JD Vance declares trump's campaign is over

Literally millions of Americans are more qualified to be President than Harris. Trump's abilities are countered by his incomprehensibly poor personality. How anyone could ever support either one is a mystery.

Former Senator from California.

Former A.G. for California (second largest D.O.J. in the U.S.)

Former District Attorney

Former Assistant District Attorney.

And all you've got is a diaper wearing 78-Old Man who rants sinking boats and sharks. Lies about infanticide and people eating dogs and cats. He mentally unstable.
Self Awareness is not a republican strong suit. This one is almost as much fun as Cory Lewandowski telling Vance to "get off the couch".

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commie STINKS.jpg
Self Awareness is not a republican strong suit. This one is almost as much fun as Cory Lewandowski telling Vance to "get off the couch".

View attachment 1010968

And the left continues to create malevolent disinformation by distorting or quoting out of context the oppositions words (assuming Vance said that at all.) They have no conscience, no integrity, no redeemable characteristics.

This would be a far better country if the radical left would develop a conscience and a willingness to show integrity, honesty, fair play and be honorable.
Difference is Trump was POTUS, and Swift dresses like a 12 yrs old, performs music at the 12 year old level, and charges 12 year old children 2K a piece for the cheap seats.
It's adorable the lies you dipshits make up and tell yourselves. :lol:

One third of Swift fans are in their 30s and 40s, you ignorant fool. More than one in 10 are over 65.

She has 248 million followers, dumbass.

And Swift has begun a voter registration drive. She registered 400,000 Harris voters in 24 hours.

That's what terrifies you.


Literally millions of Americans are more qualified to be President than Harris. Trump's abilities are countered by his incomprehensibly poor personality. How anyone could ever support either one is a mystery.
She was the AG in California. Her dad did not leave her 400 million dollars. She is not a serial liar. That is good enough.
It's adorable the lies you dipshits make up and tell yourselves. :lol:

One third of Swift fans are in their 30s and 40s, you ignorant fool. More than one in 10 are over 65.

She has 248 million followers, dumbass.

And Swift has begun a voter registration drive. She registered 400,000 Harris voters in 24 hours.

That's what terrifies you.


Yup, it has trump and the hillbilly peeing their pants.
Shillbilly Vance is no help to Trumpy. What happened to Trumpy picking the best people? Anybody really believe he couldn't have done better than this couch fucker?
Former Senator from California.

Former A.G. for California (second largest D.O.J. in the U.S.)

Former District Attorney

Former Assistant District Attorney.

And all you've got is a diaper wearing 78-Old Man who rants sinking boats and sharks. Lies about infanticide and people eating dogs and cats. He mentally unstable.
Sucked at all those jobs...yes I did go there :auiqs.jpg:

You people worship Putin, who is now and always has been a communist.
Literally millions of Americans are more qualified to be President than Harris. Trump's abilities are countered by his incomprehensibly poor personality. How anyone could ever support either one is a mystery.

Why does a Strong, Well Disciplined, Independent BLACK WOMAN running for president scare you? Never mind I answered my own question.

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