The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So the prosecutors don't believe in the law? wow.

Still shaving trouble with comprehension skills, I see. They didn't say that. Nobody has to agree with the verdict. We just have to accept it. Angela Corey just said Zimmerman is a murderer. Lots of people agree. Has nothing to do with not believing in the law.
I must be either really stupid or horribly naive because, for the life of me, I cannot see how this case is about race. Absolutely not ONE SHRED of evidence was produced to remotely insinuate Zimmerman is a racist. Not one shred.

Profiling, yes, OK, I can see that. But as I said early on, we all profile every day and certainly it's part of the education in any form of law enforcement, psychology, all walk of life, really. Racial profiling, no, didn't happen. Unless you want to say Z was suspicious of a person sauntering around his neighborhood on a rainy night and that person happened to be black.

Where the HELL is this coming from? Who gives this claim any credence? The UN??? DOJ, again??? Really??? Where is the EVIDENCE? Just because the claim is made does not make it true. Or even "investigatable". Every death is tragic and this one certainly is tragic, of course. But not every death of a black person by a non-black person involves racism. Most do not, I feel confident in saying.

So where the hell is this coming from? I can see why the media is continuing to perpetuate this, but why does the government want to dwell in this fantasy and stoke these hateful fires?

Someone please give me a link to a book on hate. I guess I've got a lot to learn about how this fits into that mindset.

I totally get what you're saying, but the reason why I think it is about race is because it's something a lot of us don't have to worry about. White kids with hoodies aren't followed and persecuted the way black kids are.

Indeed, the recent burglaries in the area were committed by young black men. GZ did a very natural thing in the profiling we do every day, whether we like to admit it or not.

However, he went a step further. He went far beyond suspicion, down the road of assuming the kid was guilty of something, though there was no actual basis for that thinking other than the fact that he racially fits the profile of recent burglars.

My neighborhood watch captain told me this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would have put the suspicion on the backburner of their mind, and then actually rolled down the window and invite to drive the kid home so he can get out of the rain. By doing that, you establish connections with your neighbors and the residents in the area, you know his face up close and can remember it for future reference, and you figure out where he lives."

Of course, GZ didn't even think to do any of that, did he? He racially profiled a young man and escalated the tension instead of defusing it with well-known common sense approaches to being a volunteer in the neighborhood watch program.

Doesn't make GZ a "racist", but I think it does make this case about race and the subtle prejudices that exist in our thinking. And I also think the decision is about race, because it suggests that TM deserved his own murder because he was a typical "angry black man", which is a syndrome only put on to them by white people, and which has no basis in actual reality.

Because it's black-on-black crime, that's why. A couple of weeks ago, I believe, Chicago had close to 70 murders in one weekend alone - black-on-black crime - but not a word from any of the so-called AA 'leaders' speaking out about it. Those 'leaders', it seems, get their thrills out of hyping racism. If they can't claim it, they won't touch it.

Because it's black-on-black crime, that's why. A couple of weeks ago, I believe, Chicago had close to 70 murders in one weekend alone - black-on-black crime - but not a word from any of the so-called AA 'leaders' speaking out about it. Those 'leaders', it seems, get their thrills out of hyping racism. If they can't claim it, they won't touch it.

But this case should be high on the priority list because of who the student was and what she participated in before she was killed!
Zimmerman is Hispanic & dated a black chick & took her to the prom. Only stupid tools believe the race baiters.

Are you talking about Sean Hannity's out of left field or mistaken question?

Hannity: Didn't George Zimmerman Take One To The Prom? - NewsHounds

In the middle of an interview with George Zimmerman's defense attorneys in which Sean Hannity was trying to prove Zimmerman is not a racist, Hannity let his own feelings about African Americans slip when he said, "Didn't George Zimerman... take one to the prom?"

Because it's black-on-black crime, that's why. A couple of weeks ago, I believe, Chicago had close to 70 murders in one weekend alone - black-on-black crime - but not a word from any of the so-called AA 'leaders' speaking out about it. Those 'leaders', it seems, get their thrills out of hyping racism. If they can't claim it, they won't touch it.

But this case should be high on the priority list because of who the student was and what she participated in before she was killed!

Why didn't the President go on National TV and make a statement about how she could have been his daughter?
Those who have been doing some in depth background investigation on Zimmerman have discovered:

1. The more sensational accounts of Zimmerman's girlfriend filing a restraining order and assault on a police officer have pretty much been unexploitable--in the first case nothing was ever proved and the judge just gave both of them restraining orders against each other. And the other incident was when a drunk Zimmerman pushed the officer to protect his younger friend--charges were dropped when Zimmerman agreed to attend some alcoholism classes. There is no indication that Zimmerman had a drinking problem however. Not much to go on there to establish racism.

However. . . .

2. There is new information surfacing that a young George Zimmerman took a black friend (female) as his date to the Senior Prom. He has a number of black social friends who will vouch for him; he has participated in a neighborhood program to mentor black kids and he continued to do that, including having the kids in his own home, for some time after the program ended. He once went to bat to defend a black homeless guy against the Sanford Police Department.

None of that George Zimmerman ever gets reported in the MSM though does it? But that is why the FBI could find zero basis for racism when they first investigated Zimmerman and why the DOJ will have to invent charges against him to accuse him of hate crimes and civil rights violations now.
I must be either really stupid or horribly naive because, for the life of me, I cannot see how this case is about race. Absolutely not ONE SHRED of evidence was produced to remotely insinuate Zimmerman is a racist. Not one shred.

Profiling, yes, OK, I can see that. But as I said early on, we all profile every day and certainly it's part of the education in any form of law enforcement, psychology, all walk of life, really. Racial profiling, no, didn't happen. Unless you want to say Z was suspicious of a person sauntering around his neighborhood on a rainy night and that person happened to be black.

Where the HELL is this coming from? Who gives this claim any credence? The UN??? DOJ, again??? Really??? Where is the EVIDENCE? Just because the claim is made does not make it true. Or even "investigatable". Every death is tragic and this one certainly is tragic, of course. But not every death of a black person by a non-black person involves racism. Most do not, I feel confident in saying.

So where the hell is this coming from? I can see why the media is continuing to perpetuate this, but why does the government want to dwell in this fantasy and stoke these hateful fires?

Someone please give me a link to a book on hate. I guess I've got a lot to learn about how this fits into that mindset.

I totally get what you're saying, but the reason why I think it is about race is because it's something a lot of us don't have to worry about. White kids with hoodies aren't followed and persecuted the way black kids are.

Indeed, the recent burglaries in the area were committed by young black men. GZ did a very natural thing in the profiling we do every day, whether we like to admit it or not.

However, he went a step further. He went far beyond suspicion, down the road of assuming the kid was guilty of something, though there was no actual basis for that thinking other than the fact that he racially fits the profile of recent burglars.

My neighborhood watch captain told me this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would have put the suspicion on the backburner of their mind, and then actually rolled down the window and invite to drive the kid home so he can get out of the rain. By doing that, you establish connections with your neighbors and the residents in the area, you know his face up close and can remember it for future reference, and you figure out where he lives."

Of course, GZ didn't even think to do any of that, did he? He racially profiled a young man and escalated the tension instead of defusing it with well-known common sense approaches to being a volunteer in the neighborhood watch program.

Doesn't make GZ a "racist", but I think it does make this case about race and the subtle prejudices that exist in our thinking. And I also think the decision is about race, because it suggests that TM deserved his own murder because he was a typical "angry black man", which is a syndrome only put on to them by white people, and which has no basis in actual reality.

Why is that an excuse to load the race problems, agenda and movements on the back of this incident?

Because it's black-on-black crime, that's why. A couple of weeks ago, I believe, Chicago had close to 70 murders in one weekend alone - black-on-black crime - but not a word from any of the so-called AA 'leaders' speaking out about it. Those 'leaders', it seems, get their thrills out of hyping racism. If they can't claim it, they won't touch it.

But this case should be high on the priority list because of who the student was and what she participated in before she was killed!

I read where Michelle Obama went to her funeral. But no word from the President demanding increased gun laws, etc. No FBI investigation to see if there might be a motive of racism. No DOJ investigation of possible hate crimes i.e. violation of her civil rights.

And I will be really surprised if there is gavel to gavel coverage of the trial or that it is even noted outside of Chicago.

President Obama would have been deemed a great leader if, after the Zimmerman verdict, he had stepped forward, condemned the violence in the wake of the verdict, and told everybody that the American way is to conduct a trial and go by the verdict whatever it is. Just go home folks and stop this senseless violence and rhetoric that divides us.
The problem is, his autopsy report has him at five foot eleven inches. Do you argue with the autopsy report? You actually believe that is inaccurate?

I do disagree. One of four things likely happened:

1. The coroner was paid off.
2. The coroner was blackmailed.
3. The coroner was corruptly sympathetic to the idea that TM was a 'victim' and he fudged the report.
4. A lazy coroner simply used the height listed on the driver's license.

5. The ME is an idiot.

There I fixed it.

Does ME stand for something?
Who would have ever thought that blacks and the KKK would hate the same guy?

GZ: Black grandparent, Hispanic mother, Jewish dad, dated blacks

That hits on almost all of the KKK's peeves. Apparently it does blacks too.
Here's what influenced the jury. They were five white woman and a hispanic woman. Blacks had been moving into that neighborhood and ruining it. We've all seen how that happens, right? The article MikeK posted talks about just that. Come on, you know what I mean! I grew up with a racist father, I know all about how those blacks ruin property values and all.

So anyway, those white women on that jury probably think a lot like my father did. Zimmerman was just trying to save the damn neighborhood, and here's this suspicious black kid...the root of all the problems, these fucking coons!!! They're going to convict Zimmerman? I think not. And the hispanic woman...of course not, he's one of her own. She's especially not going to fight against all the white women, who want to acquit him!

That's what influenced the jury.
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Who would have ever thought that blacks and the KKK would hate the same guy?

GZ: Black grandparent, Hispanic mother, Jewish dad, dated blacks

That hits on almost all of the KKK's peeves. Apparently it does blacks too.

Every single one of these blacks wanting to hang a innocent man are RACIST.
The pussy assed whites that are supporting this shit want to give them a double standard to be racist, kill and beat innocent people.
Here's what influenced the jury. They were five white woman and a hispanic woman. Blacks had been moving into that neighborhood and ruining it. We've all seen how that happens, right? The article MikeK posted talks about just that. Come on, you know what I mean! I grew up with a racist father, I know all about how those blacks ruin property values and all.

So anyway, those white women on that jury probably think a lot like my father did. Zimmerman was just trying to save the damn neighborhood, and here's this suspicious black kid...the root of all the problems, these fucking coons!!! They're going to convict Zimmerman? I think not. And the hispanic woman...of course not, he's one of her own. She's especially not going to fight against all the white women, who want to acquit him!

That's what influenced the jury.

Have you ever been on the Jury for a murder trial? I have, and it wasn't taken lightly by any of the jurors.
Race didn't matter, crappy talking points didn't matter, politics didn't matter.
What mattered was evidence and LAW.
Who would have ever thought that blacks and the KKK would hate the same guy?

GZ: Black grandparent, Hispanic mother, Jewish dad, dated blacks

That hits on almost all of the KKK's peeves. Apparently it does blacks too.

Every single one of these blacks wanting to hang a innocent man are RACIST.
The pussy assed whites that are supporting this shit want to give them a double standard to be racist, kill and beat innocent people.

It is probably good that you take this opportunity (along with many) to throw the word "racist" around. Unfortunately, it further buries the real racism in the world.
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