The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Retard, he felt his life in danger...

With those light injuries? :badgrin:

30 times? :badgrin:

In George Zimmerman trial, police investigators take stand - Los Angeles Times

At one point, Serino tells Zimmerman that his statements of being hit 25 to 30 times were "not quite consistent" with the level of his injuries from the confrontation with Martin.
The fact is you ignorant fool is that he doesnt even need to be hit in order to defend himself if he feel he will be killed or if great bodily harm will be done. You race baiters are all the same.

If you believe in justice for Trayvon and that a person running an errand shouldn't be followed around, whether white, black, brown, Asian, native American, or any color, you believe you're automatically implicating race. :eusa_eh:
You saw the video of Zimmerman talking to the police he was not over weight that night. He was average. That is a pure cop out.

According to the physician's assistant that saw him the day after the incident. Same one you guys want to claim said the injuries wasn't that bad, said his BMI was over 30, which means that he is clinically morbidly obese. Check your facts. So far, they've all been wrong.

He was still not very big . video does not lie. I don't buy the over weight fat guy theroy. sorry.

That's fine. Don't buy it. However, he was an obese man, and there is no way possible he could have chased down a teenage athlete. It is just not possible. Common sense would dictate that. You will never be convinced, and that is fine, but I'm going to point out your inaccuracies each time you throw them out.
"Sorry for giving you a hard time". :lol:

I'll hand it to the gal, she kept her poise.

She guzzled a pitcher of strawberry daiquiries right after the interview. Interesting tho. She does sorta epitomize the liberal stance here. If the law gets it "wrong " the liberals are there to step in and "fix" it. Pompous bitches.
The fact is you ignorant fool is that he doesnt even need to be hit in order to defend himself if he feel he will be killed or if great bodily harm will be done. You race baiters are all the same.

If you believe in justice for Trayvon and that a person running an errand shouldn't be followed around, whether white, black, brown, Asian, native American, or any color, you believe you're automatically implicating race. :eusa_eh:

I agree people should be free to go where they want without hindrance, but I don't support escalating the situation to violence. That is where the evidence pointed the jury and myself. Not guilty. Justice is decided in a court room. Moral justice can't be doled out by you, me or anyone else.
They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.
Zimmerman could have waited for the police.

DD explained on the Piers Mrgan interview last night that Travon did not want to go home because Zimmerman might have followed him. DD even thought he may have been a rapist [looking for some nookie, my comment.]

Remember when Zimmerman would not give his address because someone might hear it?
He did

That's a rewrite

Smart move on George's part
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

Stevie Wonder Boycotting Florida Following Zimmerman Verdict (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

I was just thinking of Stevie Wonder yesterday and wondered why he became so irrelevant. Now I know why.
According to the physician's assistant that saw him the day after the incident. Same one you guys want to claim said the injuries wasn't that bad, said his BMI was over 30, which means that he is clinically morbidly obese. Check your facts. So far, they've all been wrong.

He was still not very big . video does not lie. I don't buy the over weight fat guy theroy. sorry.

That's fine. Don't buy it. However, he was an obese man, and there is no way possible he could have chased down a teenage athlete. It is just not possible. Common sense would dictate that. You will never be convinced, and that is fine, but I'm going to point out your inaccuracies each time you throw them out.

Why would George chase Trayvon he was drving a car. Trayvon was the one walking.
What truth? The only testimony I heard was conjecture and opinions. Most of it was bought and paid for by the defense.

The juror isgoing to write a book. The kickbox place was advertising that they trained zimmerman.. The cartton was walt disneyiske.

It's white and black. Why not just admit it?

Because it wasn't, idiot!

I take great umbrage at being called an idiot.

But, that's how you roll.

He was still not very big . video does not lie. I don't buy the over weight fat guy theroy. sorry.

That's fine. Don't buy it. However, he was an obese man, and there is no way possible he could have chased down a teenage athlete. It is just not possible. Common sense would dictate that. You will never be convinced, and that is fine, but I'm going to point out your inaccuracies each time you throw them out.

Why would George chase Trayvon he was drving a car. Trayvon was the one walking.

Can you imagine armed people simply driving around and getting out to investigate people that look "out-of-place"? They could say similar like to GZ they were not quite yet registered as neighborhood watch captains yet just about anywhere they plan to visit or live and don't have "official" status yet.
Are you KIDDING me?

I cannot believe this crap. After all the evidence and the unfounded race crime investigation, he is still going to hang his hat on this incident.

Agenda is big business - gotta pay for that limo.

Al Sharpton plans George Zimmerman protests - Tal Kopan -

George Zimmerman dated a black girl & took her to prom. He even made flyers & posted them in protest of police abuse of a black man. This shit has completely blown up in their face. The tools are still out there believing the racism crap.

If the FBI was not so busy investigating Zimmerman they could have stopped the Boston Bombing.
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The media has blood on their hands for their part in fomenting this into a racial incident.

I hope NBC pays Zimmerman big for what they did to him.
Why are we still talking about this shit? One thug that got killed as he couldn't control his fucking temper.

We have dozens every day dying in our inner-cities. This is all bull shit.
I'm sure you would like for it to go away - just like you couldn't explain the situation I presented, instead just gave me neg rep because you have no answer. It is obvious to the majority of the country that the verdict was biased and it isn't going to go away, not yet, anyway.

Situation I presented which is being ignored by those who insist that GZ was in the right in defending himself. I wonder why they are ignoring this and why they think GZ was right in defending himself but not this black woman?

Marissa Alexander had never been arrested before she fired a bullet at a wall one day in 2010 to scare off her husband when she felt he was threatening her. Nobody got hurt, but this month a northeast Florida judge was bound by state law to sentence her to 20 years in prison.

Read more: Woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot | Fox News

Assuming she was guilty of something and that even though there was a history of wife-beating and in this instance she wasn't really in danger, which I'm not, but a white woman would have been given a sentence of no more than 5-7 years for that.
Are you KIDDING me?

I cannot believe this crap. After all the evidence and the unfounded race crime investigation, he is still going to hang his hat on this incident.

Agenda is big business - gotta pay for that limo.

Al Sharpton plans George Zimmerman protests - Tal Kopan -

George Zimmerman dated a black girl & took her to prom. He even made flyers & posted them in protest of police abuse of a black man. This shit has completely blown up in their face. The tools are still out there believing the racism crap.

If the FBI was not so busy investigating Zimmerman they could have stopped the Boston Bombing.

Don't get me started again. I had a tizzy fit this morning. lol

The only people stiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll making this about race is Holder, Al, et al.

I cannot believe it continues to ride on the back of this incident.

At LEAST pick a credible incident, at least pick an incident that was truly a race crime and racial. At the very least can they do that? This is so flimsy and see-thru it makes me disgusted.
Why are we still talking about this shit? One thug that got killed as he couldn't control his fucking temper.

We have dozens every day dying in our inner-cities. This is all bull shit.
I'm sure you would like for it to go away - just like you couldn't explain the situation I presented, instead just gave me neg rep because you have no answer. It is obvious to the majority of the country that the verdict was biased and it isn't going to go away, not yet, anyway.

Situation I presented which is being ignored by those who insist that GZ was in the right in defending himself. I wonder why they are ignoring this and why they think GZ was right in defending himself but not this black woman?

Marissa Alexander had never been arrested before she fired a bullet at a wall one day in 2010 to scare off her husband when she felt he was threatening her. Nobody got hurt, but this month a northeast Florida judge was bound by state law to sentence her to 20 years in prison.

Read more: Woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot | Fox News

Assuming she was guilty of something and that even though there was a history of wife-beating and in this instance she wasn't really in danger, which I'm not, but a white woman would have been given a sentence of no more than 5-7 years for that.

But she didn't even kill the menacing husband (unlike GZ, who killed the supposedly menacing suspect)! And she got 20 years just for firing the gun to the ceiling - while GZ, gets acquitted for killing. Something smells rotten in Denmark. Both cases in Florida, no less.
The media has blood on their hands for their part in fomenting this into a racial incident.

I hope NBC pays Zimmerman big for what they did to him.

The craze started on the internet. The media finally had no choice but to pick up on it. Whether isolated reports can be targeted is a specious argument. Mistakes get made and every last report can't be perfect.
I'm sure you would like for it to go away - just like you couldn't explain the situation I presented, instead just gave me neg rep because you have no answer. It is obvious to the majority of the country that the verdict was biased and it isn't going to go away, not yet, anyway.

Situation I presented which is being ignored by those who insist that GZ was in the right in defending himself. I wonder why they are ignoring this and why they think GZ was right in defending himself but not this black woman?

Marissa Alexander had never been arrested before she fired a bullet at a wall one day in 2010 to scare off her husband when she felt he was threatening her. Nobody got hurt, but this month a northeast Florida judge was bound by state law to sentence her to 20 years in prison.

Read more: Woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot | Fox News

Assuming she was guilty of something and that even though there was a history of wife-beating and in this instance she wasn't really in danger, which I'm not, but a white woman would have been given a sentence of no more than 5-7 years for that.

But she didn't even kill the menacing husband (unlike GZ, who killed the supposedly menacing suspect)! And she got 20 years just for firing the gun to the ceiling - while GZ, gets acquitted for killing. Something smells rotten in Denmark. Both cases in Florida, no less.

She was at his house and left and then came back and fired the shot in the general direction of his children.

When she was out on bond for this she went over to his house and gave him a black eye.

She may have had a chance for probation before that, but when she violated the court order and attacked him she lost that chance.

She was offered a 3-year sentence, which would only have been a year-and-a-half more after counting time served. She turned that offer down.
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"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

Stevie Wonder Boycotting Florida Following Zimmerman Verdict (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

I was just thinking of Stevie Wonder yesterday and wondered why he became so irrelevant. Now I know why.

A blind person against George Zimmerman..... Symbolism much?
The media has blood on their hands for their part in fomenting this into a racial incident.

I hope NBC pays Zimmerman big for what they did to him.

The craze started on the internet. The media finally had no choice but to pick up on it. Whether isolated reports can be targeted is a specious argument. Mistakes get made and every last report can't be perfect.

NBC edited the 911 call to make it sound like Zimmerman was focused on Martin's race rather than his behavior.
Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

Stevie Wonder Boycotting Florida Following Zimmerman Verdict (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

I was just thinking of Stevie Wonder yesterday and wondered why he became so irrelevant. Now I know why.

A blind person against George Zimmerman..... Symbolism much?

I soooooo owe you a rep for that color blind remark.
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