The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Why would a grown man offer a boy a ride.....oh, nevermind.
If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have chased after Martin. Pussies only feel big when they are armed and the kid isn't.


I wonder how that pussy Zimmerman knew that Martin was unarmed.

You are a dick rdean. Not to mention an unintelligent race baiting racist.
At least my avatar reflects my age. Yours does not reflect your age, granny.:eusa_angel:

Ahh yes. My kids tired of Crusader Rabbit at age 8.

When they got their first fire arm?

Yes, about that time... My boys got BB guns first as I did so they could learn gun safety and how to shoot. They each got rifles at about 12. They are 35,31 and 29 now and all have CCP's. Only 1 has fired a weapon at a human and that was in Iraq.
The dog and pony show continues.

Certainly not that sham of a trial. But, yea; the media's crucifixion of an innocent man in the name of phony racial justice does continue.

Society generally frowns upon murderers.

Funny that.

Umm, except that we don't customarily apply that term to those acquitted of the charge by a jury of their peers (though I've heard it said, in this case, he should have been tried by a jury of Martin's peers, the language and intent of the Constitution notwithstanding). Gee, Sallow, I'm so sorry you libtards didn't get the legal lynching you wanted in this case, but hey, cheer up; if you all keep agitating enough, some fool will blow Zimmerman away on the street, maybe even kill a couple of innocent people doing it, and then what? You and your media pals and political bedfellows going to celebrate, shed a few crocodile tears, or what? I predict that unless any innocents caught in the crossfire happen to belong to one of your favored victim groups, most of you will neither care much, nor acknowledge your own role in orchestrating it; hell, you might relish making them your new poster children in your supposed "crusade against senseless violence"; I can just hear the smug, self-righteous bleating, breast-beating, and hand-wringing angst now.

The only thing to "celebrate" here, is that the system worked; the only other way takeaway from it is that we're never going to know whether Trayvon Martin would have grown up to be a productive citizen or a thug; he'll never get the chance to be either, because both he and someone else, neither of whom set out to commit a crime, made errors in judgement one night that escalated, until one of them ended up dead. That's not criminal, Sallow; what it is, is tragic, pure and simple, and it might be just a little better to remember that, that engage in an orgy of vengeance and recrimination in search of an agenda.
It scares me for our country that an event like this can create this.


I need to go to work. :)
They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.
They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.

Justice means that everyone is treated equally under the law. When the law changed and gave certain people special privileges, justice died. Anyone who has dealt with people (especially small people) knows that special treatment leads to anger.
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

Stevie Wonder Boycotting Florida Following Zimmerman Verdict (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

Stevie Wonder Boycotting Florida Following Zimmerman Verdict (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

Stevie's newspaper readers are ad libbing the news to him.

This wasn't a SYG case.
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

Stevie Wonder Boycotting Florida Following Zimmerman Verdict (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

I f'n said this is an agenda plan to take a couple of our freedom's away.

Their motivation is certainly not "justice".

I'm so mad. I'm having a tizzy this morning. Sorry. LOL
"I decided today that until the Stand Your Ground law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again," Wonder said Sunday while performing in Quebec City. "As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world."

Hmm Stevie, about 20 states and more every year have stand your ground laws and there is not one state in the union that excludes self defense as justification for taking a life.

Stevie Wonder Boycotting Florida Following Zimmerman Verdict (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

I never cared much for his music anyway. Maybe he will boycott every state that allows people to defend their own lives. My bet is he has a body guard.
They want to make this about race and will continue to do so. And THAT is a tragedy almost as much as the fact that Trayvon Martin is dead. But I agree that if Trayvon had just walked away and/or went home, he would be alive today. There is hard evidence that over time George Zimmerman reported 38 to 40 of these kinds of 'suspicious persons, black, white, and hispanic,' and in zero cases, until now, was there any kind of altercation or evidence that Zimmerman was threatening or combative in any way.

But we all know that if Martin had been white, this would have gone to a grand jury as it should have. The grand jury almost certainly would have determined self defense and that would have been the end of it. The ONLY reason the grand jury was bypassed and there was a high profile, highly publicized trial was because Martin was black and they wanted Zimmerman to be white. And if that does not keep fanning the fires of racism, I don't know what would.

It makes me sick when I read of property being vandalized or destroyed and people being assaulted and beat up all over the country because a jury returned a credible 'not guilty' verdict. And that we have citizens demanding a pound of flesh and they don't CARE whether somebody is or is not guilty.

There is no justice anymore.

Justice means that everyone is treated equally under the law. When the law changed and gave certain people special privileges, justice died. Anyone who has dealt with people (especially small people) knows that special treatment leads to anger.

Special treatment? A prolonged police investigation plus an FBI investigation, a year and a half of having this hang over Zimmerman's head along with having to deal with the most hateful kinds of comments, death threats, and accusations in the MSM and social media, a grueling three week trial, 16 hours of deliberation by a jury, along with threats of a civil suit and further DOJ investigation is special treatment?

That justifies riots in the street, destruction of property, assault on innocent victims, boycotts, and the most viscious kinds of expressed public outrage?

Meanwhile, every week that goes by, many hundreds of young black people are being beat up, severely injured, and murdered across the country, 500 in Chicago alone in 2012, more than 200 dead there thus far in 2013. But that is okay because most of the assaults, shootings, and murders are black on black which is politically correct. So there is no outrage, no riots, no proclamations by self righteous celebrities, no DOJ investigations, no endless proclamations of guilt in the social media.

But woe to the white guy who is judged by a jury of his peers and found not guilty on grounds of self defense. That can't be allowed. That must be vindicated. Blood must flow. People have to pay. There can be no peace.

And there are our friends on the left who condone that. And THAT is what makes me afraid for my country.
I would be very sure who is within ear shot before you do.

I have a black neighbor. Henry and I are"acquaintances" not real close, but we do spend time at each other's homes, I drive him to the store, etc.
Sunday, he brought up the Zimmerman case and asked my thoughts. I told him I believed the jury got it right.
Henry said that he really didn't understand the anger black kids have today.
Now Henry is semi sweet chocolate dark, is 50 years old and has always lived in South Alabama. If he can't understand the anger black kids have today, no one can.
At the end of the discussion, Henry just said, "Da boy shoulda jus gone home."
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