The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Oh I did have something to add.


Why? Exactly..

Florida was given a chance to get this right.

Instead? They overcharged the guy and stacked the jury.

Angela Corey didn't even bother to litigate in the trial.

Afterwards, they were all smiles.

In any case..I doubt they do anything unless there is a lawsuit and Zimmerman testifies.

Hey! We were visiting here.

He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. That's the way it works. It's done. This was a state matter the Feds have no business sticking their nose in and inciting more shit.

Who they? You mean the prosecutor that tried to convict him? Do not tell me you're on the they threw the case bus because that's just dumb.

Corey was all smiles with her fancy dress and Awards speech because she is a politician. Like Holder.

The 3 Stooges looked like they ate some bugs and were getting ready to line up for a whipping from momma the forked tongue smiling politician.

Whatcha got next?
Naturegirl said:
Why didn't Trayvon get off the phone with his friend and call 911 if someone was stalking him? I know I would.
He couldn't, GZ had the line tied up...

Seriously, TM only lived there for several days so if he came from another state or town the 911 function on his cell phone wouldn't work at the new zipcode or locale. I know MY cell phone doesn't!

Line tied up? LOL!

You can call 911 anywhere. Sorry, you're still wrong.
Naturegirl said:
Why didn't Trayvon get off the phone with his friend and call 911 if someone was stalking him? I know I would.
He couldn't, GZ had the line tied up...

Seriously, TM only lived there for several days so if he came from another state or town the 911 function wouldn't work at the new zipcode or locale. I know mine doesn't!

[ame=]Public Enemy - 911 is a Joke - YouTube[/ame]

But seriously..and a black kid calling the cops?


You're right, it's safer for the black kid to beat the cracker. :cuckoo:
He couldn't, GZ had the line tied up...

Seriously, TM only lived there for several days so if he came from another state or town the 911 function wouldn't work at the new zipcode or locale. I know mine doesn't!

[ame=]Public Enemy - 911 is a Joke - YouTube[/ame]

But seriously..and a black kid calling the cops?


You're right, it's safer for the black kid to beat the cracker. :cuckoo:

Probably wind up the same in either case.

On a slab.
Naturegirl said:
Why didn't Trayvon get off the phone with his friend and call 911 if someone was stalking him? I know I would.
He couldn't, GZ had the line tied up...

Seriously, TM only lived there for several days so if he came from another state or town the 911 function on his cell phone wouldn't work at the new zipcode or locale. I know MY cell phone doesn't!

911 Wireless Services |

Check out the above link.
You'll sound less ignorant.
Oh I did have something to add.


Why? Exactly..

Florida was given a chance to get this right.

Instead? They overcharged the guy and stacked the jury.

Angela Corey didn't even bother to litigate in the trial.

Afterwards, they were all smiles.

In any case..I doubt they do anything unless there is a lawsuit and Zimmerman testifies.

Hey! We were visiting here.

He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. That's the way it works. It's done. This was a state matter the Feds have no business sticking their nose in and inciting more shit.

Who they? You mean the prosecutor that tried to convict him? Do not tell me you're on the they threw the case bus because that's just dumb.

Corey was all smiles with her fancy dress and Awards speech because she is a politician. Like Holder.

The 3 Stooges looked like they ate some bugs and were getting ready to line up for a whipping from momma the forked tongue smiling politician.

Whatcha got next?

Sure they do.

That's part of their job, to protect people's rights.

States don't get to arbitrarily take those away.
Zimmerman wasn't injured badly at all. His head injury was superficial. I've HAD a head injury, and you don't just bounce up like he apparently did.

Retard, he felt his life in danger...

With those light injuries? :badgrin:

30 times? :badgrin:

In George Zimmerman trial, police investigators take stand - Los Angeles Times

At one point, Serino tells Zimmerman that his statements of being hit 25 to 30 times were "not quite consistent" with the level of his injuries from the confrontation with Martin.
The fact is you ignorant fool is that he doesnt even need to be hit in order to defend himself if he feel he will be killed or if great bodily harm will be done. You race baiters are all the same.
Why? Exactly..

Florida was given a chance to get this right.

Instead? They overcharged the guy and stacked the jury.

Angela Corey didn't even bother to litigate in the trial.

Afterwards, they were all smiles.

In any case..I doubt they do anything unless there is a lawsuit and Zimmerman testifies.

Hey! We were visiting here.

He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. That's the way it works. It's done. This was a state matter the Feds have no business sticking their nose in and inciting more shit.

Who they? You mean the prosecutor that tried to convict him? Do not tell me you're on the they threw the case bus because that's just dumb.

Corey was all smiles with her fancy dress and Awards speech because she is a politician. Like Holder.

The 3 Stooges looked like they ate some bugs and were getting ready to line up for a whipping from momma the forked tongue smiling politician.

Whatcha got next?

Sure they do.

That's part of their job, to protect people's rights.

States don't get to arbitrarily take those away.

The state didn't take any rights away.

Contrary - they were busy pacifying the angry mob by persecution.

You've got this whole thing flipped.
If 30 year-old community college student George Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have had the guts to get out of his car to roly-poly his way through the neighborhood after the "f______ punks" that dare walk by him without him recognizing them. Who do they think they are, these "a__holes", who "get away" from George Zimmerman, self-appointed American hero?

I don't want to confuse you with the actual facts, but Zimmerman got out of the car because he lost sight of him in the rain. He got out to see where he was, not to confront him. Then he was attacked and thrown to the ground and had his head pounded into the ground. The only witness saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman. But you go on believing whatever fairytale helps you sleep at night.
Mostly likely the story would not have raise much coverage. The police would have booked him and the DA prosecuted him. I don't want anyone to lose their life, even stupid people.

Why not? Why all the pearl clutching over Trayvon and not Zimmerman if the event had ended reversed? Could it be because race pimps and the media beat the race drum?

Because as a black person he would have been railroaded into the penal system. A timely arrest having been made and the victim receiving justice, no need for national coverage.

I guess Zimmerman wasn't railroaded since he is fortunate enough to be a "white" Hispanic.
Yes, you can.

Which wasn't done here.

Which brings me up to an obvious question, is there any form of data that would convince you AGW is true, or will you always find an excuse why it isn't.

93% of Climate Scientists think that it is true. Are they ALL in on it?

Academics believe what the grant money pays them to think; It's really very simple. Do I REALLy need to remind you of "Climategate"? Please! And by the way, Joe, in case you haven't noticed, this is America, NOT Australia; but hey, if you like their way of doing it better, you're free to join them; our borders are open, and you're free to go elsewhere anytime you like.

Why should we do that when we can fix this country. Your side is becoming smaller and more irrelevent as you drive people like me out of your party.

Never voted for a Democrat before 2012. Can't see a situation where I'd ever vote Republican again as long as the kooks and flat-earthers are running things.

But to your point, Climategate was a ginned up "scandal" by the deniers. They took one phrase out of a memo and tried to create a crisis.

It wasn't one phrase, Joe,: it was the longstanding pattern of frankly unprofessional and dishonest behavior that phrase revealed and was an example of, that was the problem. It was one more example of liberals never letting the truth get in the way of their agenda, a practice we have seen again in the Zimmerman case, (along with many other examples to numerous to go into here).. In fairness, a lot of conservatives have taken to acting in kind, producing the screaming match that characterizes our political discourse these days. Conservatives saw, that the screeching and the shrill diatribes actually got you some traction, and also that your philosophy was one of "by whatever means necessary", and decided they might as well try the same. The only difference, is, we don't have a built-in constituency of non-productive people who have nothing better to do that protest, march in the streets, and/or engage in civil disorder on behalf of "the cause"; we don't march, or riot, because we are too damn busy being productive citizens, carrying out our daily responsibilities. I'm actually OK with that; what I'm not OK with, is the desire on the part of some of your compatriots to use disadvantaged youth as a sort of thug "army" with which to terrorize and intimidate the rest of us; a disgusting tactic which has been acknowledged rather openly by a few on the left right here on this board. Even when it's only frustrated rhetoric, that idea is repulsive. It's wrong, and exploitative of the very people your side claims to be concerned for. I wish the more rational portion of the left would disavow that sort of thing, which actually serves no one well; but I'm not holding my breath...
Depending on which liberal you hear from, Zimmerman is a white hispanic, a white wannabe or a self claimed hispanic.
Why aren't people getting this upset with black-on-black crime? Why aren't Obama, Sharpton, Crump, Jackson, etc bringing attention to this problem? Is it because they can't claim racism on it?
No sane person is going to give a ride to a strange man who appeared to be prowling around looking for trouble.
If we are going to play this "what if" game, then lets compare apples to apples.

If Martin was the neighborhood watchman...and he called 911 to report a suspicious looking individual in the neighborhood...and he identified himself to the 911 operator....and the operator suggested to him to NOT follow the suspicious looking he opted to ignore the suggestion....and the altercation occurred....and Martin was found with a broken nose, lacerations on the back of his head....and Zimmerman was dead of a single gunshot wound....and Martin gave the exact story Zimmerman did.....

My guess?

Martin would have been treated exactly how Zimmerman was by the police..


Martin would have never been put on trial.
Why aren't people getting this upset with black-on-black crime? Why aren't Obama, Sharpton, Crump, Jackson, etc bringing attention to this problem? Is it because they can't claim racism on it?

Apparently, Agenda is big business as are political campaigns.

The Feds are either going to make a go or flirt with this enough to incite the sheeple, this is a great catalyst for taking a couple of our freedoms away. Somebody always has to ruin it for the rest of us and then they look around and say well what the hell happened? The motivation for them is certainly not "That's part of their job, to protect people's rights."

LOL at that.
If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have chased after Martin. Pussies only feel big when they are armed and the kid isn't.
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