The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He would also have been condemned for instructing Americans on how to act and live their lives.
Really? After all, aren't most of the Good Americans on this site constantly instructing people on how to act and live their lives?

When they notice and/or observe some creepy man following them?
they should go to school ,refrain from drugs ,refrain from having sex with and having babies with 5 different men or women ,raise their kids,stop blaming whitey for every thing that is wrong in their lives,don't join a gang ,and last but not least do not attack a neighborhood watchman !!

Now there's racism raising up its ugly head. Right there in plain view. Ain't it a pretty sight?

The neighborhood watchman was not on duty, was not in a uniform, was just a creepy guy.

Fuck you for thinking it's okay this kid was killed because he supposedly "attacked" a neighborhood watchman. You are fucking evil.

He would also have been condemned for instructing Americans on how to act and live their lives.
Really? After all, aren't most of the Good Americans on this site constantly instructing people on how to act and live their lives?


Um. Please go back 10,000 posts and catch up, then come back to the future.


PS... Seriously you need a new avvy. That one doesn't work for anyone. Just sayin'
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Where was the outcry for these people:

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know this girl's family. Nobody rioted for them. CNN, MSNBC, ABC didn't show up for them. Nancy Grace, where were you?

This girl watched her boyfriend raped, have his genitals cut off then he was taken to be shot and have his body burned. She was gang-raped, had her breast cut off and bleach poured down her throat, while she was alive. She was then set on fire and left in five garbage bags to be discovered. Her family had to sit through two trials because the judge was corrupt.

Not only did they not call the KKK, they sent them away when they showed up. Why is one kid shot by someone in self-defense more racially sensitive then the graphic death of these two white people?

So, when you say that George Zimmerman should face hate crimes charges, I can all good faith tell you to go fuck yourself!
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Breaking news.

Juror B-37 interview part 2 on CNN in 5 minutes.


I'll make you a new famous thread!!

I've got it recording for future viewing.

Rat in the Dress has commandeered the TV to watch Men in Black III.

Tell Mrs. Rat we love her, we're sorry that's her name and her husband is a tampon, scape, and humor rock star. Also, get her on the stick tax deduction asap.
And let's clear up a little misconception here... We don't convict people of murder on the basis of how we personally feel about the death of the victim, the color of skin, whether some other action could have happened, or anything other than the criteria for conviction, which was simply not met in Zimmerman's case. We have an established rule of law, and that's what we follow, not our emotions. What you need to do at this point, is take a step back, take a deep breath, and try to absorb what has happened here. The jury didn't share your zeal to lock a man away for 30 years, because he may have used poor judgement in dealing with a poor little black kid. The case wasn't made, and they acquitted. This does not translate to people not caring about the poor black kid, or feeling sorry for the loss. It doesn't mean we are racists or the jury were racists, it means the evidence for conviction was not there. It doesn't matter if Martin was black, white, green or purple, the evidence for conviction of murder, was not there.

Yeah, well, if the same exact scenario played out, and it was me wearing a hoody and walking back from the store, and Zimmerman ended up killing ME, he would have been convicted and sent off to know why?

Because it would have been a hispanic man killing a white woman.

But because it was a hispanic man killing a black kid...somehow the SAME evidence didn't support a conviction.

Of course, I'm not psychic, maybe they wouldn't have convicted him of killing little ol' me. But I know in my heart they would have.

And that is what is the matter with you. For whatever reason, you can't see this as being about anything other than race. The man was acting in self defense, and any OBJECTIVE evaluation of the evidence, SHOWS that he was acting in self defense. CASE CLOSED! It's not MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER! It doesn't matter about race.

What if.... since you want to play the scenario game.... What if, Zimmerman was a black man, who was on patrol in his upper middle class black neighborhood, and he saw a Hispanic guy lurking around suspiciously, so he approached him to ask what he was doing there, and was assaulted, at which time, he shot the attacker and killed him. Would you still feel we need to lock the black man up for murder? What if we had tried the black man and a jury found him not guilty? Would you still want to try and hang him for SOMETHING?

Or, let's play another "what if" ...what if Trayvon had punched Zimmerman, who immediately hit the ground and bled to death because he had a blood disorder, or maybe he had a heart attack? Would you be fine and dandy with sending little Trayvon off to big boy prison for murder 2?
But this case should be high on the priority list because of who the student was and what she participated in before she was killed!

I read where Michelle Obama went to her funeral. But no word from the President demanding increased gun laws, etc. No FBI investigation to see if there might be a motive of racism. No DOJ investigation of possible hate crimes i.e. violation of her civil rights.

And I will be really surprised if there is gavel to gavel coverage of the trial or that it is even noted outside of Chicago.

President Obama would have been deemed a great leader if, after the Zimmerman verdict, he had stepped forward, condemned the violence in the wake of the verdict, and told everybody that the American way is to conduct a trial and go by the verdict whatever it is. Just go home folks and stop this senseless violence and rhetoric that divides us.

He would also have been condemned for instructing Americans on how to act and live their lives.

Mama F,

I don't know where you're post is but excellent as always.

You are totally right. Had he handled many many things differently, he would have gained far more respect and would have used his "post" as the divide bridge and leader I, as one, looked forward to seeing, looked forward to being a part of, looked forward to our melting pot melting and all the unicorns and rainbows our great country needed for our people. As it turned out in real life, that wasn't the motivation. By a long ass shot. This was one opportunity he had to bridge it along the road of many. The things he says like this is the greatest country, now let's change it, the things he does to DESPITE union rather than incite it are disgusting. This was an awesome opportunity for him to show his leadership and bring it together. Instead, he turned it to the divide and he himself as POTUS INCREASED the divide. Nice fucking job of a person with that kind of power and influence to turn away from it and actually make it more, not "fix" it.

Hence I said before and I will stand behind it. If I distasted him before this, I despised him after it.

He took his opportunity, power, chance and voice and threw it in everyone's face.

As far as I'm concerned, he's an agenda dickhead. The leader of them.

Enter Eric Holder.

This president didn't MEND it. He divided it more.

Great job, first black president, I commend you. Opportunity after opportunity lost to bring us together and agenda noted.

I'm all for black presidents.

Not. this. one.
Looks like Angela Corey has another problem...
(Reuters) - A former employee of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey's office plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against George Zimmerman's prosecutors, his attorney told Reuters on Tuesday.

The action will put pressure on Corey, who already faces criticism from some legal experts for the unsuccessful prosecution of the case, which led to the acquittal of Zimmerman for shooting unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman's defense has also called for sanctions against her and her prosecution team.

Ben Kruidbos, Corey's former director of information technology, was fired after testifying at a pre-trial hearing on June 6 that prosecutors failed to turn over potentially embarrassing evidence extracted from Martin's cell phone to the defense, as required by evidence-sharing laws
And let's clear up a little misconception here... We don't convict people of murder on the basis of how we personally feel about the death of the victim, the color of skin, whether some other action could have happened, or anything other than the criteria for conviction, which was simply not met in Zimmerman's case. We have an established rule of law, and that's what we follow, not our emotions. What you need to do at this point, is take a step back, take a deep breath, and try to absorb what has happened here. The jury didn't share your zeal to lock a man away for 30 years, because he may have used poor judgement in dealing with a poor little black kid. The case wasn't made, and they acquitted. This does not translate to people not caring about the poor black kid, or feeling sorry for the loss. It doesn't mean we are racists or the jury were racists, it means the evidence for conviction was not there. It doesn't matter if Martin was black, white, green or purple, the evidence for conviction of murder, was not there.

Yeah, well, if the same exact scenario played out, and it was me wearing a hoody and walking back from the store, and Zimmerman ended up killing ME, he would have been convicted and sent off to know why?

Because it would have been a hispanic man killing a white woman.

But because it was a hispanic man killing a black kid...somehow the SAME evidence didn't support a conviction.

Of course, I'm not psychic, maybe they wouldn't have convicted him of killing little ol' me. But I know in my heart they would have.

And that is what is the matter with you. For whatever reason, you can't see this as being about anything other than race. The man was acting in self defense, and any OBJECTIVE evaluation of the evidence, SHOWS that he was acting in self defense. CASE CLOSED! It's not MURDER or MANSLAUGHTER! It doesn't matter about race.

What if.... since you want to play the scenario game.... What if, Zimmerman was a black man, who was on patrol in his upper middle class black neighborhood, and he saw a Hispanic guy lurking around suspiciously, so he approached him to ask what he was doing there, and was assaulted, at which time, he shot the attacker and killed him. Would you still feel we need to lock the black man up for murder? What if we had tried the black man and a jury found him not guilty? Would you still want to try and hang him for SOMETHING?

Or, let's play another "what if" ...what if Trayvon had punched Zimmerman, who immediately hit the ground and bled to death because he had a blood disorder, or maybe he had a heart attack? Would you be fine and dandy with sending little Trayvon off to big boy prison for murder 2?

He would be convicting of killing a white woman, because a white woman could not put him in fear for his life. A black man did put him in fear for his life, and 5 white women agreed. She is looking at it through the wrong prospective. If I were a woman, I would be more offended that people were saying I couldn't be trusted to reach a proper verdict.
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