Undecideds Favor Trump After Debate

Hahah trump wasn’t he one whining about it

There is nothing requiring Buffett to take any tax break.

Nobody is holding you to a higher standard, we just ask that you hold yourself to the standard you want everyone else to follow

Like I said, he can't fix what's wrong by himself.

This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class?

Don't just roll back the Trump tax breaks, and the Bush tax breaks.
You're dumb. Go investigate. Jesus. It was so easy now with AI

Yes, the federal government borrows money from Social Security's trust funds, but the money is required to be paid back with interest. The government uses this money to fund its operations, similar to how consumers and businesses use money deposited in a bank.

We have one problem right now. Not enough workers paying for all the boomers. Put the money they borrowed back.

And what about all the people who die before they start taking social security? This fund should be FULL.

And why do they keep giving current seniors cost of living raises?

Why do Republicans say "don't count on SS being there" They've already prepared you dummy.

Put the money back.

Remember they came up with the money to invade Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years? They'll find a way.

But Republicans will ask for 20% cuts. So again, why are they giving seniors today cost of living increases? Freeze that shit. What you get is what you get. That's it.

You okay with 20% cut to your benefits? How old are you?

Yea yea, you'd do better investing it yourself. No you wouldn't. Trump made you all that extra money in 4 years when America was great remember and you couldn't go a month without needing stimulus money.
Ah the govt borrows from SS, you were claiming some rich people stole from a fund…

Yes, the Govt has borrowed to fund its operations, like loan forgiveness, aid to other countries, etc

Yes the biggest debt the govt owes is to the tax payers and they need to pay it back

How’s that titled by the rich for the rich?

What republicans say is that you shouldn’t count on it being there because it’s a govt program and govt can take away…moreover you shouldn’t count on it being you sole source of income in retirement. It wasn’t met today be, sadly so many use it for that, in particular SSI. Which has been a massive drain on society
Like I said, he can't fix what's wrong by himself.

This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class?

Don't just roll back the Trump tax breaks, and the Bush tax breaks.
Why do you think fixing the problem is raising taxes on the working class?

You haven’t ID what the problem is.
Ah the govt borrows from SS, you were claiming some rich people stole from a fund…

Yes, the Govt has borrowed to fund its operations, like loan forgiveness, aid to other countries, etc

Yes the biggest debt the govt owes is to the tax payers and they need to pay it back

How’s that titled by the rich for the rich?

What republicans say is that you shouldn’t count on it being there because it’s a govt program and govt can take away…moreover you shouldn’t count on it being you sole source of income in retirement. It wasn’t met today be, sadly so many use it for that, in particular SSI. Which has been a massive drain on society
This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class.

Also, we have a worker shortage. And we aren't having enough children. Meanwhile we have 10 million undocumented workers working for rich people who vote for Republicans who ignore our illegal employer problem. This is just one other way they aren't paying their fair share of taxes. And social security's going BROKE. So make the undocumented workers legal. NOW. So they can start paying taxes and demanding an American wage.
And boy what a flip flop. When Biden suggests taxing people who make over $400K more suddenly they suggest that's not rich.

The moment a Democrat or anyone on the left is in favour of something, the oppositional behaviour children in the Republican Party instantly oppose it - even if it was a plank in their platform yesterday.

It's absolutely chilling to watch from the sidelines. Especially when Trump fires someone and the Cult immediately turns on them, and attacks them. Or expresses racial anger. Racially charged attacks against Haitians in Springfield, and elsewhere have started. There have already been two bomb threats at the public school in Springfield.

Haitian immigrants - all of whom are in the USA legally, are being targeted and threatened throughout the nation. It's getting dangerous for them. Because of this lie.

This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class.

Also, we have a worker shortage. And we aren't having enough children. Meanwhile we have 10 million undocumented workers working for rich people who vote for Republicans who ignore our illegal employer problem. This is just one other way they aren't paying their fair share of taxes. And social security's going BROKE. So make the undocumented workers legal. NOW. So they can start paying taxes and demanding an American wage.
How’s it been tilted? Show me.

We don’t have a worker shortage, we have plenty of people able to work but don’t. That’s a problem, that from decades of giving people handouts by the govt 12 of the last 16 years policies
How’s it been tilted? Show me.

We don’t have a worker shortage, we have plenty of people able to work but don’t. That’s a problem, that from decades of giving people handouts by the govt 12 of the last 16 years policies
Nope. You already know everything. I think I've explained enough.
The moment a Democrat or anyone on the left is in favour of something, the oppositional behaviour children in the Republican Party instantly oppose it - even if it was a plank in their platform yesterday.

It's absolutely chilling to watch from the sidelines. Especially when Trump fires someone and the Cult immediately turns on them, and attacks them. Or expresses racial anger. Racially charged attacks against Haitians in Springfield, and elsewhere have started. There have already been two bomb threats at the public school in Springfield.

Haitian immigrants - all of whom are in the USA legally, are being targeted and threatened throughout the nation. It's getting dangerous for them. Because of this lie.

I think Kamala needs to run an add on this

Yes, wages have been increasing faster than inflation in the United States, and real wages are now higher than they were before the pandemic

Why didn't Kamala say this? Why isn't CNN saying this? It's because negative sells.

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?

Yes, wages have been increasing faster than inflation in the United States, and real wages are now higher than they were before the pandemic
Nope. You already know everything. I think I've explained enough.
Haha. All yoj have done is post the same talking point, but not actually shown how it’s tilted

You’ve highlighted that dembots simply parrot whatever their demafasict leaders tell them
Why do you think fixing the problem is raising taxes on the working class?

You haven’t ID what the problem is.

So you don't favour Trump's tariff's on imports????? Those tariffs will raise taxes on the working class by at least $2500 per year, and depending on the inflation it triggers, as much as $4000 per year. Those on fixed incomes, will be the hardest hit.

Given that the corporations are using their tax cuts to fund stock buy-backs, they're not going to miss the additional 6% tax increase from 22% to 28%, and it shouldn't be inflationary for working Americans who are currently living on food stamps and earned income credits, not stock dividends.

Harris is REDUCING taxes for the working class with the Child Tax Credit, cancellation of student loans, and down payment assistance for housing. She's also going after price fixing and predatory pricing. That's in addition to reducing the cost of insulin for millions of Americans, and cutting drug expenses for seniors to $2000 per year.
So you don't favour Trump's tariff's on imports????? Those tariffs will raise taxes on the working class by at least $2500 per year, and depending on the inflation it triggers, as much as $4000 per year. Those on fixed incomes, will be the hardest hit.

Given that the corporations are using their tax cuts to fund stock buy-backs, they're not going to miss the additional 6% tax increase from 22% to 28%, and it shouldn't be inflationary for working Americans who are currently living on food stamps and earned income credits, not stock dividends.

Harris is REDUCING taxes for the working class with the Child Tax Credit, cancellation of student loans, and down payment assistance for housing. She's also going after price fixing and predatory pricing. That's in addition to reducing the cost of insulin for millions of Americans, and cutting drug expenses for seniors to $2000 per year.
I prefer tariffs to raising peoples income taxes
Haha. All yoj have done is post the same talking point, but not actually shown how it’s tilted

You’ve highlighted that dembots simply parrot whatever their demafasict leaders tell them

And all you've done is criticize other people's posts without actually proving the posts to be false. It's the same shit, different day always, with you.

No ability to discuss policy, politics or the economy, or back up your worship of the Orange Baboon. You just fling your monkey shit at the passing humans.
I prefer tariffs to raising peoples income taxes

The only income taxes being raised are on people in the top 10% of income earning Americans. Income taxes on corporations are WAY too low. 28% is a more equitable rate of tax, and comparable to other first world nations.

If corporations had created jobs or given raises with the last 2 tax cuts they received, no one would be suggesting the increase. Stock buy-backs are NOT good for the overall economy and concentrate still more wealth at the top.

80% of income and wealth going to the top, is not sustainable. It's how South American became a land of "shithole countries".
And all you've done is criticize other people's posts without actually proving the posts to be false. It's the same shit, different day always, with you.

No ability to discuss policy, politics or the economy, or back up your worship of the Orange Baboon. You just fling your monkey shit at the passing humans.
There is nothing provided to prove false. He’s made a claim that the tax system was tilted for the rich. That a claim he made. What was titled? I don’t know what he’s talking about to even try and prove wrong

We know it’s not income tax rates, we know upper incomes pay a higher rate. It’s not cap gains, since it’s one rate for everyone…so what is he talking about??
The only income taxes being raised are on people in the top 10% of income earning Americans. Income taxes on corporations are WAY too low. 28% is a more equitable rate of tax, and comparable to other first world nations.
The poster i was responding to said to roll back the trump taxes breaks. That includes tax cuts for middle and lower classes.

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