The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Why would a grown man offer a boy a ride.....oh, nevermind.

That's Puddly Pillowbite's territory. Let him explain it to you.
and they don't care this shouldn't of ever been brought to trial with all the information out before it or it became this NATIONAL shame of a circus trial is what they turned it into
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Zimmermans family should sue the hell out of her and who she works for

If the Martins try to sue Zimmerman in civil court, Zimmerman will get the chance to sue the hell out of her and every other lawyer in the law firm she works for.
Social engineer----they make things right if the rule of law fucks up. I'd be interested to hear what SCOTUS thinks about that. I wonder who filled her mind full of that shit ?
The lesson to be learned here is a lesson that MOST people learn as children...namely that it is NOT acceptable to hit people because they look at you the wrong way or say something you don't like.

Trayvon Martin isn't dead today because a "racist" stalked him...Trayvon Martin is dead today because he decided the way to handle the situation he found himself in that night was to punch someone in the face.
They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.
Zimmerman could have waited for the police.

DD explained on the Piers Mrgan interview last night that Travon did not want to go home because Zimmerman might have followed him. DD even thought he may have been a rapist [looking for some nookie, my comment.]

Remember when Zimmerman would not give his address because someone might hear it?
and they don't care this shouldn't of ever been brought to trial with all the information out before it or it became this NATIONAL shame of a circus trial is what they turned it into

I'm right back where I started from. Loss of any life --a young life--a tragedy. Finer points of FL law--still not clear. Somewhat disturbed by the story of a woman who is serving 20 years for firing a gun--dv situation. She should have left--no one was killed or injured. Her husband, ex husband, whomever admitted in deposition he would have 'put his hands on her', had done it before.

For firing the gun into the garage wall while he was in the house--20 years.

No, I don't intend to study the laws of the state of FL. Sounds like this woman could use some legal help. Likely many others.

Judging from GZ's family they are law abiding people, the brother has a good POV--I suppose he is the family spokesperson.

Litigate all you want. I've had my fill of it--and everything involved.

I still wish I had some idea of what life is like in Sanford, FL--this occurred in a townhome community. Not important--their lives were turned upside down--scrutinized and now they must persevere.
They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.
Zimmerman could have waited for the police.

DD explained on the Piers Mrgan interview last night that Travon did not want to go home because Zimmerman might have followed him. DD even thought he may have been a rapist [looking for some nookie, my comment.]

Remember when Zimmerman would not give his address because someone might hear it?

Well there was nothing in DD's original account of that conversation that suggested Trayvon was afraid to go home. She repeatedly last night said that he just wanted to go home. She was convinced Zimmerman assaulted Trayvon and not the other way around.

And where is there ANY evidence from ANYBODY that Zimmerman was not waiting for the police as he said he was doing on the recorded phone conversation with the dispatcher? Of course he didn't want to give out his address on the phone when he had no idea where Trayvon was and not knowing whether he was within earshot.

The fact in evidence is that Trayvon had four long minues to run or walk away. Four minutes. Just sit at your desk and do nothing for four minutes other than imagine how far somebody could go in four minutes at a normal walk, let alone if you were 'hurrying because you were afraid."

There is zero evidence that Zimmerman ever took another step after or toward Martin once the dispatcher told him that they didn't need him to follow Trayvon. There was irrefutable evidence that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman when the shot was fired.

Without ANY evidence to convict on assault or aggravated assault or homicide or murder, the jury returned the only verdict they ethically could return.

What happened for sure that night? None of us know. But wanting Zimmerman to be guilty of murder is simply not sufficient to convict somebody of murder.
Look for violence this Saturday. Race pimp Al Sharpton is organizing a 100+ city protest for Treyvon this weekend.

Yeah, lots of cash to be made off a 'Get Whitey!' Weekend. Sharpton's in a bit of trouble with the IRS. So he sees some much needed profit in this tragedy. Him and Jackson are shameful Race-Baiters. But they've made a healthy living off it. I hope very few show up for his farce.
They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.
Zimmerman could have waited for the police.

DD explained on the Piers Mrgan interview last night that Travon did not want to go home because Zimmerman might have followed him. DD even thought he may have been a rapist [looking for some nookie, my comment.]

Remember when Zimmerman would not give his address because someone might hear it?

Too bad we don't get to hear the entire conversation that Trayvon had with DD. How long did it last?
More than that if you include states which have adopted SYG by judicial decision such as the Federal government ... total about 40, including California

Stand Your Ground Laws & Bills by State | #Occupy at Home

Looks like Stevie is out of a job.

Does this include those that have the 'castle doctrine'?

This GZ case was straight up self defense, SYG really had nothing to do with the verdict. I like the SYG law. The 'castle doctrine' seems a bit over the top to me though. A few weeks ago a Texas man shot a hooker in the back because she took his money without performing sex on him. He got off due to the 'castle doctrine'. So any time someone believes you owe them money they can kill you in Texas. That is not a life or death situation & would be be best left to Judge Judy.
Big lesson learned here...Don't bring a fist to a gun fight.

If you're going to engage in violence, be prepared for unpredictable outcomes. All Citizens should seriously consider arming themselves. The Anti-Gun kooks like Piers Morgan and Nancy Pelosi will not be there to protect you and your family if the SHTF for you. Be smart, don't take their advice and stay unarmed and defenseless. It's very easy for them to preach that nonsense. They're well-protected Millionaires with round the clock armed security. All you have is yourself to rely on. So don't count on the preachy Politicians and Police to save you. Get your Conceal/Carry Permit immediately. Don't wait. This country will only become more dangerous. The Collapse is coming. Be prepared and stay safe. See ya.

How about do not follow a teenage boy home and scare him half to death., Don't take the law into your own hands . Let the police handle it. Stay in his truck. I just saw a juror on tv saying the way Georges things were made her decide. What about Trayvon's? My feelings are the same. There was a reason Trayvon poped him in the nose. There was a reason his phone was disconected from the ear peace and they landed speratly. The whole truth was not told. It was ignored.
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Retard, he felt his life in danger...

With those light injuries? :badgrin:

30 times? :badgrin:

In George Zimmerman trial, police investigators take stand - Los Angeles Times

At one point, Serino tells Zimmerman that his statements of being hit 25 to 30 times were "not quite consistent" with the level of his injuries from the confrontation with Martin.
The fact is you ignorant fool is that he doesnt even need to be hit in order to defend himself if he feel he will be killed or if great bodily harm will be done. You race baiters are all the same.

This is why Stand your ground Laws need to be gone. So people do not hide behined them.
Big lesson learned here...Don't bring a fist to a gun fight.

If you're going to engage in violence, be prepared for unpredictable outcomes. All Citizens should seriously consider arming themselves. The Anti-Gun kooks like Piers Morgan and Nancy Pelosi will not be there to protect you and your family if the SHTF for you. Be smart, don't take their advice and stay unarmed and defenseless. It's very easy for them to preach that nonsense. They're well-protected Millionaires with round the clock armed security. All you have is yourself to rely on. So don't count on the preachy Politicians and Police to save you. Get your Conceal/Carry Permit immediately. Don't wait. This country will only become more dangerous. The Collapse is coming. Be prepared and stay safe. See ya.

How about do not follow a teenage boy home and scare him half to death., Don't take the law into your own hands . Let the police handle it. Stay in his truck. I just saw a juror on tv saying the way Georges things were made her decide. What about Trayvon's? My feelings are the same. There was a reason Trayvon poped him in the nose. There was a reason his was disconected from the ear peace and they landed speratly. The whole truth was not told. It was ignored.

Oh, please. If he was scared "half to death" why didn't he hang up with DeeDee and dial 9-1-1?
Big lesson learned here...Don't bring a fist to a gun fight.

If you're going to engage in violence, be prepared for unpredictable outcomes. All Citizens should seriously consider arming themselves. The Anti-Gun kooks like Piers Morgan and Nancy Pelosi will not be there to protect you and your family if the SHTF for you. Be smart, don't take their advice and stay unarmed and defenseless. It's very easy for them to preach that nonsense. They're well-protected Millionaires with round the clock armed security. All you have is yourself to rely on. So don't count on the preachy Politicians and Police to save you. Get your Conceal/Carry Permit immediately. Don't wait. This country will only become more dangerous. The Collapse is coming. Be prepared and stay safe. See ya.

How about do not follow a teenage boy home and scare him half to death., Don't take the law into your own hands . Let the police handle it. Stay in his truck. I just saw a juror on tv saying the way Georges things were made her decide. What about Trayvon's? My feelings are the same. There was a reason Trayvon poped him in the nose. There was a reason his was disconected from the ear peace and they landed speratly. The whole truth was not told. It was ignored.

Oh, please. If he was scared "half to death" why didn't he hang up with DeeDee and dial 9-1-1?

"That overweight out-of-breath guy scares me half to death, so now that I've run away from him and see that the old fattie can't catch up with me, I'm going to go back and pummel him."

It's very sad that this is the course of action Trayvon decided to follow.

And it's very sad that people want Zimmerman to suffer for life because Trayvon decided to follow that course of action.
LOL - You took the bait. Posters like Sallow are just throwing out mindless claims. Who cares. This thread is regards the corrupt prosecution. It is not about re-justifying the established innocence of a man.
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