A List of Lies From the Debate

You forget about the democrats move in Virginia in 2019 to pass a bill for full term abortion?

How does you claim relate to Trump's lie?

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“Hard to believe, they have some states passing legislation
where you can execute the baby after birth. It’s crazy!”
What states are passing such legislation?
Post #95..............Virginia dems tried, what stopped them and wanna bet they won't try again?

Go Blue!
No state has ever proposed legislation under which "you can execute the baby after birth!"

The doddering geezer lied blatantly.
How does you claim relate to Trump's lie?
Based on this legislation..........on Schumer's desk.

HR 8296

Here, we’ll focus instead on whether or not the abortion bill that was passed by the U.S. House — and sent to the Senate, where it is considered unlikely to secure the required 60 votes — would allow abortion through delivery.

The bill, H.R. 8296, titled "Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022" and proposed by Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., says states would not be able to keep health care providers from offering abortions before fetal viability, which generally is around 24 weeks into pregnancy. It adds that states could restrict health care providers from providing abortions after fetal viability, but only "when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health."

The House approved the bill 219-210. Miller-Meeks joined all of her fellow Republicans and one Democrat — Rep. Henry Cueller of Texas — voting against the bill.

Miller-Meeks spoke during a July 15 House debate on the bill, in which several other Republicans — though not Miller-Meeks — called the bill an "abortion on demand until birth act."

Miller-Meeks said legalizing abortion should be left up to states "while recognizing the sanctity of life. This concept is so novel and repugnant to the Democrats that they would put forward a radical and extreme abortion bill that would permit abortion even up until birth for any reason."

A reading of the bill shows that H.R. 8296 permits abortion up until delivery, but only if it is deemed necessary to protect the life of the patient. It does not explicitly require states to keep the procedure legal in all cases past the point of fetal viability.

Based on this legislation..........on Schumer's desk.

HR 8296

Here, we’ll focus instead on whether or not the abortion bill that was passed by the U.S. House — and sent to the Senate, where it is considered unlikely to secure the required 60 votes — would allow abortion through delivery.

The bill, H.R. 8296, titled "Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022" and proposed by Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., says states would not be able to keep health care providers from offering abortions before fetal viability, which generally is around 24 weeks into pregnancy. It adds that states could restrict health care providers from providing abortions after fetal viability, but only "when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health."

The House approved the bill 219-210. Miller-Meeks joined all of her fellow Republicans and one Democrat — Rep. Henry Cueller of Texas — voting against the bill.

Miller-Meeks spoke during a July 15 House debate on the bill, in which several other Republicans — though not Miller-Meeks — called the bill an "abortion on demand until birth act."

Miller-Meeks said legalizing abortion should be left up to states "while recognizing the sanctity of life. This concept is so novel and repugnant to the Democrats that they would put forward a radical and extreme abortion bill that would permit abortion even up until birth for any reason."

A reading of the bill shows that H.R. 8296 permits abortion up until delivery, but only if it is deemed necessary to protect the life of the patient. It does not explicitly require states to keep the procedure legal in all cases past the point of fetal viability.

Trump lied: "... they have some states passing legislation
where you can execute the baby after birth!"

If you can't handle the truth, then you can't handle the truth.
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