The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Looks like Angela Corey has another problem...
(Reuters) - A former employee of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey's office plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against George Zimmerman's prosecutors, his attorney told Reuters on Tuesday.

The action will put pressure on Corey, who already faces criticism from some legal experts for the unsuccessful prosecution of the case, which led to the acquittal of Zimmerman for shooting unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman's defense has also called for sanctions against her and her prosecution team.

Ben Kruidbos, Corey's former director of information technology, was fired after testifying at a pre-trial hearing on June 6 that prosecutors failed to turn over potentially embarrassing evidence extracted from Martin's cell phone to the defense, as required by evidence-sharing laws

I do hope this happens. A true blue guy with young children gets fired for being honest. Wow! :eusa_hand:
They withheld the info for over 4 months, I believe. This is grounds for a huge suit for both Kruidbos and Zimmerman.

I'm thinking Kruidbos will settle for Disney World and Zimmerman gets Miami/Dade County.
Anyone have the stats on Blacks killing Whites vs. Whites killing Blacks?

8% of homicides in the US are Blacks killing whites. 4% of homicides in the US are Whites killing blacks. It generally stays from year to year at about a 2 to 1 rate.

But yet a man defending himself is somehow a reason to start a cluster fuck. lol:eusa_hand:
Oh boy.

a) Mrs. Rat

b) you are the Target, Team Tampon landscaping and humor king

c) tax deductions on the donated 5 finger sticks and new easel for Seminole County


I don't think she maybe realizes what a contribution you make for justice.

And translation issues.

Let her know the efforts are for the good of mankind and we appreciate it greatly.

She doesn't like my sense of humor. She's still pissed about a joke I played on her over 20 years ago. :eek:
Anyone have the stats on Blacks killing Whites vs. Whites killing Blacks?

8% of homicides in the US are Blacks killing whites. 4% of homicides in the US are Whites killing blacks. It generally stays from year to year at about a 2 to 1 rate.

But yet a man defending himself is somehow a reason to start a cluster fuck. lol:eusa_hand:

Blacks also commit 55% of the total burglary in the US. 49.7% of total homicides. They are 13% of the total US population.
8% of homicides in the US are Blacks killing whites. 4% of homicides in the US are Whites killing blacks. It generally stays from year to year at about a 2 to 1 rate.

But yet a man defending himself is somehow a reason to start a cluster fuck. lol:eusa_hand:

Blacks also commit 55% of the total burglary in the US. 49.7% of total homicides. They are 13% of the total US population.

Yet here's holder telling us that we can't defend our selves against them. Takes some nerve...:doubt: Somehow we can't even call the police within his fucked up mind.
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Phone alert from CNN...

Juror from Zimmerman trail: Holdout "wanted to find him guilty of something, but couldn't under the law."

She was at his house and left and then came back and fired the shot in the general direction of his children.
Do you have a link supporting your side of the story? This is what I've found.

Update 4/23/2012: It's been reported in the news today that Marissa Alexander was originally scheduled to be sentenced Monday morning. However, a judge delayed her sentencing indefinitely. April 30th a hearing is scheduled for the judge to rule on post-trial motions. It's been reported in the press that the state offered Alexander a plea deal, but she refused. Her lawyer is seeking a retrial according to sources.

Source: Public Domain

Stand Your Ground Against Domestic Violence

Florida woman, Marissa Alexander faces 20 years for shooting the ceiling in her house.Marissa actually tried to “Stand Her Ground” when in 2010 she fired a single shot into the ceiling of her home during a argument that turned physical.

Geez, 3 years (and that is supposed to be generous?) and she didn't even kill the abusive husband, but GZ is acquitted after killing a 17 year old young man that wasn't doing anything wrong? Had never hurt GZ in his life?

I am not pretending to suddenly trust Angela Corey without question. But what she says at least gives reason for closer inspection into what the investigators found.
Angela Corey is probably not the only one that displayed some sort of racism in the handling of GZ case. She had to be removed from the case because she took GZ's word without so much as investigating him but, she didn't waste any time convicting the black woman.

She said Gray’s sons were pulling on their shoes to leave the house when Alexander raised her weapon to fire — in other words, they and their father were about to leave.

While online accounts sympathetic to Alexander say she fired shots into the ceiling, the single bullet she fired actually hit the wall, not far from Gray and the boys, then ricocheted into the ceiling, Corey said.

Corey also points out a later incident when Alexander, while free on bail and awaiting trial, became involved in an altercation with Gray that left him with a swollen eye.

“She put a round in the chamber, and she fired that shot out of anger, not fear,” Corey said. “She didn’t need to use that gun. Those kids were scared to death. They ran for their lives.”

Marissa Alexander case in spotlight after Zimmerman trial - The Washington Post[/quote]

From your link:
A judge rejected her bid to mount a defense under Florida’s controversial “stand your ground” law, which allows people to use deadly force if they or their homes are in danger. After she rejected a three-year plea deal, Alexander was convicted and sentenced to 20 years, as required by Florida’s strict sentencing guidelines on crimes involving a gun.

Kevin Cobbin, Alexander’s attorney, said his client was justified in firing her gun because Gray “had put his hands on her and there was a fight in the bathroom.”
“The judge decided not to make the call to grant ‘stand your ground,’ ” Cobbin said. “If it had been a white female, I believe she would have.”

It is quite obvious that racism played a part in both of these cases, considering the black woman was not even allowed to file a charge of "self defense" considering it was in her house, and her husband had a record of abuse, yet Zimmerman was not in his house, TM had no record of abusing GZ and GZ actually shot and killed him.. Seems like in both these cases the black person ends up on the losing end. Perhaps this whole GZ/TM situation will shine the light on some of the injustices going on in this country and we can make more headway.

And yes, after you shoot at a man and children, and then violate a court order and go over and physically attack the guy, 3 years is at least reasonable if not generous. It's really dumb to go beat a guy up when you're out on bond for shooting at him.
Corey doesn't indicate that she went to her husband/boyfriend's house, just that she was involved in an altercation that left him with a swollen eye. How do you know that he wasn't beating on her again, and where? And 3 years (in light of GZ going free) is not a walk in the park. How come GZ didn't get 3 years?

And it is also reasonable to just believe everything a defendant says in light of many opportunities he had to circumvent the consequences, and let him go free after killing an innocent 17 year old walking home from the store? 3 years is a heck of a lot of time for someone that didn't kill anyone in contrast to someone going free for killing another in basically similar situations. I would probably have turned it down, too, now that I know that all you have to do is claim "you feared for your life" before shooting and killing someone.
When JoJo is sentenced, there's always Zimmerman to discuss.

Well Jodi is delaying to learn more about what the sorority girls at Estrella have "turned her on to about.... country music" so she's delaying her death penalty and/or Perryville life on the grounds that "aggravation stage" of the trial may not have taken into consideration her premeditated massacre. Stab29times/cutheadoff/shootwithgrandpas gun may not be "cruel". Ya know.

And the Z trial is at a Eric Holder going to go or flirt for appeasing/enticing the masses.

so we're trial lull...


fucking around.
Anyone have the stats on Blacks killing Whites vs. Whites killing Blacks?

I think the comparison should be more on what type of punishment blacks get for killing whites versus the punishment whites get for killing blacks. I think that would be more telling.
He would be convicting of killing a white woman, because a white woman could not put him in fear for his life. A black man did put him in fear for his life, and 5 white women agreed. She is looking at it through the wrong prospective. If I were a woman, I would be more offended that people were saying I couldn't be trusted to reach a proper verdict.

I disagree, based on the evidence of the case. IF the woman had knocked him to the ground and was bashing his head into the pavement, that constitutes "fear for your life." As I said before, the clincher was the wounds to the back of Zimmerman's head. If those had not been present, I think he would have been found guilty of manslaughter, at least.
Holder poppin' off about law that allows people to defend themselves against hoodie thugs...
Holder wades deeper into Zimmerman battle, calls for review of ‘stand-your-ground’
July 16, 2013 > Attorney General Eric Holder waded deeper into the controversy over the George Zimmerman case and verdict on Tuesday, suggesting a national review of "stand-your-ground" laws during a speech before the annual NAACP convention in Orlando.
The NAACP is at the forefront of the effort to pressure the Justice Department to bring federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman. Holder confirmed on Monday that his department is reviewing that possibility, citing his personal concerns about the case. He went a step further on Tuesday, weighing in for the first time on controversial state-level laws on self-defense. "Separate and apart from the case that has drawn the nation's attention, it's time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods," Holder said.

The comments were a reference to so-called "stand-your-ground" laws, which in Florida and other states allow people to use deadly force if they think their life is being threatened. The role that law played in the Zimmerman shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin is a matter of dispute. But Holder suggested the laws encourage confrontation, saying there "has always been" a legal defense for using deadly force when retreat is not an option. "But we must examine laws that take this further by eliminating the common sense and age-old requirement that people who feel threatened have a duty to retreat, outside their home, if they can do so safely," Holder said. "By allowing -- and perhaps encouraging -- violent situations to escalate in public, such laws undermine public safety."

He called for a "hard look" at the laws. The crowd applauded as he said "we must stand our ground." The "stand-your-ground" laws have been a popular target ever since the Martin shooting, and the pressure has intensified after Zimmerman was acquitted on Saturday. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, though, told Fox News that officials should not politicize the case. "We shouldn't turn this into politics. This was a tragedy," he told Fox News on Monday. Scott noted that he already put together a bipartisan commission to examine Florida's "stand-your-ground" law. "Their recommendation is we not make any changes, that it is working the way it was intended," Scott said.

A confluence of pressure campaigns, though, are weighing on Congress and the Obama administration. Despite warnings from analysts and attorneys that the Justice Department would face an uphill climb in prosecuting Zimmerman on civil rights charges, an NAACP-led petition demanding such a case has apparently hit one million signatures. Singer Stevie Wonder is also the latest celebrity to criticize Florida's self-defense law. He declared that he would not perform in Florida until the law is abolished.

Holder wades deeper into Zimmerman battle, calls for review of ?stand-your-ground? | Fox News
Anyone have the stats on Blacks killing Whites vs. Whites killing Blacks?

I think the comparison should be more on what type of punishment blacks get for killing whites versus the punishment whites get for killing blacks. I think that would be more telling.

My friends black killers/kidnappers/rapists got two trials and reduced sentences. Speak from experience. Blacks commit more crimes than whites. FACT!
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