The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So because Tracy Martin was only a low level freemason, he could not be sometimes included in the well-known illuminati? :clap2::clap2:

Not to mention the Knights Templar connection...

That is it!!! Trayvon Martin must be related to the Merovingian blodline!

You found the smoking gun!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn't O'Mara cover this in pre-trial hearings????? This totally supports the Justice for Trayvon movement.
Here's part of the message that president told the nation. He, himself, was profiled as a youth.

Here's the reality of the present. President Obama is STILL being profiled by conservatives today. It started before he ever took office. You can hear it on talk radio. You can hear it when certain members of Congress talk about the president. You can even read it right here on this message board.

If obama was profiled as a youth, in Hawaii, it was because he was so doped up he could barely stand. He just wants people to think Hawaii is spelled Mississippi.

He had a chance to be president and chose to be black.
So because Tracy Martin was only a low level freemason, he could not be sometimes included in the well-known illuminati? :clap2::clap2:

Your example would only mean something if your example of the freemasons had won, but like I said, they lost. Did that pea soup in your brain harden or something.

Maybe they wanted to lose so the freemasons could exact revenge on a federal level. Just as likely as what you purpose.

That's premature, but most people believe that criminal charges can't be brought now due to double jeopardy, which argues for the Blue Wall theory.
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ole Wry is good little Obama cult member who suffers from white cute

white quilt? why is it a down quilt?

LOL. Stephanie was in ESL classes thought she neither speaks, reads nor understands any language but her native one, English (not very well, however).

lol, I just noticed it's quilt...

if it gives you snobs something to howl about have at it..that's about all you people have in your pathetic lives
Your example would only mean something if your example of the freemasons had won, but like I said, they lost. Did that pea soup in your brain harden or something.

Maybe they wanted to lose so the freemasons could exact revenge on a federal level. Just as likely as what you purpose.

That's premature, but most people believe that criminal charges can't be brought now due to double jeopardy.

You are overlooking the freemason angle! :eusa_angel:
When someone is pounding your head into the ground. Do you have a right to defend yourself? YES OR NO?

Not when you arranged the whole thing and were always prepared with your gun to end anyone's life that got in the way of your mission.

The pubs should use this as a wedge issue to get more of the Hispanic vote. The dems already have the black vote wrapped up.

DH just told me the latest "speech" from the chosen one contained a collection of discrimination stories such as the times when HE would get into an elevator with white women and he would see them grab their pocketbooks closer to their bodies.

And when HE walked down the street he could hear doors locking. So HE has personally been a victim of hateful white discrimation HIMSELF, just like Trayvon! (I added the last part but that was the essence of the speech.)

Let me look for a link...this was today...someone post if found before me...

I don't need a link--those 17 minutes have been replayed on each and every channel for close to 3hrs now.

I expected this type of response. What I think of a 'tipline for the DOJ'--there are no words. I suppose I 'understand' that we must be absolutely certain--basically a witch hunt and if it can happen to one person then no one should be surprised if it happens to him/her. Those are valid fears--I need reassurance. A touch bitter at times but that is a personal issue.
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