman or you will laughed at cuz it means "male"

Ahhhh...Got it! Nigga is female. If said to a male, as TM said referring to GZ, then it's even more racially derogatory because it's only used with females. So, I will refrain from referring to any nigga males as nigga and only use it with female niggas.

Thank you for the ethnic clarification. :shock:

Good Lord

NO NO NO--are you pretending to be a liberal now. Nigga is a MALE.

Whoa! My BAD!

It's all a crock of shit. A. Crock. Of. Shit. Notttt....a crocka chit.

Apparently there is no racist language. It's all OK. So let's all just get off of that.

Ohhhh. I don't want to get started. I didn't watch the interview. But this all is way too subjective to me. It sounds like whatever a particular group, in this case blacks, feel is offensive then it is offensive....I don't play. You call yourselves this or that term, then it's fair game. Period. Don't even go there. Not that I would use that term. But don't criticize someone else for using it.

This is so totally irrelevent to the case it's not worth discussing. I said it all this morning. Ignorance is a convenient excuse for having the wrong opinion. Welllll. An ignoramous like Rachel Jeantel apparently has some tidbits of info on the offensive language issue. And if that's all she's got to offer, then I'm not in the loop. Not black, don't care. Move along.

All of you are wrong.
Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black. The fact that his complex had multiple break ins with black males as the suspects, one arrest, had nothing to do with this.
Zimmerman was a skin head Aryan Nation member even though he mentored black kids on weekends, took a black girl to the prom and his great grandfather was black.
Zimmerman was ordered and commanded by police to stand down but he chased Martin down and shot him to death. Terrible that a 6th grade kid was shot to death.
That is what the media taught me and I sure am glad they did.
Doesn't matter anyway as someone else told me Martin was a street thug banger and deserved to die anyway.
The juror implied that showed her that TM swung first.

People do not just punch out of nowhere. I guess I will say it. Trayvon walks up says Why you falling me for. George says What are you doing here grabs on too Trayvon's arm possibly to hold himtill the cops gets there, and Trayvon is pulling back all this causing the noise on the phone and saying get off, get off. Causing the ear piece to disconnect from his phone and drop in the grass and then the phone falls out of Trayvons hand and hits the grass and cuts off. Then Trayvon take the oposite fist and pops George in the nose to get him to let go of him.

That's how it starts. It fits together. Trayvon would only had the mark on his fist and George a bloody nose. And i'm only talking about how is started.

So he admits that GZ made the first physical move. When he had no good reason to stop Trayvon, that IS starting a fight. Go try grabbing someone's arm of someone you don't know on the street and see what happens. That's what Pete means. :badgrin:

There I s no credible evidence that GZ did anything to detain TM while TM's girlfriend admits that TM was home with his Dad at one point just before the altercation.

Leave it to a libtard to argue over irrelevant hypotheticals.
All of you are wrong.
Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black. The fact that his complex had multiple break ins with black males as the suspects, one arrest, had nothing to do with this.
Zimmerman was a skin head Aryan Nation member even though he mentored black kids on weekends, took a black girl to the prom and his great grandfather was black.
Zimmerman was ordered and commanded by police to stand down but he chased Martin down and shot him to death. Terrible that a 6th grade kid was shot to death.
That is what the media taught me and I sure am glad they did.
Doesn't matter anyway as someone else told me Martin was a street thug banger and deserved to die anyway.

It's over...

The Prosecution fucked up...

The jury had no choice at-law but to deliver a Not Guilty verdict...

The Feds are not likely to pursue for Hate Crimes, either, according to Holder's speech today...

The evidence just isn't there...

It's over...

Innocent until proven guilty...

He was not proven guilty...

So he was declared Not Guilty...

The justice system has functioned exactly as we all expect it to, when our emotions are not in the mix...

The country has already given this disproportionate attention...

It was one of thousands of shootings that occur every year...

Time for the country to move on to bigger and better and far more important things...

Next slide, please...

Not yet. I want to see what happens to him from now on.

Enjoy that.

The story is already sliding off the Headline Zone on most media, and is barely still making the front-page on some...

Another week and you'll have to dig to find a 'current' article on the story...

Another month and it will be off the scopes of 98% of the country... black, white, brown, whatever...

I proudly signed the petition to have the feds bring a civil rights case against him.

Bring on the insults, my scholars.:eusa_angel:

Are you going to kick in when Zimmerman is awarded court costs and legal fees? I'd be scrubbing my name from THAT list post haste.

B-37 felt sorry for both Trayvon and George.

Me too but doesn't get in the way of right and wrong and the law.

Rachel Jeantel is shocked the jury did not find her credible. :lol:

:omg: Did Morgan just say Rachel Jeantel had "dignity & grace"??? :puke3: :cuckoo:

She's saying 'nigga' isn't racist - it can be any man regardless of race. BUT '******' is racist.

So who came up with this shit? They both sound racist to me.

She claims in happened in 2000

Someone needs to put out a memo to the HR dept.s that nigga is not a racial remark. Some may need to go back to their old HR dept. to get their jobs back because they were fired for saying that word. I know of one young man that lost his job because he said that word.

We'll have Rat do the recap translation.

agreed---I'd love to see a transcript too.

Hey, whoa, wait. I'm not going to do a full translation. The last person who tried that never appeared in the courtroom again. :eek:

DD says it was jus a whoop azz. TM did not use a battery. :lol: You need to understand thug ebonics. Beating the hell out of people ain't nuthin.

Hell ya---they be throwin the whoop azz on folks all the time. George fucked up the game by not playing fair.

They idolize gangsta rappers beating people down just for kicks.


Speaking of beating people, Greta just announced there was a guy out jogging and 3 AA's grabbed ,threw him into their car,beat the crap out of him saying it is for TM. In Senatobia, MS. The guy went to the hospital.
I hope that is the only thing that happens but with the race baiters out there, I doubt it.

Could they be charged with Kidnapping as well as assault and racial profiling Or???

I don't think Greta would put anything out unless it was documented as real.
Maybe Zimmerman and Martin stopped to play scissors, rocks and paper.
Zimmerman thought Martin was cheating and was holding him for police.
We all know police teach community watch volunteers to always hold for police cheaters of scissors, rock and paper game.
Ahhhh...Got it! Nigga is female. If said to a male, as TM said referring to GZ, then it's even more racially derogatory because it's only used with females. So, I will refrain from referring to any nigga males as nigga and only use it with female niggas.

Thank you for the ethnic clarification. :shock:

Good Lord

NO NO NO--are you pretending to be a liberal now. Nigga is a MALE.

Whoa! My BAD!

It's all a crock of shit. A. Crock. Of. Shit. Notttt....a crocka chit.

Apparently there is no racist language. It's all OK. So let's all just get off of that.

Ohhhh. I don't want to get started. I didn't watch the interview. But this all is way too subjective to me. It sounds like whatever a particular group, in this case blacks, feel is offensive then it is offensive....I don't play. You call yourselves this or that term, then it's fair game. Period. Don't even go there. Not that I would use that term. But don't criticize someone else for using it.

This is so totally irrelevent to the case it's not worth discussing. I said it all this morning. Ignorance is a convenient excuse for having the wrong opinion. Welllll. An ignoramous like Rachel Jeantel apparently has some tidbits of info on the offensive language issue. And if that's all she's got to offer, then I'm not in the loop. Not black, don't care. Move along.


Sleep on it and tell us what you really think in the AM.
Not yet. I want to see what happens to him from now on.

Enjoy that.

The story is already sliding off the Headline Zone on most media, and is barely still making the front-page on some...

Another week and you'll have to dig to find a 'current' article on the story...

Another month and it will be off the scopes of 98% of the country... black, white, brown, whatever...

Then in a couple months you will hear a sound bite that says "We are not pursuing hate crime charges against GZ. We respect the jury. Blah blah blah, guns. Blah Blah blah, race. Blah blah blah, don't forget to vote."

Another month and Ben Crump says we won't pursue civil suit.
HLN is STILL showing the god-damn 12 year old Trayvon in his pretty little football uniform, and now they are interviewing his kiddie football coach on the Fancy Grapes show. :mad:
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