The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Have you ever been on the Jury for a murder trial? I have, and it wasn't taken lightly by any of the jurors.
Race didn't matter, crappy talking points didn't matter, politics didn't matter.
What mattered was evidence and LAW.
Yeah, that's the way it was when an all-white jury in Simi Valley acquited the four cops in the Rodney King beating, wasn't it?

Impartial justice, based on evidence and LAW !! · · :eusa_whistle:


In the Rodney King case the jury looked at the film that was shown every five minutes and questioned why King just didn't follow instructions like the passengers did. King kept trying to get up. He was acting exactly like someone on PCP would act. It was reasonable for the police to act the way they did towards someone on PCP because they are violent, unpredictable and often feel no pain.

We can look at it now and say the jury got it wrong but at the time those jurors felt they had it right.
He would be convicting of killing a white woman, because a white woman could not put him in fear for his life. A black man did put him in fear for his life, and 5 white women agreed. She is looking at it through the wrong prospective. If I were a woman, I would be more offended that people were saying I couldn't be trusted to reach a proper verdict.

I disagree, based on the evidence of the case. IF the woman had knocked him to the ground and was bashing his head into the pavement, that constitutes "fear for your life." As I said before, the clincher was the wounds to the back of Zimmerman's head. If those had not been present, I think he would have been found guilty of manslaughter, at least.

I agree with you, but I don't know that the poster who made that comparison could inflict those wounds and that is skewing her perspective.

Well, the poster would have never gone back and confronted Zimmerman, broken his nose, and pounded his head in the ground MMA style. So the entire case would have never existed. But based on the forensics as well as the only eye-witness testimony, as well as Zimmerman's testimony, it simply doesn't matter about race or gender, or anything else. It was a case of self defense, plain and simple. It's sad that Martin lost his life, but that can happen when you physically attack someone who has a gun.
There is no legal reason not to give his gun back to him. I may not agree with the outcome of the trial, but he was found "not gulity" nonetheless and we have to treat him accordingly.

Just because people don't agree with the outcome of a trial (think Casey Anthony, OJ Simpson) does not mean we don't have to honor the verdict that was reached through our legal process.
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I don't have any idea if the person granted the permit needs to renew and thereby subject to review.
We do know that some still want him removed from society and this is still not over and it seems he might be tried again and again until they get "justice"....
Saw a couple news shows where the media types were shocked that Zimmerman got his gun back.

Well, of course he does - its legally his, and he was found not guilty, so there's no legal reason to keep it from him.

Anyone disagree with the gun going back to him?
Can you express your disagreement in an argument that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty?

The libs are in high gear trying to figure out how to use this tragedy to their advantage. Of course, Zimmerman got his gun back since he is not a convicted felon and he owns it legally.

I predict that liberals will say that the fact that Zimmerman has a gun is the reason why we need to have stricter guns laws. Had Zimmerman bean beaten to a pulp or killed by Martin, the left would have yawned and not thought anything of it.

I agree with some that Zimmerman probably needs the ability to protect himself now more than ever. With all the talk of killing white kids, I would bet Zimmerman tops the list of their desired targets.

Obama has addressed the verdict, but not in any way that might discourage riots. Holder just echoed Shaprton and Jackson with his comments and his actions by announcing that the DOJ is going to investigate this further.
First this should go to OSCA for a formal complaint.

Hope like freaking HELL he has a great attorney and considering the political chaos this has stemmed from, he probably has collected some decent possibilities.

I haven't read up on this yet, but I know all about it.

This guy has a case.

FL is a right to fire state, however, you cannot do bullshit on a whim or there are investigations into state, city county employees.

And this my friends, is exactly what I hoped would happen.

Open the closet - it's time to clean it out.

OSCA don't play dat game:

the Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA) was created with initial emphasis on the development of a uniform case reporting system to provide information on activity in the judiciary in the preparation of its operating budget and in projecting the need for judges and specialized court divisions.

The State Courts Administrator serves under the direction of the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court and the other six justices and oversees the operation of numerous court initiatives and administrative functions.

Additionally, the State Courts Administrator serves as the liaison between the court system and the legislative branch, the executive branch, the auxiliary agencies of the Court, and national court research and planning agencies. The OSCA's legislative and communication functions are handled directly by the State Courts Administrator and her executive staff.

More information on this structure is available in the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration maintained by The Florida Bar.

Edit for right to fire "EXCEPT" gov. That's a different thread and gag me on what that usually is.
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There is no legal reason not to give his gun back to him. I may not agree with the outcome of the trial, but he was found "not gulity" nonetheless and we have to treat him accordingly.

Just because people don't agree with the out come of a trial (think Casey Anthony, OJ Simpson) does not mean we don't have to honor the verdict that was reached through our legal processes.

He might as well sell it, Black kids down in his area should be fairly confident that he won't be shooting them.
Here's what influenced the jury. They were five white woman and a hispanic woman. Blacks had been moving into that neighborhood and ruining it. We've all seen how that happens, right? The article MikeK posted talks about just that. Come on, you know what I mean! I grew up with a racist father, I know all about how those blacks ruin property values and all.

So anyway, those white women on that jury probably think a lot like my father did. Zimmerman was just trying to save the damn neighborhood, and here's this suspicious black kid...the root of all the problems, these fucking coons!!! They're going to convict Zimmerman? I think not. And the hispanic woman...of course not, he's one of her own. She's especially not going to fight against all the white women, who want to acquit him!

That's what influenced the jury.
What influenced the jury is not the fact that Blacks were "moving into the neighborhood" but the fact that young Black men had been identified as perpetrators of a veritable crime wave in the neighborhood. So let's not circumvent the critical details.

Young Black men were terrorizing that neighborhood -- and their actions are what led to Zimmerman's ill-fated confrontation with another young Black man.

I regard George Zimmerman as a creepy little character but I'm quite sure he didn't wake up that day and say "I'm gonna shoot a ****** today." He should not have acted as aggressively as he did. But his busted nose and bloody head are evidence that Martin's behavior was other than passive.
Saw a couple news shows where the media types were shocked that Zimmerman got his gun back.

Well, of course he does - its legally his, and he was found not guilty, so there's no legal reason to keep it from him.

Anyone disagree with the gun going back to him?
Can you express your disagreement in an argument that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty?

Good news.

I'm glad he got it back. He may have to send it to a gun smith to have it professionally cleaned and repaired after the Prosecutors and Cops having it for the past year and a half.
Where were all the bruises Zimmerman inflicted on Martin with his feet? I must have missed that part.
I never said they were kick boxing. I said zimmerman went to a kick boxing school.

Now pay attention, please.

Perhaps you should review the testimony of his instructor who basically said he sucked at fighting.

Are you KIDDING me?

I cannot believe this crap. After all the evidence and the unfounded race crime investigation, he is still going to hang his hat on this incident.

Agenda is big business - gotta pay for that limo.

Al Sharpton plans George Zimmerman protests - Tal Kopan -

George Zimmerman dated a black girl & took her to prom. He even made flyers & posted them in protest of police abuse of a black man. This shit has completely blown up in their face. The tools are still out there believing the racism crap.

If the FBI was not so busy investigating Zimmerman they could have stopped the Boston Bombing.

Don't get me started again. I had a tizzy fit this morning. lol

The only people stiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll making this about race is Holder, Al, et al.

I cannot believe it continues to ride on the back of this incident.

At LEAST pick a credible incident, at least pick an incident that was truly a race crime and racial. At the very least can they do that? This is so flimsy and see-thru it makes me disgusted.

That is all these dumb ass race baiters who are inciting rioting and violence know.
There is no legal reason not to give his gun back to him. I may not agree with the outcome of the trial, but he was found "not gulity" nonetheless and we have to treat him accordingly.

Just because people don't agree with the out come of a trial (think Casey Anthony, OJ Simpson) does not mean we don't have to honor the verdict that was reached through our legal processes.

He might as well sell it, Black kids down in his area should be fairly confident that he won't be shooting them.

Zimmerman will be shooting his own shadow....cause its dark.
Saw a couple news shows where the media types were shocked that Zimmerman got his gun back.

Well, of course he does - its legally his, and he was found not guilty, so there's no legal reason to keep it from him.

Anyone disagree with the gun going back to him?
Can you express your disagreement in an argument that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty?

As a black male, if I see him coming anywhere near me, I will shoot to kill based on the fact that he is a threat to my life.

Carry permit, pffft. I live in a state where you don't even need a permit to carry a concealed weapon, let alone to carry one openly. : )
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