Does anybody really think?...

Yes, I'm sure you like to believe that. The facts, however, suggest you're wrong.
"I would place more confidence in Harris listening to our Generals, than I would Trump's instincts"
As another insight about Harris and generals there was this experience by David Ignatius related in today's paper:

"But skillful performance as a debater isn’t the same thing as executive leadership. Baiting an opponent on television isn’t preparation for making decisions in the Situation Room. So it’s important to examine how Harris would perform on national security issues in office if she won the presidency.

To get a better sense of her potential strengths and weaknesses, I interviewed more than a half-dozen current or former officials who have observed her in the Situation Room or other sensitive national security meetings.

Follow David Ignatius
They all expressed versions of the same basic theme: Harris behaves like the prosecutor she was for much of her career. She’s skeptical, probing, sometimes querulous. She can be impatient and demanding. But she asks good questions. And if she’s convinced of the need, she’s not afraid to act. “She’s more hard-line than most people think,” said one retired four-star general who has briefed her many times.

One top member put it this way: “She’s always the same person, pushing for information, making sure people aren’t bulls----ing her.” Having watched her often in discussions about using military force, he concluded: “Her approach is to measure twice, cut once. But she’s not afraid to take the shot.”

A thought occurred to me today as I was out and about my daily routine. Does anyone think Heels Up Harris is capable and courageous enough to open the nuclear football if we become the subject of a nuclear strike by Russia or China? My thought is..

.. absolutely not. She would rather burn America into the ground than retaliate.
Coward Kamala would jump on air force one and jet out of here, leaving the rest of us to die.

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