The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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ole Wry is good little Obama cult member who suffers from white cute

"White quilt". What kind of Freudian slip is that? The "Q" is located at the far right corner of the keyboard and the "G" in the middle, so don't claim a typo.

I'm white and I don't feel guilt. But you should try empathy sometime.

I suspect you are a white woman, (because I seriously doubt there are any black people on this board at all). Can you truthfully say you don't flinch when a black man comes into your space, your parking lot, your aisle in the grocery store?
yeah, ask Chicago how much Obama knows and cares about the black mans experience...He's never lived as a "poor black man" so how can he know..He's lived a life of luxury his whole life thanks to having wealthy white grandparents first and then while he was being "groomed" for his godship of the country he was taken care of by his handlers..

that you people still fall for his made up I was a poor black man gig is funny

Really? Want to verify that are just blow gas on this board?

Considering that the far right insists that there is no record of Obama's early life in America nor records of his attending Harvard and Columbia, please show us proof of your stupid statements.

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You are right Quick. GZ's dad got the police to let him go that night. Then TM's dad got the Freemason's together to get that shit changed. The tapes have all been doctored. GZ admitted it wasn't his voice and retired magistrate from another state beat out the freemason for supremacy and got the prosecutors and jury to just ignore it. What's even more crazy is that this whole event was staged in an air force hanger in New Mexico.

Think horses not zebras dipshit, or maybe unicorns in your case.

Try not making these incoherent statements once in awhile, peabrain.

DH just told me the latest "speech" from the chosen one contained a collection of discrimination stories such as the times when HE would get into an elevator with white women and he would see them grab their pocketbooks closer to their bodies.

And when HE walked down the street he could hear doors locking. So HE has personally been a victim of hateful white discrimation HIMSELF, just like Trayvon! (I added the last part but that was the essence of the speech.)

Let me look for a link...this was today...someone post if found before me...
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

WASHINGTON — George Zimmerman is unlikely to face federal charges for killing black teenager Trayvon Martin because it would be difficult to prove he acted out of racial bias, Justice Department officials said Tuesday.

federal prosecution of Zimmerman would require clear evidence that he set out to attack the unarmed Martin because he was black.

So far, prosecutors have not shown evidence that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

No evidence? He must be prosecuted because it's the will of the people and this is a Democracy. That's all the evidence you need.
Since your a nobody, I suppose you know. Most of us are somebody's and do care what the elected POTUS says and does.

This somebody cares what he says. I care that a President chose to represent a single segment of American society instead of ALL Americans. I didn't hear him explain to blacks or other people of color the "white" perspective. Most divisive President ever.

Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.

we don't need him explaining anything to us about any race..THAT ISN'T HIS JOB as President..He want's to be a preacher he should step down and open a church

now he's not just a community Agitator he's a COUNTRY AGITATOR as do you folks like that one?
Last edited: find fault with Zimmerman for following at a distance...yet you excuse Martin's decision to circle back and walk around Zimmerman's vehicle? It shows me that Martin ISN'T scared of Zimmerman and is more than willing to have a confrontation. Someone who IS scared would move away from the threat...not go back to check it out closer.

I didn't defend Trayvon circling back to go to GZ's truck, nor did I say he came back in any way except later on when GZ confronted him. There is no evidence Trayvon circled the vehicle, except by falsely stating he did something like that.

By GZ's own admission, "He's running," and Trayvon did move away from the threat.

Zimmerman makes that statement AFTER Martin comes back and circles the SUV. It's at that point that the dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see which direction the man went and Zimmerman gets out of his truck and attempts to follow.

Where do you get this Martin-circling-the-SUV BS?
Trayvon could have been Obama? Obama: Trayvon 'could have been me'

Newsflash, ZIMMERMAN could have been you.

His great grandfather was black. YOUR mom was white.

And Trayvon wasn't under suspicion on account of RACE, you pontificating pant load.

Trayvon was under suspicion because of where he was, after what that gated community had recently been through, and because of what he was DOING at the time he was observed. Get a clue, Barack. Hanging out under the eaves of residential buildings in a gated community after dark after a period in which there have been burglaries constitutes a pretty fair basis for suspicion or concern.

Being FOLLOWED is not a justification for pummeling the person doing the following.

How about this, Mr. President? How about you chug down a nice warm steaming mug full of STFU?

Mmm mmm mmm.
Yea, they pass along many things from the magistrates and judges. Magistrate judges issue them like judges do. Clerks do not create them.

Incorrect. Clerks can and do issue summons and subpoenas without having to get it passed on from a judge whatsoever.

Unless you can give examples of exactly what summons we're talking about, what value is there in comparing clerks and magistrates? To know the difference between a clerk and a magistrate in Virginia, you would have to study them or have lived there for years to have heard many examples of what the differences are.

A summons requiring a person to appear in court. Empowered to administer oaths to the same extent and same effect as real judge. Wields more power than a judge in specialized departments, such as Probate, where a clerk will actually tell a judge what to do.

Seeking to divert attention from the fact that you have absolutely no proof that Robert Zimmerman employed his status as a retired Virginia magistrate to influence Sanford or Florida officials, eh?

Good job! :clap2::clap2:
Obama is a lame ass duck..he CAN stop quacking out his ass anytime..nobody cares what he and his administration has to say anymore..

just let him TRY to interfere with the State laws, then hopefully people will WAKE UP

I told you all the man is NEVER sincear and that he ALWAYS has an AGENDA with everything and now you see what it was when he spoke on how if he had a son bs

if you didnt care why the thread and why you commenting it?
you really are that stupid.
Incorrect. Clerks can and do issue summons and subpoenas without having to get it passed on from a judge whatsoever.

Unless you can give examples of exactly what summons we're talking about, what value is there in comparing clerks and magistrates? To know the difference between a clerk and a magistrate in Virginia, you would have to study them or have lived there for years to have heard many examples of what the differences are.

A summons requiring a person to appear in court. Empowered to administer oaths to the same extent and same effect as real judge. Wields more power than a judge in specialized departments, such as Probate, where a clerk will actually tell a judge what to do.

Seeking to divert attention from the fact that you have absolutely no proof that Robert Zimmerman employed his status as a retired Virginia magistrate to influence Sanford or Florida officials, eh?

Good job! :clap2::clap2:

The Blue Wall would also include police secretaries, janitors, official donut-providers, etc.

To what extent is based solely on individual real-life examples which you have given none.
You can wail the heck out of him....

...or sue him....

But not shoot him.

Unless he is using a deadly weapon.

That doesn't seem to be the case in the vid.

If one were not stronger than their attacker then they couldn't wail the heck out of him.
If one were beaten to death then they couldn't sue their attacker.
Fist most certainly can be a deadly weapon.

Notice, in the vid, the victim's shoulders didn't even move.

And? The guy punched him in the face. Did the guy who got punched have any way of knowing that the guy who did the punching wasn't going to beat him to a bloody pulp, or stab him, or shoot him? Nope. The guy did what anyone would do when attacked, he defended himself. If someone decides to attack another individual the individual being attacked has every right to defend himself ... be it with their fists, a pipe, a knife, a gun, etc. Don't want to get punched, or whacked with a pipe, or stabbed or shot? Don't attack other people with your body or anything else.
the fact is that obama has NEVER been able to resist jumpoing in on the side of minoroites whenever race is at issue even when like here it really is beneath a president to do so such as in law enforcement matters. He jumped right in in this case early on when he knew nothing about it and likewise when his old Harvard law professor was making trouble for the police.

He is a racist plain and simple. Maybe everyone is, but he certainly is. I dont see how anyone can deny that. That is evidenced here by the fact that he is talking about stand your ground when it wasnt even relevant in the case as it was tried because it serves his racial narrative. He well knows that. And then he wonders why the country is so divided -- its because he promotes divisiveness (which i do not criticze - its a good strategy for him but it does have its consequences).

Why do dumb people post on this message board? But I digress. The fact is the POTUS is considered a "black man" and has had experiences which most whites never have. The issue of race in America needs to be discussed & racism exposed - both institutional and the product of ignorant and dumb people.

Obama never grew up with an African-American experience in the US. Other than short visits, he never lived in the continental US until he went to college. He can't relate, but he can pretend and today.

And you know this because you've followed him from birth, verified that he has never suffered the indignities hurled at other black men or boys by ignorant white trash?
This somebody cares what he says. I care that a President chose to represent a single segment of American society instead of ALL Americans. I didn't hear him explain to blacks or other people of color the "white" perspective. Most divisive President ever.

Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.

we don't need him explaining anything to us about any race..THAT ISN'T HIS JOB as President..He want's to be a preacher he should step down and open a church

now he's not just a community Agitator he's a COUNTRY AGITATOR as do you folks like that one?

you dont need him too because you wont understand it. Now go serve some sloppy joe.

The fact remains his speech was very even handed and tempered. The on;y people who would be getting pissed off by this speech are worthless bottom feeders of politics.
Well, since the POTUS is a black man, wouldn't it be pretentious of him to explain the perspective of the white race?

As a white man I've never been stopped by the police while driving unless I did something wrong and I've never been followed in a store.

The reason you see him as the most "divisive President ever" is because he is black and for that reason alone is resented by people like you.

we don't need him explaining anything to us about any race..THAT ISN'T HIS JOB as President..He want's to be a preacher he should step down and open a church

now he's not just a community Agitator he's a COUNTRY AGITATOR as do you folks like that one?

you dont need him too because you wont understand it. Now go serve some sloppy joe.

The fact remains his speech was very even handed and tempered. The on;y people who would be getting pissed off by this speech are worthless bottom feeders of politics.

facts are he needs a muzzle. he blew the dog whistle again and gave a green light for continued rioting.

Doing a fantastic job trying to get the whites to riot as well. Get a little jungle blood boiling in them

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While they are at it the state needs to examine the conduct of the prosecution. If the allegations are true that they deliberately withheld information from the defense it is a serious charge.

Zerobama won't do it, but I think someone has already started the ball rolling on that one.

It is horrifyingly scary to me to see how far down the toilet this country has gone in the last 5 years.

I am not done fighting as my letters, emails and phone calls get fired off to my reps and senators every week but there are not enough of us.
we don't need him explaining anything to us about any race..THAT ISN'T HIS JOB as President..He want's to be a preacher he should step down and open a church

now he's not just a community Agitator he's a COUNTRY AGITATOR as do you folks like that one?

you dont need him too because you wont understand it. Now go serve some sloppy joe.

The fact remains his speech was very even handed and tempered. The on;y people who would be getting pissed off by this speech are worthless bottom feeders of politics.

facts are he needs a muzzle. he blew the dog whistle again and gave a green light for continued rioting.

Doing a fantastic job trying to get the whites to riot as well. Get a little jungle blood boiling in them


americans have the right to protest, and he said that there was no need to get violent. You didnt even listen to the speech did? It shows because you are lying.
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