The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.

Justice means that everyone is treated equally under the law. When the law changed and gave certain people special privileges, justice died. Anyone who has dealt with people (especially small people) knows that special treatment leads to anger.

Special treatment? A prolonged police investigation plus an FBI investigation, a year and a half of having this hang over Zimmerman's head along with having to deal with the most hateful kinds of comments, death threats, and accusations in the MSM and social media, a grueling three week trial, 16 hours of deliberation by a jury, along with threats of a civil suit and further DOJ investigation is special treatment?

That justifies riots in the street, destruction of property, assault on innocent victims, boycotts, and the most viscious kinds of expressed public outrage?

Meanwhile, every week that goes by, many hundreds of young black people are being beat up, severely injured, and murdered across the country, 500 in Chicago alone in 2012, more than 200 dead there thus far in 2013. But that is okay because most of the assaults, shootings, and murders are black on black which is politically correct. So there is no outrage, no riots, no proclamations by self righteous celebrities, no DOJ investigations, no endless proclamations of guilt in the social media.

But woe to the white guy who is judged by a jury of his peers and found not guilty on grounds of self defense. That can't be allowed. That must be vindicated. Blood must flow. People have to pay. There can be no peace.

And there are our friends on the left who condone that. And THAT is what makes me afraid for my country.

Think affirmative action.
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

More than that if you include states which have adopted SYG by judicial decision such as the Federal government ... total about 40, including California

Stand Your Ground Laws & Bills by State | #Occupy at Home
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

More than that if you include states which have adopted SYG by judicial decision such as the Federal government ... total about 40, including California

Stand Your Ground Laws & Bills by State | #Occupy at Home

Looks like Stevie is out of a job.
What's the young lady complaining about? She and the rest of that team had every opportunity, for months, to present their side of this to everyone from the prosecution, to the U. S. Department of Justice, to the jury, to the public at large, ( all with the aid of a completely sympathetic media, and every liberal politician in the land, not to mention every race-baiting opportunist in America). In the end, they didn't get their way, and she blames the system??? How can you blame a system that gave them every advantage, let the prosecution willfully withhold evidence from the defense, and did all it could to legally lynch George Zimmerman, and pandered shamelessly to every grievance they and their sympathizers expressed, real or imagined. All that, and she's mad at six women in the jury box, because they followed the law as it was given to them, and had the audacity to do what was legally correct, instead of caving in to the lynch mob?? " Social Engineer", my arse! All that is, is one more little smug, graceless libtard, looking for someone, anyone, to blame, because the facts didn't support her precious little agenda. Oh My God, the horror, the horror!!
5'11" my ass. I see picture after picture with him towering over people. The 6'3" reports are more accurate. More corruption from the state to list him at 5'11"

The problem is, his autopsy report has him at five foot eleven inches. Do you argue with the autopsy report? You actually believe that is inaccurate?

Well, let's not forget who did that autopsy...

"I don't remember"

"I have no memory"

"This happened too long ago. I don't remember. Read the paper."

"I'm from China. We are always prepared"

"If my memory serves me right, Trayvon's the one who lost the fight?"

"I'll check my notes about what happened, I'll try to see what I imagined."


TM's legs & body were likely not straight before rigor mortis set in. I doubt that incompetent little M.E. & his mixed up staff were able to straighten TM's body before measuring the next day. Then his shoes were off which adds another inch or 2.

Actually he did say he didn't take photos of the hands because hands "curl" when you're dead. So apparently no one take photos of hands at autopsy because the the curl thing.

He lost every shred of credibility with me. I think he botched the autopsy, at best

He didn't really botch it. He just had no memory of how to do one when he walked in the room.

And angry black mob burned down a Dollar Store in Nashville a few years back. Dollar General then refused to rebuild. I hope that happens when they start burning down the businesses they need to be able to buy services and goods for sustenance.

Star-News - Google News Archive Search

No business is under any obligation to provide goods and services in any particular neighborhood.

That just goes to show the mentality when they burn down their own houses, neighborhoods and stores they patronize.

How stupid is that?
And angry black mob burned down a Dollar Store in Nashville a few years back. Dollar General then refused to rebuild. I hope that happens when they start burning down the businesses they need to be able to buy services and goods for sustenance.

Star-News - Google News Archive Search

No business is under any obligation to provide goods and services in any particular neighborhood.

That just goes to show the mentality when they burn down their own houses, neighborhoods and stores they patronize.

How stupid is that?

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

More than that if you include states which have adopted SYG by judicial decision such as the Federal government ... total about 40, including California

Stand Your Ground Laws & Bills by State | #Occupy at Home

Looks like Stevie is out of a job.

Does this include those that have the 'castle doctrine'?
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

More than that if you include states which have adopted SYG by judicial decision such as the Federal government ... total about 40, including California

Stand Your Ground Laws & Bills by State | #Occupy at Home

I noticed that when I did some brief research for the post. California's SYG law only applies inside your residence as I read it. Then I haven't looked at how it has been applied.
What I got from her snidely looks is she figured out how to memorize the script. Her attorney sat there all proud.

But doesn't stop the racism from coming out. It's shocking. How is it that WE are racist? The racism is bred into the "I don't want to be equal I want more" mindset and lifestyle.

I'm sorry, but this completely was an eye opener into Reality for me. I'm shocked and disgusted and more than a little pissed off.

At least she told the truth. "creepy cracka".

Keep feeding that divide.

You too.
She was on Piers Morgan last night on CNN. She slipped up and stated in the interview Trayvom assumed Zimmerman might be a security guard or police . Who attacks a possible security guard or policeman?

Go to exactly to 2:00 in the video and watch to 2:25

[ame=]Rachel Jeantel Piers Morgan Interview Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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Zimmerman family should SUE a whole slew of these people including Obama and Holder and some in the media so we don't have more (circus trials) like this one tuned into..this needs to be stopped right now
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Arm yourself and protect you and your family. This Country's only going to become more dangerous. It's rapidly heading towards the Collapse. This Warfare/Welfare State cannot be sustained. Barack Obama, Piers Morgan, Nancy Pelosi, Bloomberg, and the rest won't be there to save you if the SHTF for you.

Piers Morgan won't be landing his private jet there on the spot to protect you. They're all well-protected Multi-Millionaires living the sweet & safe life. They won't be there to help you when you're about to be murdered and your wife raped. So i wouldn't listen to them when they tell you to stay unarmed and defenseless. Only you can protect yourself and your family. Don't rely solely on the Politicians and Police. Exercise your Constitutional Right and arm yourself. Get your Conceal/Carry Permit immediately. Stay safe. See ya.
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Big lesson learned here...Don't bring a fist to a gun fight.

If you're going to engage in violence, be prepared for unpredictable outcomes. All Citizens should seriously consider arming themselves. The Anti-Gun kooks like Piers Morgan and Nancy Pelosi will not be there to protect you and your family if the SHTF for you. Be smart, don't take their advice and stay unarmed and defenseless. It's very easy for them to preach that nonsense. They're well-protected Millionaires with round the clock armed security. All you have is yourself to rely on. So don't count on the preachy Politicians and Police to save you. Get your Conceal/Carry Permit immediately. Don't wait. This country will only become more dangerous. The Collapse is coming. Be prepared and stay safe. See ya.
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do whatever you feel you must

How many attorneys does the family have?

The other one --Parks?--said they were deciding whether to bring the civil suit. Someone said GZ might be able to claim immunity to being deposed --on SYG or another basis.

It could stop there. Another long trial or trials--if that is the way you want to spend your life.

I can see doing that if some financial gain might be possible--OJ, etc. The Goldman family hasn't been able to recover much from OJ.

All kinds of support has poured in for the family according to Parks.

I live in a completely different world--I can't relate.
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