The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What can you expect from a Piece of Fukking Shit like him?

Fer real....

His Mother was a communist, his "father" was a communist. His mentor (and biological father) Frank Marshal Davis was a communist, his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was a Muslim and had serious communist leanings. His Grandfather was a communist and his grandmother was a communist

As a child, he went to a Madrassa in Indonesia for his education...

He hates America. He hates White People (his Mother was an autoracist [a person who despises their own race]), he hates our Laws, he hates our culture, he hates everything about America.

The individual is psychologically unstable.

And why not?

Look at these and tell me you don't know who his real (biological) father is...



Now look at these....



Is there anybody in here stupid enough or blind enough to think Barak Hussein Obama Sr is the Stuttering Clusterfukk's Father?

I really don't care about conspiracy theories. Not interested.

But what I am interested in is the childhood of the President of The United States and how damaged he must have been by his upbringing.

A 'father' who left him and his Mother to study at Hawvawd (from which he was later booted).

A Mother who dragged him around like excess baggage and got rid of him, sent him back to Hawaii, as soon as she could.

Where he runs into his REAL (biological) Father in the form of communist (Yes, he belonged to the CPUSA) Frank Marshall Davis, bestus buddies with his granddaddy.... Another communist.

We're talking about the childhood of a serial killer, folks.

Not the childhood of a future president.

Is it any wonder he's filled with hate?

Do with it what you want.

I've never seen this before, looks like he got his moms chin and his dads eyes. Funny.
yeah, ask Chicago how much Obama knows and cares about the black mans experience...He's never lived as a "poor black man" so how can he know..He's lived a life of luxury his whole life thanks to having wealthy white grandparents first and then while he was being "groomed" for his godship of the country he was taken care of by his handlers..

that you people still fall for his made up I was a poor black man gig is funny

Really? Want to verify that are just blow gas on this board?

Considering that the far right insists that there is no record of Obama's early life in America nor records of his attending Harvard and Columbia, please show us proof of your stupid statements.

Had you sense enough to join the Tea Party, you'd likely have sense enough to know that is extremely difficult if not impossible to prove a negative...i.e. that something does not exist.

For instance, I have heard many times that there is no such thing as a black swan. All I do know is that I have not seen one.

The same applies to Obama's college records except that I am relatively certain they DO exist. Neither of his colleges would have let him get all the way through without some records. However, I have never seen them...likely because the schools were instructed to keep them squirreled away.

Therefore, to date I would be equally justified in saying that they don't exist as I am in denying the existence of a black swan.

Show me the papers! (I may see a black swan first!)
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DH just told me the latest "speech" from the chosen one contained a collection of discrimination stories such as the times when HE would get into an elevator with white women and he would see them grab their pocketbooks closer to their bodies.

And when HE walked down the street he could hear doors locking. So HE has personally been a victim of hateful white discrimation HIMSELF, just like Trayvon! (I added the last part but that was the essence of the speech.)

Let me look for a link...this was today...someone post if found before me...

And now we can understand why! Is there ANY fund he is NOT raiding to get the money from it? I definitely wish I could keep him out of MY pocketbook. And if I saw him coming, I would lock the door too. He would steal the silverware right off my table..

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What the President's code words added up to were:

... the Justice Department will continue to research a civil rights action against Zimmerman

... he will lead an all out war against Stand Your Ground laws.

... 'move on' means the Zimmerman case is moving into the barrel of a canon.

Fortunately in a Democracy, even the Far Right has the right to interpret what he said - their way.

did he take any questions?

lol. Obama, answer questions? The mother fuckker is the most transparent President in US history, why would he need to answer questions?

You racist bro?

I am sorry, :redface:you're right, it is obviously an attack on the black man for asking if he actually took questions from the WH press corp.....:doubt:

Kinda funny though.

"Obama surprises the media at the daily briefing." If Obama did not take questions it would beg to answer this question... "Was Obama not taking any questions at the Press corp really a surprise? And if not, then did anyone there really care that he (Obama) showed up?"

The surprise would be if Obama actually took questions on anything, showing up to make campaign speeches then bail has been what Obama is well known for.
I'm just following your logic old man. Could the only reason that charges were even brought be because Tracy Martin was a freemason? Give me definitive proof or your argument is meaningless.

The Blue Wall is widely accepted as fact while your freemason BS is conspiracy junk. Rightfully so, IMO George's father being a magistrate could have easily had many effects in what happened in Justice for Trayvon.

Give proof or your opinion is meaningless.

Give proof about what?
Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

Why do dumb people post on this message board?

damn, get out of my head!!!!!!

I always ask myself that when I see your posts....but I digress....:eusa_whistle:

And what did zimmerman consider himself , that is before the media re-christened him, white then white Hispanic? :eusa_eh: you do realize that Zimmerman is more of a "minority" than Obama is, right? :lol:

The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people

and you expose yourself here when you post.....we get it:eusa_hand:

If Zimmerman is a White Hispanic, Obama is a Whiter African American.

Obama has more white ancestry than does Zimmerman.

I've never seen a box on the census that ask are you a "white" Hispanic..the deceit never stops with these people...and like you said if he is one, then Obama is a white African Amercian
The Blue Wall would also include police secretaries, janitors, official donut-providers, etc.

To what extent is based solely on individual real-life examples which you have given none.

I in fact did give you real life examples, don't blame me if you do not understand em... so secretaries, janitors, official donut-providers are included in your list of influence peddlers? Is this something like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon or sunmpin?

Seeking to divert attention from the fact that you have absolutely no proof that Robert Zimmerman employed his status as a retired Virginia magistrate to influence Sanford or Florida officials, eh?

Good job! :clap2::clap2:
This somebody cares what he says. I care that a President chose to represent a single segment of American society instead of ALL Americans. I didn't hear him explain to blacks or other people of color the "white" perspective. Most divisive President ever.

Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.


As a white man who worked in a black neighborhood, I had been stopped for simply being white in a black neighborhood. Of course they thought I was there either dealing or buying drugs.

And I have been followed in a store by their loss prevention people. If you think you have never been followed in a store, you just didn't know what to look for. Or you are a oblivious as a box rocks.

No no man, white people never get in trouble, are you fucking stupid? White people never have the cops called on them, don't have to pay taxes because the IRS won't audit them. White people drive whatever speed they like, do any drugs they like, kill whoever happens to bug them that day/moment, steal all the time and never get in trouble.... I mean, white privilege is good. Have you ever even seen a cop talk to a white person? It's only blacks that have "the man" on their ass.
Zerobama won't do it, but I think someone has already started the ball rolling on that one.

It is horrifyingly scary to me to see how far down the toilet this country has gone in the last 5 years.

I am not done fighting as my letters, emails and phone calls get fired off to my reps and senators every week but there are not enough of us.

afraid so--its like the alamo

I have great sorrow about what this country has become; really I do.
Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

Why do dumb people post on this message board?

damn, get out of my head!!!!!!

I always ask myself that when I see your posts....but I digress....:eusa_whistle:

And what did zimmerman consider himself , that is before the media re-christened him, white then white Hispanic? :eusa_eh: you do realize that Zimmerman is more of a "minority" than Obama is, right? :lol:

The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people

and you expose yourself here when you post.....we get it:eusa_hand:

If Zimmerman is a White Hispanic, Obama is a Whiter African American.

Obama has more white ancestry than does Zimmerman.

How could he have more? Both are half. Dumb statement.
It is horrifyingly scary to me to see how far down the toilet this country has gone in the last 5 years.

I am not done fighting as my letters, emails and phone calls get fired off to my reps and senators every week but there are not enough of us.

afraid so--its like the alamo

I have great sorrow about what this country has become; really I do.

best I can do is think that maybe this is necessary part of evolving but that sounds too hopey changey
And? The guy punched him in the face. Did the guy who got punched have any way of knowing that the guy who did the punching wasn't going to beat him to a bloody pulp, or stab him, or shoot him? Nope. The guy did what anyone would do when attacked, he defended himself. If someone decides to attack another individual the individual being attacked has every right to defend himself ... be it with their fists, a pipe, a knife, a gun, etc. Don't want to get punched, or whacked with a pipe, or stabbed or shot? Don't attack other people with your body or anything else.

"The guy did what anyone would do when attacked..."

I don't believe so.

1. The station was closed....he could have ignored the customer

2. The opened the locked door, and engaged in in the verbal dispute

3. The punch had very limited effect

4. If the attack had continued, or a deadly weapon used, the use of the gun would have been appropriate. Not here.

5. "anyone" would not have behave so....and I can prove it.
Licensed gun owners try to avoid the use of the gun....

"In 91.7% of these incidents the defensive use of a gun did not wound or kill the criminal attacker."
Source: "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun," by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, in The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Northwestern University School of Law, Volume 86, Number 1, Fall, 1995


But violent crimes have been rare among carrying a concealed weapon license holders. Only 2% of license holders have been sanctioned for any kind of misbehavior, State Police records show.
Guns Don?t Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do ? The Detroit Edition | Stuff Black People Don't Like 2.0

So...if you and I were on a jury and the charges were based on the vid, our votes would, it seems, be very different.

If I were on the jury I'd be seeing a whole lot more evidence from both sides about the case. Where's the rest of the surveillance vid? How did you get all that info from just watching the vid?

You cut my sentence. "The guy did what anyone would do when attacked..." You stopped there. What he did was to defend himself.
"anyone" would not have behave so....and I can prove it.
Yes, someone who gets attacked will try to defend themselves. Many different ways to do that, not just with a gun.

The clerk had been held up and shot in the previous year. He got punched by an obviously angry guy so he defended himself and didn't take the chance on being shot again. Unfortunately for the attacker the guy's choice of self defense was a gun.

" How did you get all that info from just watching the vid?"

I read the story. James Calloway was shot in the stomach.

The name is mentioned in the I looked up the story
Surveillance video shows violent confrontation at gas station | Houston

But my view of 'guilty' is based entirely on the vid.

"The clerk had been held up and shot in the previous year."
Has nothing to do with this shooting.

"... he defended himself and didn't take the chance on being shot again."
Did you see a gun that the individual had? I didn't.

"Unfortunately for the attacker the guy's choice of self defense was a gun.
Unfortunate for both.
The shooter should go to jail.
The Blue Wall would also include police secretaries, janitors, official donut-providers, etc.

To what extent is based solely on individual real-life examples which you have given none.

I in fact did give you real life examples, don't blame me if you do not understand em... so secretaries, janitors, official donut-providers are included in your list of influence peddlers? Is this something like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon or sunmpin?

Seeking to divert attention from the fact that you have absolutely no proof that Robert Zimmerman employed his status as a retired Virginia magistrate to influence Sanford or Florida officials, eh?

Good job! :clap2::clap2:

You gave me definitions, not a single application. To understand the extent of a magistrate's influence as a judge would take many news reports to determine.
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