The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He would be convicting of killing a white woman, because a white woman could not put him in fear for his life. A black man did put him in fear for his life, and 5 white women agreed. She is looking at it through the wrong prospective. If I were a woman, I would be more offended that people were saying I couldn't be trusted to reach a proper verdict.

I disagree, based on the evidence of the case. IF the woman had knocked him to the ground and was bashing his head into the pavement, that constitutes "fear for your life." As I said before, the clincher was the wounds to the back of Zimmerman's head. If those had not been present, I think he would have been found guilty of manslaughter, at least.

I agree with you, but I don't know that the poster who made that comparison could inflict those wounds and that is skewing her perspective.
What Zimmerman could have been convicted of was aggravated assault. The charge was just not serious enough to satisfy the race whores.
There was no evidence so there was reasonable doubt and the jury had to say not guilty. Obvious from the start. So why was there a trial? Because president Holder and his puppet obozo. wanted one. They knew zimbo would be found NG and they would use that to stir up more hatred of whitey.

BTW - did whites riot when OJ was found NG?
Phone alert from CNN...

Juror from Zimmerman trail: Holdout "wanted to find him guilty of something, but couldn't under the law."


The manslaughter.

Bummer the attorney wife was in there, bummer they didn't charge him right, bummer bummer bummer.

Or just justice. I've heard Karma several times.

Karma Justice.
When they notice and/or observe some creepy man following them?
they should go to school ,refrain from drugs ,refrain from having sex with and having babies with 5 different men or women ,raise their kids,stop blaming whitey for every thing that is wrong in their lives,don't join a gang ,and last but not least do not attack a neighborhood watchman !!

Now there's racism raising up its ugly head. Right there in plain view. Ain't it a pretty sight?

The neighborhood watchman was not on duty, was not in a uniform, was just a creepy guy.

Fuck you for thinking it's okay this kid was killed because he supposedly "attacked" a neighborhood watchman. You are fucking evil.


You apparently don't know what "racism" means. To you, it must mean whenever someone doesn't share your warped views on things, that's the best I can tell. Nothing he said was racist in the least. "Do not attack a neighborhood watchman" is "racist" to you? Please, go find a dictionary and look up racism, and see what it tells you. Because you are totally ignorant, if you think that constitutes it.

Nobody, and I mean, nobody... "thinks it's okay" that a young black man was killed. We are all saddened for the loss, saddened for the parents and family, and it's a shame that such a young person lost their life. This does not mean we subvert the justice system in order to feel a sense of revenge. There was no "supposedly" to it, he DID attack Zimmerman, the wounds were there, they were real. Unless you think Zimmerman laid on the ground and beat his own head into the pavement before police arrived, there isn't another explanation.

Neighborhood watchmen don't wear a uniform, they aren't police officers or even security guards, just volunteer people who are trying to keep their community free of crime. And why do you call him a "creepy guy?" Why don't you use the racial epithet Trayvon used to describe him? Or why not add to that, what Trayvon's girlfriend now says Trayvon thought... that he was a "creepy ass GAY cracka?"

Yeah.... Bring on the Race Hate trial! Let's SEE who the REAL racist bigot was here!
What Zimmerman could have been convicted of was aggravated assault. The charge was just not serious enough to satisfy the race whores.

No, he could NOT have been convicted of aggravated assault because he was defending himself from an aggressive attack. Sorry! It's called "self defense" and that's ALL.

Had there been no wounds to the back of his head, and had Martin suffered more than a laceration on his ring finger, then maybe he could have been convicted of assault, or even manslaughter, but I don't think this case ever came close to being murder. The forensic evidence simply did not show that Zimmerman attacked Martin, while it confirmed Zimmerman's testimony to the T.
Let's hope this really happens and that the media will keep reporting on it.
What Influenced The Zimmerman Jury?

The evidence (and lack thereof), common sense, logic, fairness, their oaths and the law.

I read the title of this thread and immediately said THE EVIDENCE influenced the jury. Anyone that thinks otherwise isn't thinking clearly.
And the information I posted, which was presented to the jury, is evidence. Because it is pertinent to Zimmerman's motivation to pursue Martin.
Saw a couple news shows where the media types were shocked that Zimmerman got his gun back.

Well, of course he does - its legally his, and he was found not guilty, so there's no legal reason to keep it from him.

Anyone disagree with the gun going back to him?
Can you express your disagreement in an argument that is not based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty?
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