The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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This is why owning more than one handgun is vital, your ‘carry piece’ should be something you don’t particularly like, reliable, but inexpensive – a gun you won’t miss if retained during the investigation, or lost, or damaged. Likewise your ‘backup piece’ should be just as ugly, reliable but inexpensive.

and you have no problem with the police or military owning countless guns

get over yourself
Here's part of the message that president told the nation. He, himself, was profiled as a youth.

Here's the reality of the present. President Obama is STILL being profiled by conservatives today. It started before he ever took office. You can hear it on talk radio. You can hear it when certain members of Congress talk about the president. You can even read it right here on this message board.

oh boy, that poor Obama he is just so special and gets treated just way worse than even BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH..

but this was their plan all along folks by running and getting him elected...calling anyone who criticizes him as racist and and now aren't you all who voted for him glad to know you are, profilers..

man the shit can't get much deeper with some of you..

we don't need his type of message thrown in our faces...we need him to resign and go back to Chicago if that is what he wants to do..

"Boy, you ain't wanted 'round hea. Now why doan you jest git on home, now."

Don't tell me you just tried to sound like a stereotype based on race and sex... Cuz that would be ironically racist of you to do given your bullshit position in this thread.
That's premature, but most people believe that criminal charges can't be brought now due to double jeopardy.

I will take legal ignoramuses posting on internet message boards for $1,000, Alex.

[ame=]Jeopardy Theme Song - YouTube[/ame]

WTF are you even referring to? I think you have been infected by our resident overly-persistent Pete.
That's premature, but most people believe that criminal charges can't be brought now due to double jeopardy.

I will take legal ignoramuses posting on internet message boards for $1,000, Alex.

[ame=]Jeopardy Theme Song - YouTube[/ame]

WTF are you even referring to? I think you have been infected by our resident overly persistent Pete.

He was nicely calling you a fucking moron!
Since your a nobody, I suppose you know. Most of us are somebody's and do care what the elected POTUS says and does.

This somebody cares what he says. I care that a President chose to represent a single segment of American society instead of ALL Americans. I didn't hear him explain to blacks or other people of color the "white" perspective. Most divisive President ever.

Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.

stick the race shit up your ass Wry.....he is divisive because of what he says....Bush left this Country more divided than anyone before him.....this guy hasnt done a dam thing to correct has gotten worse under i have said before and i will say it again....Obama and Bush are two of the worst LEADERS this Country has ever had.....they both have the same problem.....dealing with people that may not agree with them....he could have stepped up to the plate when he talked about the aftermath of this trial and be a fucking LEADER and say something about these more violent protests....instead he says something which may make it worse....i would have thought he would have gotten better for his 2nd term....i guess not.....
WTF are you even referring to? I think you have been infected by our resident overly-persistent Pete.

Wow... you are really slow. I am of course referring to you idiotic reference to double jeopardy. Sheesh do I have to play the tune again?

Anyone with just a modicum of legal training would know about the dual soveriegn exception to the double jeopardy rule and they would also know that a Virginia Magisterate is nothing more than a glorified clerk and they would also know that your totally unsupported "Blue Wall" conspiracy is just as plauable as the Freemason plot.

Anything else?
Why do dumb people post on this message board?

damn, get out of my head!!!!!!

I always ask myself that when I see your posts....but I digress....:eusa_whistle:

And what did zimmerman consider himself , that is before the media re-christened him, white then white Hispanic? :eusa_eh: you do realize that Zimmerman is more of a "minority" than Obama is, right? :lol:

and you expose yourself here when you post.....we get it:eusa_hand:

If Zimmerman is a White Hispanic, Obama is a Whiter African American.

Obama has more white ancestry than does Zimmerman.

How could he have more? Both are half. Dumb statement.

I am not sure, but I think the maternal side may have an edge...
Since your a nobody, I suppose you know. Most of us are somebody's and do care what the elected POTUS says and does.

This somebody cares what he says. I care that a President chose to represent a single segment of American society instead of ALL Americans. I didn't hear him explain to blacks or other people of color the "white" perspective. Most divisive President ever.

Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.

no, that just what idiots like you who cannot think for themselves parrot, its easier than thinking........

Clinton wasn't black and the gop tried to take him down at every opportunity, and created some if they didn't have much......true go play with your yo-yo.
WTF are you even referring to? I think you have been infected by our resident overly persistent Pete.

He was nicely calling you a fucking moron!

I have to cut myself free from those conspiracies, dude.

By implying that you are cutting yourself free, doesn't that mean you are the one in the picture? Smooth!!

Go talk to these guys about your conspiracy.

The Biggest Criminal Conspiracy in USA History: "The Blue Wall Of Silence"
There is no one in the world who sees things the same as another. Look no further than your spouse. A white man will never se the world the same way a black man does...and vice versa. I would say that day is 100/1000 generations down the pike.
He was nicely calling you a fucking moron!

I have to cut myself free from those conspiracies, dude.

By implying that you are cutting yourself free, doesn't that mean you are the one in the picture? Smooth!!

Go talk to these guys about your conspiracy.

The Biggest Criminal Conspiracy in USA History: "The Blue Wall Of Silence"

Intelligent people fully acknowledge the Blue Wall, while I'm very sympathetic to your cause, the freemason angle is considered a conspiracy theory. No one with any common sense would call the Blue Wall a conspiracy. Try to get an ounce of sophistication won't you.


I got to get to my luncheon with the freemasons. brb
you dont need him too because you wont understand it. Now go serve some sloppy joe.

The fact remains his speech was very even handed and tempered. The on;y people who would be getting pissed off by this speech are worthless bottom feeders of politics.

facts are he needs a muzzle. he blew the dog whistle again and gave a green light for continued rioting.

Doing a fantastic job trying to get the whites to riot as well. Get a little jungle blood boiling in them


americans have the right to protest, and he said that there was no need to get violent. You didnt even listen to the speech did? It shows because you are lying.
yea he said that like real leader.....i am sure a few people heard him....

I have to cut myself free from those conspiracies, dude.

By implying that you are cutting yourself free, doesn't that mean you are the one in the picture? Smooth!!

Go talk to these guys about your conspiracy.

The Biggest Criminal Conspiracy in USA History: "The Blue Wall Of Silence"

Intelligent people fully acknowledge the Blue Wall, while I'm very sympathetic to your cause, the freemason angle is considered a conspiracy theory. No one with any common sense would call the Blue Wall a conspiracy. Try to get an ounce of sophistication won't you.


I got to get to my luncheon with the freemasons. brb

Sorry, you are going to have to produce numerous news articles that cite the existence of you theories presence in this case. Until then, both of our theories are on equal ground. We each have the same level of evidence.
WTF are you even referring to? I think you have been infected by our resident overly-persistent Pete.

Wow... you are really slow. I am of course referring to you idiotic reference to double jeopardy. Sheesh do I have to play the tune again?

Anyone with just a modicum of legal training would know about the dual soveriegn exception to the double jeopardy rule and they would also know that a Virginia Magisterate is nothing more than a glorified clerk and they would also know that your totally unsupported "Blue Wall" conspiracy is just as plauable as the Freemason plot.

Anything else?

I hope you are right about the double jeopardy thing.
By implying that you are cutting yourself free, doesn't that mean you are the one in the picture? Smooth!!

Go talk to these guys about your conspiracy.

The Biggest Criminal Conspiracy in USA History: "The Blue Wall Of Silence"

Intelligent people fully acknowledge the Blue Wall, while I'm very sympathetic to your cause, the freemason angle is considered a conspiracy theory. No one with any common sense would call the Blue Wall a conspiracy. Try to get an ounce of sophistication won't you.


I got to get to my luncheon with the freemasons. brb

Sorry, you are going to have to produce numerous news articles that cite the existence of you theories presence in this case. Until then, both of our theories are on equal ground. We each have the same level of evidence.

There goes premature Pete again, squirting his load all over the living room floor.
He made this speech because he was pissed off. He had just been interviewed by Univision. He expected to be asked about the black kid and it never came up. How dare they only want to know about hispanic issues.
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