The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Follow up: What do you think of Stephanie and CrusaderFrank?

Two morons desperate for attention, IMO.

As for B-37 I agree with Lakhota, she had an agenda going in, and that agenda had nothing to do with trying to determine the truth.

Calls for speculation not based on facts of the case

You mouth-breathers can't imagine the possibility of an Individual having their own point of view.
The mere thought of not walking lockstep with your fellow lemmings terrifies you

Nah...not terrified, shocked if your kind every posted anything beyond the basic ad hominem (as you have done here).

Not in the least.
You are genuinely shocked that this juror has had their own original thought process, and didn't follow lockstep with what you think.

Same with the verdict.

You armchair quarterbacks can't fathom the thought of anything turning out differently than your own preconceived notions.

Same with this message board.
If/When anyone's opinion contradicts your own your heads spin on its axis and total unbelief sets in.
As a White Hispanic, the one thing Obama can do to raise awareness of the whole Travyon thing and to keep it in the news is to resign the Presidency.

At best he's headed for impeachment and at worst we're headed the way of Egypt which just ousted its scumbag Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Obama, for Travyon, Resign

Who's with me?

Who is Travyon?

He's a cartoon character on SpongeBob Squarepants.
americans have the right to protest, and he said that there was no need to get violent. You didnt even listen to the speech did? It shows because you are lying.

Protest? Is that what you call going on in LA and other areas? Property crime, assault, et al?


and he doesnt think thats cool. He is telling people not to do that, but they have the right to be out there.

Again you are lying and got caught.

No, I did say he needs to put a muzzle on and quit inciting riots. Trying to get the Whites to join the conga line as well.

And like GZ, I have the right to out there as well and put one in them if they assault me.

Real smart

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Obama unexpectedly took the stage to offer his views on the Martin/Zimmerman case. What was apparent to me is that he wants the federal government more involved in determining what states do regarding law enforcement. Who would have guessed?

In my words, here is basically what he addressed in separate points.

Obama says:
Because Law Enforcement is at the state and local levels, the Feds will help with training

It would be useful for the Feds to examine some state and local laws

Speculates about what happened at the scene. He asked what would have happened if Trayvon Martin had had a gun and stood his ground?

How do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys?

We should do some soul searching; Should we convene a conversation on race?

Things are actually getting better.

You can look for Obama and Company to encroach upon STATES RIGHTS in the very near future.

did he take any questions?

lol. Obama, answer questions? The mother fuckker is the most transparent President in US history, why would he need to answer questions?

You racist bro?
Obama asked the most stupid question ever asked by a "Constitutional Professor".

"If Trayvon Martin was of age and he was armed, could he have 'stood his ground' on that sidewalk?"

Read more: Obama On Trayvon Martin-Zimmerman Verdict - Business Insider
The simple answer is "NO".

He wasn't attacked on that sidewalk.

He was the attacker, not the victim. The Stand Your Ground laws are to protect the victims of people like Trayvon. Those who are physically attacked. They are not there to defend the attacker.

There's a fundamental problem with what we know about how the altercation started and unfolded. It's that the only eye witness is GZ, and he has every motivation in the world to project himself in the most favorable light possible. He also took a class where Stand Your Ground was covered in some detail. So, he knew exactly what to say in order to qualify for a self-defense argument that he was justified in shooting Martin. Under different circumstances, conservatives never would have bought into testimony from the lone eye witness who was also the defendant in the case.
the fact is that obama has NEVER been able to resist jumpoing in on the side of minoroites whenever race is at issue even when like here it really is beneath a president to do so such as in law enforcement matters. He jumped right in in this case early on when he knew nothing about it and likewise when his old Harvard law professor was making trouble for the police.

He is a racist plain and simple. Maybe everyone is, but he certainly is. I dont see how anyone can deny that. That is evidenced here by the fact that he is talking about stand your ground when it wasnt even relevant in the case as it was tried because it serves his racial narrative. He well knows that. And then he wonders why the country is so divided -- its because he promotes divisiveness (which i do not criticze - its a good strategy for him but it does have its consequences).

Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

Why do dumb people post on this message board?

damn, get out of my head!!!!!!

I always ask myself that when I see your posts....but I digress....:eusa_whistle:

The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man"

And what did zimmerman consider himself , that is before the media re-christened him, white then white Hispanic? :eusa_eh: you do realize that Zimmerman is more of a "minority" than Obama is, right? :lol:

The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people

and you expose yourself here when you post.....we get it:eusa_hand:
Obama unexpectedly took the stage to offer his views on the Martin/Zimmerman case. What was apparent to me is that he wants the federal government more involved in determining what states do regarding law enforcement. Who would have guessed?

In my words, here is basically what he addressed in separate points.

Obama says:
Because Law Enforcement is at the state and local levels, the Feds will help with training

It would be useful for the Feds to examine some state and local laws

Speculates about what happened at the scene. He asked what would have happened if Trayvon Martin had had a gun and stood his ground?

How do we bolster and reinforce our African-American boys?

We should do some soul searching; Should we convene a conversation on race?

Things are actually getting better.

You can look for Obama and Company to encroach upon STATES RIGHTS in the very near future.

did he take any questions?

lol. Obama, answer questions? The mother fuckker is the most transparent President in US history, why would he need to answer questions?

You racist bro?

I am sorry, :redface:you're right, it is obviously an attack on the black man for asking if he actually took questions from the WH press corp.....:doubt:
Notice, in the vid, the victim's shoulders didn't even move.

And? The guy punched him in the face. Did the guy who got punched have any way of knowing that the guy who did the punching wasn't going to beat him to a bloody pulp, or stab him, or shoot him? Nope. The guy did what anyone would do when attacked, he defended himself. If someone decides to attack another individual the individual being attacked has every right to defend himself ... be it with their fists, a pipe, a knife, a gun, etc. Don't want to get punched, or whacked with a pipe, or stabbed or shot? Don't attack other people with your body or anything else.

"The guy did what anyone would do when attacked..."

I don't believe so.

1. The station was closed....he could have ignored the customer

2. The opened the locked door, and engaged in in the verbal dispute

3. The punch had very limited effect

4. If the attack had continued, or a deadly weapon used, the use of the gun would have been appropriate. Not here.

5. "anyone" would not have behave so....and I can prove it.
Licensed gun owners try to avoid the use of the gun....

"In 91.7% of these incidents the defensive use of a gun did not wound or kill the criminal attacker."
Source: "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun," by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, in The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Northwestern University School of Law, Volume 86, Number 1, Fall, 1995


But violent crimes have been rare among carrying a concealed weapon license holders. Only 2% of license holders have been sanctioned for any kind of misbehavior, State Police records show.
Guns Don?t Kill People; Dangerous Minorities Do ? The Detroit Edition | Stuff Black People Don't Like 2.0

So...if you and I were on a jury and the charges were based on the vid, our votes would, it seems, be very different.

If I were on the jury I'd be seeing a whole lot more evidence from both sides about the case. Where's the rest of the surveillance vid? How did you get all that info from just watching the vid?

You cut my sentence. "The guy did what anyone would do when attacked..." You stopped there. What he did was to defend himself.
"anyone" would not have behave so....and I can prove it.
Yes, someone who gets attacked will try to defend themselves. Many different ways to do that, not just with a gun.

The clerk had been held up and shot in the previous year. He got punched by an obviously angry guy so he defended himself and didn't take the chance on being shot again. Unfortunately for the attacker the guy's choice of self defense was a gun.
All I see is Obama trying to pander to blacks, but it's a tough line to walk and not cross over by pissing off white and Hispanics... But then again, maybe Obama's racism got the best of him before someone could stop his goofy ass from walking out and making a fool of himself on stage. God, in 50-100 years Obama will have one weird fucked up legacy. Imagine what teachers will be asking students to write papers on during the Obama years. Teachers asking students to do assignments pointing out reverse racism and faith based economics during the 2008-2016 period of US history.
Since your a nobody, I suppose you know. Most of us are somebody's and do care what the elected POTUS says and does.

This somebody cares what he says. I care that a President chose to represent a single segment of American society instead of ALL Americans. I didn't hear him explain to blacks or other people of color the "white" perspective. Most divisive President ever.

Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.


As a white man who worked in a black neighborhood, I had been stopped for simply being white in a black neighborhood. Of course they thought I was there either dealing or buying drugs.

And I have been followed in a store by their loss prevention people. If you think you have never been followed in a store, you just didn't know what to look for. Or you are a oblivious as a box rocks.
the fact is that obama has NEVER been able to resist jumpoing in on the side of minoroites whenever race is at issue even when like here it really is beneath a president to do so such as in law enforcement matters. He jumped right in in this case early on when he knew nothing about it and likewise when his old Harvard law professor was making trouble for the police.

He is a racist plain and simple. Maybe everyone is, but he certainly is. I dont see how anyone can deny that. That is evidenced here by the fact that he is talking about stand your ground when it wasnt even relevant in the case as it was tried because it serves his racial narrative. He well knows that. And then he wonders why the country is so divided -- its because he promotes divisiveness (which i do not criticze - its a good strategy for him but it does have its consequences).

Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

Why do dumb people post on this message board?

damn, get out of my head!!!!!!

I always ask myself that when I see your posts....but I digress....:eusa_whistle:

The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man"

And what did zimmerman consider himself , that is before the media re-christened him, white then white Hispanic? :eusa_eh: you do realize that Zimmerman is more of a "minority" than Obama is, right? :lol:

The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people

and you expose yourself here when you post.....we get it:eusa_hand:

If Zimmerman is a White Hispanic, Obama is a Whiter African American.

Obama has more white ancestry than does Zimmerman.
the fact is that obama has NEVER been able to resist jumpoing in on the side of minoroites whenever race is at issue even when like here it really is beneath a president to do so such as in law enforcement matters. He jumped right in in this case early on when he knew nothing about it and likewise when his old Harvard law professor was making trouble for the police.

He is a racist plain and simple. Maybe everyone is, but he certainly is. I dont see how anyone can deny that. That is evidenced here by the fact that he is talking about stand your ground when it wasnt even relevant in the case as it was tried because it serves his racial narrative. He well knows that. And then he wonders why the country is so divided -- its because he promotes divisiveness (which i do not criticze - its a good strategy for him but it does have its consequences).

Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

Why do dumb people post on this message board?

damn, get out of my head!!!!!!

I always ask myself that when I see your posts....but I digress....:eusa_whistle:

The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man"

And what did zimmerman consider himself , that is before the media re-christened him, white then white Hispanic? :eusa_eh: you do realize that Zimmerman is more of a "minority" than Obama is, right? :lol:

The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people

and you expose yourself here when you post.....we get it:eusa_hand:

I blame admins for the dumb posters. ;)
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