The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I doubt it. Their goals are much higher than this.

Flip-flop. You changed your stance.

No, I already said I was sympathetic to your cause and already explained this ground. Are you going to start stuttering again? :eek:

You never explained. You may have given definitions, but you didn't get any real life examples. That would require numerous newspaper articles. Until then your arguments are meaningless.
Flip-flop. You changed your stance.

No, I already said I was sympathetic to your cause and already explained this ground. Are you going to start stuttering again? :eek:

You never explained. You may have given definitions, but you didn't get any real life examples. That would require numerous newspaper articles. Until then your arguments are meaningless.

You are just being a pain in the ass like Zimzim on his best day.
No, I already said I was sympathetic to your cause and already explained this ground. Are you going to start stuttering again? :eek:

You never explained. You may have given definitions, but you didn't get any real life examples. That would require numerous newspaper articles. Until then your arguments are meaningless.

You are just being a pain in the ass like Zimzim on his best day.

Don't like the treatment that you give everyone else in this thread? You poor old man. Dish it out but can't take it. Must suck to be you!
When will President Obama - since he insists on injecting himself into this issue - make a speech containing the remark: "If only Trayvon hadn't attacked Mr. Zimmerman, knocked him down, and beaten him, he would be alive and well today." ?

When will he point out that most relevant truth?
If I see someone breaking the law I am going to call the police. Why not? Zimmerman took a big chance walking around as street thugs like Trayvon like to beat them up.

but there's no law against following and reporting location.

He took a big chance with a gun strapped to his side?

You never explained. You may have given definitions, but you didn't get any real life examples. That would require numerous newspaper articles. Until then your arguments are meaningless.

You are just being a pain in the ass like Zimzim on his best day.

Don't like the treatment that you give everyone else in this thread? You poor old man. Dish it out but can't take it. Must suck to be you!

That must mean that we're right, and they should have convicted GZ. :)
Obama asked the most stupid question ever asked by a "Constitutional Professor".

"If Trayvon Martin was of age and he was armed, could he have 'stood his ground' on that sidewalk?"

Read more: Obama On Trayvon Martin-Zimmerman Verdict - Business Insider
The simple answer is "NO".

He wasn't attacked on that sidewalk.

He was the attacker, not the victim. The Stand Your Ground laws are to protect the victims of people like Trayvon. Those who are physically attacked. They are not there to defend the attacker.

There's a fundamental problem with what we know about how the altercation started and unfolded. It's that the only eye witness is GZ, and he has every motivation in the world to project himself in the most favorable light possible. He also took a class where Stand Your Ground was covered in some detail. So, he knew exactly what to say in order to qualify for a self-defense argument that he was justified in shooting Martin. Under different circumstances, conservatives never would have bought into testimony from the lone eye witness who was also the defendant in the case.

The only problem is your idiotic assumption that there is only one witness.
All I can think is Holder and Obama want to stir up a civil war, they want to use this to take a couple of our freedoms.

There is no other motivation explanation for this.

There's that, it also sounded like he wants us to know he really really is black
Someone will make money writing a book with the complete factual truth about the good, the bad and the ugly of TM and GZ ...we have not seen the details yet.
If I see someone breaking the law I am going to call the police. Why not? Zimmerman took a big chance walking around as street thugs like Trayvon like to beat them up.

but there's no law against following and reporting location.

He took a big chance with a gun strapped to his side?


Nice to see that Quick demeans law enforcement and military.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

How does a comment about Zimmerman apply to the military and police?
This somebody cares what he says. I care that a President chose to represent a single segment of American society instead of ALL Americans. I didn't hear him explain to blacks or other people of color the "white" perspective. Most divisive President ever.

Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.


As a white man who worked in a black neighborhood, I had been stopped for simply being white in a black neighborhood. Of course they thought I was there either dealing or buying drugs.

And I have been followed in a store by their loss prevention people. If you think you have never been followed in a store, you just didn't know what to look for. Or you are a oblivious as a box rocks.

I usually have a backpack or messenger bag with me, and i never check it when I enter a store, even if they ask me too. I expect to get followed around.
Oh ,the poor black man Obama being cased as a shoplifter, wonder were that shit came from. Obama makes more than 98% of whites ,is President of United States and still Bitches and moans ..............

[ame=]Fat Women Busted Shoplifting - YouTube[/ame]
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