Should our world form the federation?

More than likely, a galactic Federation already has humanity quarantined.

Humans are essentially unchanged since the time of the Dark Ages or even the Roman Empire, making us unready for even the New World much less any other worlds.

If there is a Federation out there, they probably come here only to occasionally trip us up from getting too close to any real space travel.
Should our world form the federation? Meaning all major nations can be part of it and we can work together towards the advancement of humanity outwards into space.

Our space force can be the United states arm of it and provides its skills and infrastructure.

We can make Elon musk the first admin of it! Each nation can of course provide vice admins: china, india, japan, the uk, france, Russia,etc.

Our goals should be to advance humanity outwards into space, take resources of the planets, asteroids, etcs and for the defense of humanity be it against aliens or asteroids.

We could work with china, russia, brazil, japan and india to build ships capable of getting humanity to the moon, mars, and outwards. and maybe even one day to the nearest earth like planet!
cool story, dude

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