The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Every time Obama speaks, we understand a little more about his mindset and I get a little more scared.

Yes, certain things are left up to states and needs to stay that way. He should understand that, considering he studied the constitution. I have a feeling he does understand much of our founding document because he is quick to say what he doesn't like about it. Being a constitutional scholar and being a constitutionalist are two different things. I think he only studied it in hopes of finding loopholes that would enable the liberals to gain ground with their agenda. He and the left also need to understand that our constitution has set us apart from many others and is the reason why this is the greatest country. I really hate to see Obama and his radical lefties try to change that, but too many sheeple refuse to see the big picture and are only interested in what their fundamentally changed country can do for them. If that means putting their stamp of approval on anything and everything done by those that cater to them, they'll do it. While the left watches as the Obama administration treats different groups like they are enemies of the state, they feel good because they aren't targets. How foolish of them to trust a government that views it's citizens with such contempt.

They cheer when the government goes after groups they hate and they love it when one half of the country is angry at our rights being trampled. They think it's great that government has the power to do what it wants to the people. And they feel good about it because they are getting what they want right now and they are incapable of looking at the long term effects of an oppressive government. They love it when their guy is in power, though complained in the past for much less when the Repubs were in power.

And the blind trust is astounding. It's like those women who marry guys who cheated with them while married to another, yet they foolishly think they can trust the guy not to cheat on them.

So, even though Obama isn't targeting your group now, have no doubt that your turn will come.

Either we all have rights and a fair government or none of us have rights and a fair government. Some lefties believe that liberal politicians are faithful to their followers, but they are only tools that are used to shift power from the people to the government. Once they have all the power to do as they please, including shredding our constitution and usurping the sovereignty of the states, no one is safe.

His comment that he could have been Trayvon 35 years ago was interesting. I don't recall any chapters in his books recounting his attacks on possible gay rapists. Did Obama ever instigate fights as a teen? We know he did drugs.

Obama still pushes the notion that whites are racist, unless, of course, they are the self-hating liberals who will forever have guilt complexes for the crime of being born white. Of course, now that Matthews has made a formal apology on behalf of all whites, I'm sure the libs can sleep better, at least until one of them invents another big crisis.

If we leave race out of this and other discussions, which we should do since it did not play a part, then we have an aggressive teen who thought he was going to take on some creepy gay rapist and win. If both had been the same race, then perhaps the left could have been more objective and willing to look at hard facts, sans any of their bias views. Had this been just a couple of white guys, or Hispanic, or black, take your pick, no one would have cared. It was only the assumption of racism that bought this case to national attention. The fact that it could be used for their gun control agenda was icing on the cake.
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Here's part of the message that president told the nation. He, himself, was profiled as a youth.

Here's the reality of the present. President Obama is STILL being profiled by conservatives today. It started before he ever took office. You can hear it on talk radio. You can hear it when certain members of Congress talk about the president. You can even read it right here on this message board.
When someone is pounding your head into the ground. Do you have a right to defend yourself? YES OR NO?

Not when you arranged the whole thing and were always prepared with your gun to end anyone's life that got in the way of your mission.

Prove that he arranged the whole thing. Please give link, cite numerous news reports, and give personal examples or your argument is meaningless.
Prove it or your argument is meaningless.

No one in this thread has tried to "prove" anything. YOUR example is meaningless, because the "freemason-side" lost.

Give me a real life experience to back your story or your argument is meaningless.

You are an exalted leader of Pioneer's Peabrains for justice or for short, the peabrains.

The peabrains are highly concerned with killing innocent people out on a stroll.
No one in this thread has tried to "prove" anything. YOUR example is meaningless, because the "freemason-side" lost.

Give me a real life experience to back your story or your argument is meaningless.

You are an exalted member of Pioneer's Peabrains for justice or for short, the peabrains.

The peabrains are highly concerned with killing innocent people out on a stroll.

That is not a link, numerous news reports or your real life experience. Your argument is meaningless.
Here's part of the message that president told the nation. He, himself, was profiled as a youth.

Here's the reality of the present. President Obama is STILL being profiled by conservatives today. It started before he ever took office. You can hear it on talk radio. You can hear it when certain members of Congress talk about the president. You can even read it right here on this message board.

oh boy, that poor Obama he is just so special and gets treated just way worse than even BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH..

but this was their plan all along folks by running and getting him elected...calling anyone who criticizes him as racist and and now aren't you all who voted for him glad to know you are, profilers..

man the shit can't get much deeper with some of you..

we don't need his type of message thrown in our faces...we need him to resign and go back to Chicago if that is what he wants to do..
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The point is Justice for Trayvon failed. If the Blue Wall did have something to do it, they won.

You think they rigged the trial? Bribed the jurors maybe? Had the prosecutors blow the case?

And you downplay the well documented influence of the Freemasons?

Very hypocritical I think. See, the fact is, women are not allowed to be Freemasons, which could be why, Mark O'Mara pushed for an all women jury, thereby avoiding the devious plot the Freemason's to convict an innocent man.

Remember that "stealth juror" who contributed to the Justice for Trayvon Campaign and tried to get on the jury? Freemason. :eusa_whistle:

Makes as much sense... probably more sense... as your Blue Wall hypothesis which relies up a retired glorified clerk from a distant state as its source with not one iota of proof.
If the authorities even mentioned charging fat/ugly/stupid with perjury don't you know, there would be a high speed come apart!
You gave me definitions, not a single application. To understand the extent of a magistrate's influence as a judge would take many news reports to determine.

Nope I gave actual examples. Sorry if you are not smart enough to understand it.

Seeking to divert attention from the fact that you have absolutely no proof that Robert Zimmerman employed his status as a retired Virginia magistrate to influence Sanford or Florida officials, eh?

Good job! :clap2::clap2:
The point is Justice for Trayvon failed. If the Blue Wall did have something to do it, they won.

You think they rigged the trial? Bribed the jurors maybe? Had the prosecutors blow the case?

And you downplay the well documented influence of the Freemasons?

Very hypocritical I think. See, the fact is, women are not allowed to be Freemasons, which could be why, Mark O'Mara pushed for an all women jury, thereby avoiding the devious plot the Freemason's to convict an innocent man.

Remember that "stealth juror" who contributed to the Justice for Trayvon Campaign and tried to get on the jury? Freemason. :eusa_whistle:

Makes as much sense... probably more sense... as your Blue Wall hypothesis which relies up a retired glorified clerk from a distant state as its source with not one iota of proof.

I don't have to, if the freemasons had anything to do with it, that is irrelevant now since anything they did had no lasting impact.
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