The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'm sure you would like for it to go away - just like you couldn't explain the situation I presented, instead just gave me neg rep because you have no answer. It is obvious to the majority of the country that the verdict was biased and it isn't going to go away, not yet, anyway.

Situation I presented which is being ignored by those who insist that GZ was in the right in defending himself. I wonder why they are ignoring this and why they think GZ was right in defending himself but not this black woman?

Marissa Alexander had never been arrested before she fired a bullet at a wall one day in 2010 to scare off her husband when she felt he was threatening her. Nobody got hurt, but this month a northeast Florida judge was bound by state law to sentence her to 20 years in prison.

Read more: Woman gets 20 years for firing warning shot | Fox News

Assuming she was guilty of something and that even though there was a history of wife-beating and in this instance she wasn't really in danger, which I'm not, but a white woman would have been given a sentence of no more than 5-7 years for that.

But she didn't even kill the menacing husband (unlike GZ, who killed the supposedly menacing suspect)! And she got 20 years just for firing the gun to the ceiling - while GZ, gets acquitted for killing. Something smells rotten in Denmark. Both cases in Florida, no less.

I would love to agree 100% with you, but I would have to see many more reports from the trial of exactly what happened. On the other hand, women that kill their husbands and later are acquitted of murder because of a history of violence from their partner and spouse is a fairly common thing, I believe. It's my fault. I have often been reluctant to form an opinion on this type of situation.
Are you KIDDING me?

I cannot believe this crap. After all the evidence and the unfounded race crime investigation, he is still going to hang his hat on this incident.

Agenda is big business - gotta pay for that limo.

Al Sharpton plans George Zimmerman protests - Tal Kopan -

George Zimmerman dated a black girl & took her to prom. He even made flyers & posted them in protest of police abuse of a black man. This shit has completely blown up in their face. The tools are still out there believing the racism crap.

If the FBI was not so busy investigating Zimmerman they could have stopped the Boston Bombing.

Here is the problem once a person is accused of being a raciest the more it is fought the more they look like a raciest. I have never figured out why this is but it is that way. I don't agree with it.
I feel by all the statements that have been thrown around in this thread shows that there are people that have some very strong feelings. Some are saying some very strong things against another and there is a big snow ball affect going on here and people seem to be saying some very hateful things to one another. I know that there have been some people on here that have been talking to each other for a long time and now there have been some name calling and strong statements said to each other. I wish we could all just start thinking of a way to redirect the energy that has been created and use it for the common good and find a way to fix the issues at hand instead of the mud slinging.
Are you KIDDING me?

I cannot believe this crap. After all the evidence and the unfounded race crime investigation, he is still going to hang his hat on this incident.

Agenda is big business - gotta pay for that limo.

Al Sharpton plans George Zimmerman protests - Tal Kopan -

George Zimmerman dated a black girl & took her to prom. He even made flyers & posted them in protest of police abuse of a black man. This shit has completely blown up in their face. The tools are still out there believing the racism crap.

If the FBI was not so busy investigating Zimmerman they could have stopped the Boston Bombing.

Here is the problem once a person is accused of being a raciest the more it is fought the more they look like a raciest. I have never figured out why this is but it is that way. I don't agree with it.

It's like being labeled or any suspicion about "pedophile" - you can never get that horse back into the barn all the way.

That horse is out of the barn and running around in the neighbor's back forty.
Naturegirl said:
Why didn't Trayvon get off the phone with his friend and call 911 if someone was stalking him? I know I would.
He couldn't, GZ had the line tied up...

Seriously, TM only lived there for several days so if he came from another state or town the 911 function on his cell phone wouldn't work at the new zipcode or locale. I know MY cell phone doesn't!

911 Wireless Services |

Check out the above link.
You'll sound less ignorant.
OK, you are right. There have been some changes since I bought my phone in 2007.
Looks like I can even use my old phone to call 911 from virtually anywhere with or without a sim card thanks to new technology..._
Assuming she was guilty of something and that even though there was a history of wife-beating and in this instance she wasn't really in danger, which I'm not, but a white woman would have been given a sentence of no more than 5-7 years for that.

But she didn't even kill the menacing husband (unlike GZ, who killed the supposedly menacing suspect)! And she got 20 years just for firing the gun to the ceiling - while GZ, gets acquitted for killing. Something smells rotten in Denmark. Both cases in Florida, no less.

She was at his house and left and then came back and fired the shot in the general direction of his children.
Do you have a link supporting your side of the story? This is what I've found.

Update 4/23/2012: It's been reported in the news today that Marissa Alexander was originally scheduled to be sentenced Monday morning. However, a judge delayed her sentencing indefinitely. April 30th a hearing is scheduled for the judge to rule on post-trial motions. It's been reported in the press that the state offered Alexander a plea deal, but she refused. Her lawyer is seeking a retrial according to sources.

Source: Public Domain

Stand Your Ground Against Domestic Violence

Florida woman, Marissa Alexander faces 20 years for shooting the ceiling in her house.Marissa actually tried to “Stand Her Ground” when in 2010 she fired a single shot into the ceiling of her home during a argument that turned physical.

When she was out on bond for this she went over to his house and gave him a black eye.

She may have had a chance for probation before that, but when she violated the court order and attacked him she lost that chance.

She was offered a 3-year sentence, which would only have been a year-and-a-half more after counting time served. She turned that offer down.

Geez, 3 years (and that is supposed to be generous?) and she didn't even kill the abusive husband, but GZ is acquitted after killing a 17 year old young man that wasn't doing anything wrong? Had never hurt GZ in his life?
The racist angle, the following or not supposed to be following, etc. has all been litigated now.

It's time for the media to stop giving the instigators the attention they want. Only then will everyone disappear. Holder, Sharpton, and everyone else who wants to keep this thing alive. Just. Stop.

I won't watch it anymore. It's over and done. The question has been answered whether George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin. He did not. Done. Move along media and find another story to grab some ratings because this one has played itself out.
The Rioting is increasing. The Race-Baiting MSM, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton are getting happier & happier by the hour.
The Rioting is increasing. Sadly, that's great news for the Race-Baiting MSM, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton.
Are you KIDDING me?

I cannot believe this crap. After all the evidence and the unfounded race crime investigation, he is still going to hang his hat on this incident.

Agenda is big business - gotta pay for that limo.

Al Sharpton plans George Zimmerman protests - Tal Kopan -

George Zimmerman dated a black girl & took her to prom. He even made flyers & posted them in protest of police abuse of a black man. This shit has completely blown up in their face. The tools are still out there believing the racism crap.

If the FBI was not so busy investigating Zimmerman they could have stopped the Boston Bombing.

Don't get me started again. I had a tizzy fit this morning. lol

The only people stiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll making this about race is Holder, Al, et al.

I cannot believe it continues to ride on the back of this incident.

At LEAST pick a credible incident, at least pick an incident that was truly a race crime and racial. At the very least can they do that? This is so flimsy and see-thru it makes me disgusted.

:eek: Jesse Jackson Calls on U.N. to Intervene in Zimmerman Case :cuckoo:

:lmao: You just can't make this shit up! :lmao:
I'm on the way for shrimp and beer.

Can someone google the new SYG in JAX white on black media on the way there. I don't know the circumstances and no scroogle right now.
Case is going to trial I believe. There was flurry about it today but that's all I know with one bar.
But she didn't even kill the menacing husband (unlike GZ, who killed the supposedly menacing suspect)! And she got 20 years just for firing the gun to the ceiling - while GZ, gets acquitted for killing. Something smells rotten in Denmark. Both cases in Florida, no less.

She was at his house and left and then came back and fired the shot in the general direction of his children.
Do you have a link supporting your side of the story? This is what I've found.

Update 4/23/2012: It's been reported in the news today that Marissa Alexander was originally scheduled to be sentenced Monday morning. However, a judge delayed her sentencing indefinitely. April 30th a hearing is scheduled for the judge to rule on post-trial motions. It's been reported in the press that the state offered Alexander a plea deal, but she refused. Her lawyer is seeking a retrial according to sources.

Source: Public Domain

Stand Your Ground Against Domestic Violence

Florida woman, Marissa Alexander faces 20 years for shooting the ceiling in her house.Marissa actually tried to “Stand Her Ground” when in 2010 she fired a single shot into the ceiling of her home during a argument that turned physical.

When she was out on bond for this she went over to his house and gave him a black eye.

She may have had a chance for probation before that, but when she violated the court order and attacked him she lost that chance.

She was offered a 3-year sentence, which would only have been a year-and-a-half more after counting time served. She turned that offer down.

Geez, 3 years (and that is supposed to be generous?) and she didn't even kill the abusive husband, but GZ is acquitted after killing a 17 year old young man that wasn't doing anything wrong? Had never hurt GZ in his life?

I am not pretending to suddenly trust Angela Corey without question. But what she says at least gives reason for closer inspection into what the investigators found.

She said Gray’s sons were pulling on their shoes to leave the house when Alexander raised her weapon to fire — in other words, they and their father were about to leave.

While online accounts sympathetic to Alexander say she fired shots into the ceiling, the single bullet she fired actually hit the wall, not far from Gray and the boys, then ricocheted into the ceiling, Corey said.

Corey also points out a later incident when Alexander, while free on bail and awaiting trial, became involved in an altercation with Gray that left him with a swollen eye.

“She put a round in the chamber, and she fired that shot out of anger, not fear,” Corey said. “She didn’t need to use that gun. Those kids were scared to death. They ran for their lives.”

Marissa Alexander case in spotlight after Zimmerman trial - The Washington Post

And yes, after you shoot at a man and children, and then violate a court order and go over and physically attack the guy, 3 years is at least reasonable if not generous. It's really dumb to go beat a guy up when you're out on bond for shooting at him.
I must be either really stupid or horribly naive because, for the life of me, I cannot see how this case is about race. Absolutely not ONE SHRED of evidence was produced to remotely insinuate Zimmerman is a racist. Not one shred.

Profiling, yes, OK, I can see that. But as I said early on, we all profile every day and certainly it's part of the education in any form of law enforcement, psychology, all walk of life, really. Racial profiling, no, didn't happen. Unless you want to say Z was suspicious of a person sauntering around his neighborhood on a rainy night and that person happened to be black.

Where the HELL is this coming from? Who gives this claim any credence? The UN??? DOJ, again??? Really??? Where is the EVIDENCE? Just because the claim is made does not make it true. Or even "investigatable". Every death is tragic and this one certainly is tragic, of course. But not every death of a black person by a non-black person involves racism. Most do not, I feel confident in saying.

So where the hell is this coming from? I can see why the media is continuing to perpetuate this, but why does the government want to dwell in this fantasy and stoke these hateful fires?

Someone please give me a link to a book on hate. I guess I've got a lot to learn about how this fits into that mindset.
Any future violence on this, is on the corrupt MSM hacks, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton. They're inciting it.
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