Undecideds Favor Trump After Debate

"Reuters interviewed 10 people who were still unsure how they were going to vote in the Nov. 5 election before they watched the debate. Six said afterward they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning toward backing him. Three said they would now back Harris and one was still unsure how he would vote."

Wow. That's a representative sample. :auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a link for that? No of course not. Because it never happened.
But you asked about rich…not upper middle

How is taxing someone else gonna make anyone live better?

Do you admit that harris was lying about her up bringing now?

If you're that economically ignorant, why are you even discussing economics? How little do you earn that you think two college professors income would make them "rich"?
If you're that economically ignorant, why are you even discussing economics? How little do you earn that you think two college professors income would make them "rich"?
College professors can make massive amounts…Elizabeth Warren for example made millions as a professor

But even if they were upper middle class, why did harris lie?
Clinton, not born rich. Obama, not born rich. Biden, not born rich. Kamala not born rich. See the theme?

Bush and Trump, silver spoons.
Clinton, Obama & Biden...all fabulously rich NOW! See the theme? Trump has never been in this for the money. It was never his means to wealth. Democrats always leave office rich.
But you asked about rich…not upper middle

How is taxing someone else gonna make anyone live better?

Do you admit that harris was lying about her up bringing now?
We have a progressive tax system now. The rich pay more than the middle class and the poor pay nothing. If you think America is/was great, it was great under that system.

YOUR system where the rich pay less, the debt goes up and social security goes broke.

AND, the tax burden now falls more on you. Dummy. Or are you "rich"?
Clinton, Obama & Biden...all fabulously rich NOW! See the theme? Trump has never been in this for the money. It was never his means to wealth. Democrats always leave office rich.
When trump first ran he said he didn't need your money. Ever since then, that's all he's ever needed was your money.

If you're that economically ignorant, why are you even discussing economics? How little do you earn that you think two college professors income would make them "rich"?

And boy what a flip flop. When Biden suggests taxing people who make over $400K more suddenly they suggest that's not rich.
When Trump left the Oval Office he was worth less than when he entered it. Tell me a Democrat you can say the same thing about, Sealy!
3 months after he left office the Saudi's invested $2 billion dollars in Jared's fledgling start up investment company.

That's 2000 million dollars.

Trump Washington Hotel made a lot

He must be a bad business man
We have a progressive tax system now. The rich pay more than the middle class and the poor pay nothing. If you think America is/was great, it was great under that system.

YOUR system where the rich pay less, the debt goes up and social security goes broke.

AND, the tax burden now falls more on you. Dummy. Or are you "rich"?
My system? What the f are you talking about? What a weird post

Who ever said the rich should pay less then the middle class or poor?

The debt has gone up and SS is going broke under the current system

Also SS isn’t funded by income tax.
My system? What the f are you talking about? What a weird post

Who ever said the rich should pay less then the middle class or poor?

The debt has gone up and SS is going broke under the current system

Also SS isn’t funded by income tax.
You know THEY, the rich, robbed the fund. Put it back. How? By taxing THEM. Fix our system. Close loopholes. CEO pay went up 1322% Tax that shit then. Fuck that. If Republicans defend this, they are the party of the rich.

Warren Buffett has famously stated that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, but as this report documents this situation is not uncommon. This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class.
You know THEY, the rich, robbed the fund. Put it back. How? By taxing THEM. Fix our system. Close loopholes. CEO pay went up 1322% Tax that shit then. Fuck that. If Republicans defend this, they are the party of the rich.

Warren Buffett has famously stated that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, but as this report documents this situation is not uncommon. This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class.
Robbed what fund?

How has it been tilted?

Warran buffet is free to take a salary instead of just living off dividends. He hasn’t. I certainly don’t think it’s fair for someone his age that is living off his savings to pay the same as a prime age person working
Robbed what fund?

How has it been tilted?

Warran buffet is free to take a salary instead of just living off dividends. He hasn’t. I certainly don’t think it’s fair for someone his age that is living off his savings to pay the same as a prime age person working
I thought we all knew both sides have "borrowed" from the fund?

Warren Buffet can't do it by himself. To fix the problem our government needs to undo what the rich have done.

Do I need to repeat This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class?
Robbed what fund?

How has it been tilted?

Warran buffet is free to take a salary instead of just living off dividends. He hasn’t. I certainly don’t think it’s fair for someone his age that is living off his savings to pay the same as a prime age person working
BTW, this is the same bad argument you guys make about Al Gore. He can't own 5 homes and be for going green. Yes he can.

Quit holding us to a higher standard. When Hillary told us Trump doesn't pay taxes he said that makes him smart. Do you want Buffet to not be smart? So he takes his LEGAL tax breaks and gives to charity. Good man. Trump is a tax cheat and donates nothing. He's a scumbag
I thought we all knew both sides have "borrowed" from the fund?

Warren Buffet can't do it by himself. To fix the problem our government needs to undo what the rich have done.

Do I need to repeat This situation is the result of decades of the tax system being tilted in favor of high-income households at the expense of the middle class?
What are you talking about? What fund? What rich people stole from it?

What was titled? You can repeat that line all you want, but until you actually show us it’s meaningless

Warren Buffett can certainly take a salary on his own if he wants
BTW, this is the same bad argument you guys make about Al Gore. He can't own 5 homes and be for going green. Yes he can.

Quit holding us to a higher standard. When Hillary told us Trump doesn't pay taxes he said that makes him smart. Do you want Buffet to not be smart? So he takes his LEGAL tax breaks and gives to charity. Good man. Trump is a tax cheat and donates nothing. He's a scumbag
Hahah trump wasn’t he one whining about it

There is nothing requiring Buffett to take any tax break.

Nobody is holding you to a higher standard, we just ask that you hold yourself to the standard you want everyone else to follow
What are you talking about? What fund? What rich people stole from it?

What was titled? You can repeat that line all you want, but until you actually show us it’s meaningless

Warren Buffett can certainly take a salary on his own if he wants

You're dumb. Go investigate. Jesus. It was so easy now with AI

Yes, the federal government borrows money from Social Security's trust funds, but the money is required to be paid back with interest. The government uses this money to fund its operations, similar to how consumers and businesses use money deposited in a bank.

We have one problem right now. Not enough workers paying for all the boomers. Put the money they borrowed back.

And what about all the people who die before they start taking social security? This fund should be FULL.

And why do they keep giving current seniors cost of living raises?

Why do Republicans say "don't count on SS being there" They've already prepared you dummy.

Put the money back.

Remember they came up with the money to invade Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years? They'll find a way.

But Republicans will ask for 20% cuts. So again, why are they giving seniors today cost of living increases? Freeze that shit. What you get is what you get. That's it.

You okay with 20% cut to your benefits? How old are you?

Yea yea, you'd do better investing it yourself. No you wouldn't. Trump made you all that extra money in 4 years when America was great remember and you couldn't go a month without needing stimulus money.

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